Hodder & Stoughton ephemera: Christmas List [1910] with Dulac’s ‘Sleeping Beauty on cover; prospectus for Rackham’s ‘6/- net edition’ of 'Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens'; Christmas List [1911] with F. D. Bedford’s ‘Peter and Wendy’ on cover..

Edmund Dulac; Arthur Rackham; F. D. Bedford; Peter Pan; Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers; J. M. Barrie; Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
Edmund Dulac
Publication details: 
All three items by Hodder & Stoughton, Warwick Square, London, E.C. All undated. Dulac 'Christmas List' from 1910; and ‘new 6/- net edition’ of ‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ dating from the same year. Bedford 'Christmas List' from 1911.
Edmund Dulac

Three pieces of ephemera from a golden period of English children’s book illustration. All three items printed on shiny paper, and all worn and discoloured. ONE: ‘Hodder & Stoughton’s Christmas List’, with advertisement for Edmund Dulac’s edition of A. T. Quiller-Couch’s ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ on cover. 20pp, folio. With rusting staples. Folded once. Undated, but containing items published in 1910, apart from the cover item, which appears to have been published in 1912.

[Juvenile ephemera: Punch and Judy, Conjuring, Ventriloquism, Shadow Pictures.] Attractive illustrated handbill advertisement for ‘One Hour of Laughter’, ‘Entertainments for Children arranged by James Portland, The Childrens’ Entertainment Expert’.

Juvenile ephemera: Punch and Judy, Conjuring, Ventriloquism, Shadow Pictures; James Portland (fl. 1919), The Childrens' [sic] Entertainment Expert, London
Publication details: 
No date, but from around the time of the First World War. James Portland, The Childrens' [sic] Entertainment Expert, 39, Sinclair Road, Kensington, W 14. [London]

An attractive piece of juvenile ephemera, printed in black on one side of a piece of 23.5 x 36.5 cm wove paper. In good condition, folded twice. The document is excessively scarce, no other copy having been traced, and little has been learnt about the advertiser. In 1919 Punch carried an advertisement for ‘Punch and Judy, Conjuring, Ventriloquism, &c.’ from ‘James Portland, the Conjuror and Children’s Entertainer’. Four years later the ‘Model Engineer’ carried several advertisements from Portland as a supplier of ebonite.

[The Child Welfare Centre, St Andrews; child welfare specialist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed from Elenora Simpson of the James Mackenzie Institute, St Andrews, to her Professor David Waterston, regarding research and data.

The Child Welfare Centre, St Andrews [Elenora Simpson of the James Mackenzie Institute for Clinical Research; Professor David Waterston (1871-1942)]
Publication details: 
26 December 1939; and 10 August and 8 October 1940. All three on letterhead of The James Mackenzie Institute for Clinical Research, St Andrews, Fife.

As a result of her pioneering work at the Child Welfare Centre at St Andrews, Simpson was appointed to a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Committee set up by the Department of Health (see Jaqueline Jenkinson, ‘Scotland’s Health 1919-1948’, 2002). Waterston was Bute Professor of Anatomy at the University of St Andrews from 1914 to 1942. In 1913, while Professor of Anatomy at King's College, London, he was the first authority to debunk the Piltdown Man hoax.

[Society for the Protection of Women and Children] Pamphlet lacking title, disbound, etc.

[Society for the Protection of Women and Children]
Publication details: 
Printed for the Society for the Protection of Women and Children from Aggravated Assaults. Office,8 St Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square (crossed out and, added in MS 10 Duke Street St James's SW, [c.1860?]

Pp. [1]-16 only, 8vo. What remains is in good condition, pages just holding together. I've found just one reference online, an example of one man's brutality ( Contents: case histories of acts of brutality or worse, and their culmination in Court.No other copies traced, or publications by the organisation. No printed matter by this Society has yet been traced.

[E. V. Knox, editor of Punch.] Untitled Autograph Essay criticising parenting in 'the age of the child', and 'old men' behaving like 'toddlers'.

E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox; pen-name 'Evoe'] (1881-1971), editor of Punch, 1932-1949, essayist, poet and humorist
Publication details: 
Without place and date. [London, 1930s or 1940s?]

See Knox's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with those of his father and three brothers. 8pp, 4to. Paginated and complete; on eight leaves held together with a rusting paperclip. In fair condition, aged and creased. A fair copy, with occasional emendations. There is no indication that this essay was published. A polished piece of writing by an accomplished essayist, lightly humorous but with serious intent, Knox's aim being to put forward the view that modern childhood is more self-indulgent than that of previous generations, and results is the self-deceit of adults who have never grown up.

[ Hesba Stretton; NSPCC ] Autograph Letter Signed Hesba Stretton to an unnamed lady about the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, organising its foundation on 11 July 1884.

Hesba Stretton [ Pen name of Sarah Smith (1832–1911), writer of children's books.]
Publication details: 
7 Lansdowne Road, W. [London], 1 July 1884.

One page, 12mo, neat hand, laid down on slightly larger paper, good condition. The ladies of the Children's Safety Committee gave me permission last Thursday to send to each member of the society ten invitation cards for the meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, in the hope that they would kindly give them to such of their friends as take a real interest in the welfare of Children. May I suggest that you will either write your name on each card or enclose your own card, to secure the invitation from being passed over unheeded.

[Eleanor Farjeon, children's writer.] Typed chatty retelling of the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, under the title 'The Simple Facts', and ending 'don't believe a word I say'. Signed by Farjeon 'From E. F.', with her address.

Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965), noted children's writer, several of whose works were illustrated by Edward Ardizzone
Publication details: 
No date. 20 Perrin's Walk, N.W.3. [London]

1p, 4to. Typescript with a couple of minor autograph corrections. Unpublished, but perhaps relating to her 1945 book 'Ariadne and the Bull'. At foot, in Farjeon's autograph: 'From E. F. | 20 Perrin's Walk | N.W.3.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with nicking and loss at edges. A chatty and entertaining retelling of the story. As an example of the tone, early on Farjeon writes: 'The Minotaur was a monster with the gigantic body of a man topped by a bull's head; his father was a bull and his mother was Pasiphae, Minos's Queen.

[G. Lionel Wright of Bristol.] Printed educational work on 'How Children may Read at the Age of 6', titled 'The Vocal System based on The Fundamental Laws of Language'.

G. Lionel Wright [Allen, Davies & Co., Bristol printers; Victorian education; language; linguistics; pronunciation]
Publication details: 
Bristol: Printed by Allen, Davies & Co., Nelson Street & Rupert Street. [1902]

20pp., 4to. Stapled into card wraps printed in blue and red. In fair condition, aged and worn, with vertical crease and rusted staples. The front inside wrap carries an 'Introductory Note' (including the claim: 'Half-an-hour's daily practice will produce material results in a very short time.') Labels and stamp of the Board of Education Library. The cover is illustrated with an engraving of two hands emerging from mountains and icebergs and shaking across the waters, above which are the Union Flag and two ensigns (Australia and Canada?), captioned 'Semper Fidelis'.

[John Bunnell Davis, physician, founder of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno B Davis M D') [to the trustees], tendering in odd terms his resignation from the 'valuable Institution'.

John Bunnell Davis (1777-1824), physician, founder in 1816 of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women], London
Publication details: 
'103 Great Surry [sic] Street | Blackf[riar]s [London]. | July 1 1824'.

For Davis see Munk's Roll, the Gentleman's Magazine for January 1825, and I. S. L. Loudon's paper 'John Bunnell Davis and the Universal Dispensary for Children' (BMJ, 5 May 1979). The Universal Dispensary for Children, founded by Davis in 1816 and open to the under-twelves, was as Loudon points out 'the first major institution in England devoted solely to the care of sick children, 35 years before the first children's hospital in Liverpool, and 36 before Great Ormond Street'.

[James Sant, RA, portrait painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas: Sant') to 'Miss Nolan', requesting to see the daughter of 'Mrs Horsfall', whom he has arranged to paint.

James Sant (1820-1916), RA, portrait painter noted for his images of women and children, and studies of childhood
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 43 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W. [London] 10 May [no year].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Presumably written to the governess of a child he had arranged to paint. Reads: 'Madam | I have Mrs. Horsfall's permission to ask if you could make it convenient that I should see her little daughter tomorrow at ¼ past 2 oC – for the purposes of arranging sittings for her portrait.'

[ Naomi Mitchison, Scottish author. ] Typed Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Magraw' [ children's author Beatrice Irene Magraw ], giving advice on how to approach the BBC with 'school broadcasts'.

Naomi Mitchison [ Naomi Mary Margaret Mitchison, Baroness Mitchison; née Haldane ] (1897-1999), Scottish author [ Beatrice Irene Magraw [ B. I. Magraw, born Beatrice Irene May ] (c.1888-1970), author]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of River Court, Hammersmith Mall, London W.6. 24 October 1938.

2pp., 4to. Forty-four lines of text. She thanks her 'for returning the plays, and thte nice things you say about them'. Mitchison's entry in the Oxford DNB has no reference to her working for the BBC, but from the context of the letter it is clear that she wrote scripts for radio broadcasts for children. Regarding the BBC she suggests that Magraw writes to 'Miss Edith MacQueen, and if I were you I think I should write out one or two synopses of broadcasts which you propose to do'.

[ The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, London. ] Printed handbill advertisement for a ball, listing the Patronesses, Lady Stewards and Stewards.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, founded in London in 1875 [ Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist and actor, brother of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson (1853-1937) ]
Publication details: 
The ball to be 'held in St. Martin's Town Hall, Trafalgar Square, in aid of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, on Friday, the 1st day of February, 1895.'

2pp., small 4to. Printed in black and red ink on the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. The heading and the words 'Tickets 15s. each' at the foot of the page in gothic type, the rest in roman. The names of 23 'Patronesses' given in two columns on the first page, beginning with 'The Countess of Ancaster' and ending with 'Mrs. Alfred Scott-Gatty'. The names of 24 'Steward' in a column on the second page, beginning with 'Harold Bompas, Esq.' and ending with 'Roland Vaughan Williams, Esq.' At foot of second page: 'Tickets can be procured from the Hon. Mrs.

Manuscript volume titled 'The Life and Adventures of Walter Venning Southgate, by his Father [the London auctioneer Henry Southgate].' Containing original manuscript letters, drawings, engravings and other material.

Henry Southgate (1818-1888), London auctioneer with premises in the Strand, and anthologist; his son Walter Venning Southgate (b. 1844, fl. 1884)
Publication details: 
Manuscript title date 'London. MDCCCXLIV [1844]', but containing material from between 1844 and 1883.

Folio, 110 pp, comprising [i] + 68 + [ii] + 39 pp. Handsome volume in slipcase, tight and internally in very good condition, on lightly-aged thick Whatman paper. Well bound in black leather morocco, all edges gilt. Binding blind-tooled and with 'Early Days' and 'W. V. S.' in gilt on spine and motto on front board: 'Nourish the sentiments thy principles approve and put thy trust and confidence in God.' Binding worn and rebacked, in worn black cloth slipcase.

League of Nations. Advisory Committee on the Traffic of Women and Protection of Children. Report on the Fourth Session.

[Report of the Advisory Committee on the Traffic of Women and Protection of Children, Council of the League of Nations, 1925] [prostitution; venereal disease; Cuba; Spain]
Publication details: 
Geneva, May 1925. [Imp. de la "Tribune de Genève".]

Folio, 27 pp. Unbound and stapled. Ownership signature ('Cross') of S. T. Cross, of the Registry of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with closed tear at head of first leaf, and indentation from paperclip. Sections on child welfare, the traffic in women, licensed houses, women police, emigration and propaganda.

[ Thomas Keyworth, Congregational minister and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Keyworth') to George Offor, describing a circumstance relating to the use of tablets by children in 'our school'.

Thomas Keyworth (1782-1852), author, Congregational minister, and philanthropist [ George Offor (1787-1864), literary editor and book collector
Publication details: 
[ Sleaford, Lincolnshire. ] No date [ 1840s? ].

3pp., 4to. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Offor | NB Please to pay the Twopenny Postage of the Letter to 169 Fleet St & charge it in my account.' Docketted 'Mr Keyworth. | Sleaford'.

[ Girl Guides in 1930s Britain. ] Album of photographs of a company of Girl Guides camping at a number of locations including Foxlease in Hampshire and Tarrant Keyneston in Dorset, taken between 1929 and 1936, compiled by 'E. Tait'.

[ Girl Guide movement in 1930s Great Britain; Foxlease, Hampshire; 'E. Tait'; 'Miss Popham' ]
Publication details: 
The photographs mainly taken at Foxlease in Hampshire, but also at Tarrant Keyneston, Dorset, and other locations. Between 1929 and 1936.

189 black and white photographs, ranging in size from 15 x 10.5 cm to 4.5 x 7 cm, loosely inserted (i.e. not mounted but removable) on the fifty leaves of a 20 x 30 cm album. While the photographs themselves are in good condition, the album is somewhat worn and aged. Painted in large Gothic letters at centre of front cover is 'Camp Snaps'; with the name of the compiler 'E. TAIT' at top right. Inscribed inside cover 'From “Porky” | September 4th, 1934'. The leaves of the album are made of thick black paper, and more than three-quarters of the photographs are neatly captioned in white ink.

[ Ern Shaw, British cartoonist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ern.') to 'Dear Marcus' [ the photographer Marcus Adams ]

Ern Shaw (1891-1986), cartoonist and illustrator from Hull, Yorkshire [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959)), children's photographer, patronised by the British Royal Family ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Hassall House, 29 West End Road, Cottingham, Hull. 4 January 1954.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing 'Squeaker Toys', which are 'a few of a large series which I designed for a toy Firm'. He thinks they may assist Adams 'to get interesting "expressions" on the faces of some of your less sophisticated sitters!' He concludes: 'They would be a variation of the old request to "Watch for the dickey bird."' Adams was Britain's foremost children's photographer, patronised by the Royal Family, and was famed for his Dover Street studio disguised as a children's playroom, complete with toys.

[ Lady Carmichael-Anstruther and the Polish Children Rescue Fund. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Anstruther') to 'Mr Blake', discussing the activities of the organisation.

Lady Fay Carmichael-Anstruther [née Fay Sibyl Marie Rechnitzer], wife of Sir Windham Eric Francis Carmichael-Anstruther (1900-80) [ Polish Children Rescue Fund, London; Second World War Poland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Polish Children Rescue Fund (British Committee for Polish Welfare), 1 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London. 21 February 1945.

2pp., 12mo. Written in a small close and neat hand. In good condition, on lightly aged paper.

[ 'The Dirigible Balloon' game. ] Printed instructions, in French, for 'un nouveau jeu instructif' titled 'Le Ballon Dirigeable', with reference to 'le comte Zeppelin', 'Santos Dumont', the 'Freres Wright' and the 'major de Parseval'.

'Le Ballon Dirigeable', French game [ Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; Alberto Santos-Dumont; Wright brothers; August von Parseval]
Publication details: 
French. Unattributed and undated (pre-First World War?).

1p., 8vo. On cheap paper stock. Aged, and with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Stamped on the reverse by the Paris bookseller C. F. Labarre (fl. 1970). Printed in the bottom left-hand corner: 'No. 6012.' 37 lines of text.

[Second World War ephemera.] Printed card of 'Instructions', headed 'Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence. Knitted Patchwork Covers for Evacuated Children.'

[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London; Second World War evacuees; evacuation; evacuated children]
Publication details: 
[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London. 1939.]

Printed on one side of a piece of 15cm square card. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Four numbered instructions, preceded by: 'There would be a great need for extra bed coverings for children should evacuation ever take place. Suitable covers can be made by sewing together squares knitted up from scraps of wool. They will always be useful even if, as we all hope, they are not needed for their original purpose.' This initiative can be dated from a reference in 'Home & Country' magazine, 1939. Scarce: no copy traced in the Imperial War Museum or elsewhere.

[Printed pamphlet by the Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall.] Retarded and Mentally Defective Children.

S. W. Harris [Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall, London]
Publication details: 
Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall, S.W.1. [London] 27 January 1926.

6pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with two slight rust stains from staple. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Divided into five sections: Causes of Incapacity; Importance of early recognition of Mental Defect; Definition of Mental Defect, under the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913; Methods of dealing with mentally defective children; Procedure. No copy found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed leaflet.] Helps and Hindrances of Deaf Children in Acquiring Speech and Language at the Natural Age.

Mary S. Garrett, Principal, Co-Founder and a Trustee of the Home for the Training in Speech of Deaf Children before they are of school age, Belmont and Monument Aves., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Publication details: 
Read before First International Congress in America on the Welfare of the Child. Washington, D.C., March 10 to 17, 1908.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition on aged and lightly-worn paper. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Library, London.

[Printed report in 'The Social Survey'.] Children Out of School. An inquiry into the leisure interests and activities of children out of school hours carried out for the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) in November-December 1947.

Joy C. Ward [The Social Survey, Central Office of Information, London; Central Advisory Council for Education (England)]
Publication details: 
N.S.110. Central Office of Information [London]. ('Crown Copyright Reserved'.) June 1948.

76pp., foolscap 8vo. Includes one fold-out leaf. Internally in good condition, on aged paper. In worn and chipped orange card wraps. With shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into the main headings: The Problem of Children's Play; How Much Spare Time?; Clubs and Organisations; Games and Sports; The Cinema and the Radio; Reading and Other Hobbies; What Do Children Like Doing Best? A smaller (and earlier?) version of a 90-page item published with the same title and date, but with the author's name given as 'Joyce Ward'.

[Printed report in 'The Social Survey'.] Children Out of School. An inquiry into the leisure interests and activities of children out of school hours carried out for the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) in November-December 1947.

Joyce Ward [The Social Survey, Central Office of Information, London; Central Advisory Council for Education (England)]
Publication details: 
New Series110. Central Office of Information [London]. ('Crown Copyright Reserved'.) June 1948.

90pp., foolscap 8vo. Includes extra leaf stapled in to make a fold-out. Internally in good condition, on aged paper. Author's 'Introduction' printed on inside front cover. In worn and chipped orange card wraps with damaged spine. With shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into the main headings: The Problem of Children's Play; How Much Spare Time?; Clubs and Organisations; Games and Sports; The Cinema and the Radio; Reading and Other Hobbies; What Do Children Like Doing Best?

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Employment of School Children Committee. Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Employment of School Children, appointed by H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department [Chas. T. Ritchie].

[Employment of School Children Committee; British parliamentary report, 1901; Houses of Parliament; child labour]
Publication details: 
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, Fetter Lane, E.C. 1901.

25pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched. On worn and aged paper. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Title-page headed in manuscript: 'OUT OF PRINT'.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Employment of Children Act Committee. Report of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903, appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department [H. J. Gladstone].

[Employment of Children Act; British parliamentary report, 1903; House of Commons; child labour; street trading]
Publication details: 
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. [10 September 1910.]

23pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched. On aged and worn paper, with short closed tear to first leaf at foot of spine. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Purple stamp on reverse of first leaf: '10 SEP 1910'. Divided into three sections: Warrants of Appointment; Majority Report; Minority Report. The 'Majority Report' section under the following main headings: Origin and Course of Inquiry; General Results of the Investigation; Remedies and Recommendations; Summary of Recommendations and Conclusions. A large part of the document discusses 'Street Trading'.

[Louisa Baldwin (née Louisa Baldwin), one of the 'Macdonald Sisters', mother of Stanley Baldwin and aunt of Rudyard Kipling.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Louie') to her brother Rev. Frederic William Macdonald, discussing the naming of his fourth child.

Louisa Baldwin [née Louisa Macdonald] (1845-1825), wife of industrialist Alfred Baldwin (1841-1908), mother of Stanley Baldwin and aunt of Rudyard Kipling [Rev. Frederic William Macdonald (1842-1928)]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 15 April 1874.

A characteristic letter by one of the celebrated 'Macdonald Sisters'. (Louisa Baldwin was the youngest of the four. Her eldest sister Alice was Rudyard Kipling's mother; the next oldest Georgiana married the Pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne-Jones; and the third Agnes married the president of the Royal Academy Edward Poynter.) 8pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums, both with mourning borders and the Baldwin crest as letterhead. In good condition, lightly-aged.

[Lady Muriel Paget.] Typed Letter Signed to Ernest Frederick Gye, congratulating him on his diplomatic posting to Tangier.

Lady Muriel Paget [Lady Muriel Evelyn Vernon Paget, née Finch-Hatton] (1876-1938), humanitarian relief worker [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'British Subjects in Russia Relief Association (1930)'. 30 January 1933.

1p., 4to. On aged paper, with slight damage at margin and head, not affecting text. She congratulates him 'on the news that I have read in this morning's paper'. She is sorry 'that there are probably no D.B.S. in Tangier', but hopes that 'some day you will go "en poste" to U.S.S.R.' She concludes by thanking him 'for all that you have done to help us with the work for D.B.S. in Russia'.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph draft of long letter 'To the Editor of the Manchester Courier' on 'Fever Accommodation in Manchester' for children, and the Fever Hospital or House of Recovery at Monsall.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
From York Chambers [Brazenose Street, Manchester]. On letterheads of the Office of Health, Town Hall, Manchester. 1 August 1874.

5pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with wear to corner (not affecting text). With deletions and emendations. The letter begins: 'Dr. Reed in his letter dated July 30th has truly stated that both in my Reports and in private conversation I have borne testimony to the great usefulness of the Fever Hospital or "House of Recovery" at Monsall.

[Pamphlet.] The Next Steps in Elementary Education from the Point of View of the Children. A Paper read at the Church Congress, Nottingham, September, 1897.

Ven. J. M. Wilson, M.A., Archdeacon of Manchester
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the official report of the Church Congress, by Hemrose and Sons, Limited, Derby and London. [1897.]

9pp., 8vo. Unbound. With stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

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