[The Wesleyan Missions.] Three printed pamphlets in the series 'Papers relative to the Wesleyan Missions, and the State of Heathen Countries.' All illustrated, two with illustrations hand-coloured.

The Wesleyan Missions; James Nichols, printer, 46 Hoxton Square, London [Fiji; Captain Dillon; Charles F. Allison, Wesleyan Academy, Mount-Allison, New Brunswick]
The Wesleyan Mission
Publication details: 
ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. TWO: No. CXV, March 1849. THREE: No. CXXXVII, September 1854. All three printed by James Nichols, 46 Hoxton Square, London.
The Wesleyan Mission

See W. Moister, ‘A History of Wesleyan Missions in all Parts of the World’ (1871). Each item 4pp, 12mo bifolium. All three with engraved illustration on first page, which has a drophead title. The three are worn and discoloured, with loss of text in caption in Item One (see below), and the first two items with cover illustrations crudely hand-coloured. ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. Mostly consisting of ‘An appeal to the sympathy of the Christian public, on behalf of the cannibal Fejeeans’.

[Lady Eastlake [Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake], author, wife of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the widow of the travel writer Richard Ford, offering a gift of 'early strawberries & grapes'.

Lady Eastlake [Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake, née Rigby] (1809-1893), author, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of Royal Academy and first Director of the National Gallery [Richard Ford]
Publication details: 
'7 Fitzroy Sqr [London] / May 4. 1864.'

A jaunty missive. Lady Eastlake and her husband have separate entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. Eighteen lines. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Ford' and signed 'Eliz Eastlake'. A 'kind friend in the country' is insisting on sending her 'early strawberries & grapes' and she asks Mrs Ford not to 'commit the extravagance of orderg any yourself, but trust to me to have the offering transferred to 123 Park Street'. She will be sending for the fruit at Euston Station around 2 o'clock on the Saturday, '& they shall be shortly after that with you'.

[John Adams-Acton, English sculptor.] Letter in a Secretarial Hand, Signed by him, inviting the editor of Punch Tom Taylor to visit his studio, with a list of six works to be seen there, including a bust of the prime minister Gladstone.

John Adams-Acton (1830-1910), English sculptor [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
‘Margutta House. / 103. Marylebone Road / March 28th. 1873.’

See his entry, and that of Taylor, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Only the sculptors heavily inked signature ‘John Adams-Acton’ is in his hand, the rest more lightly written by an amanuensis. Addressed ‘To, Tom Taylor Esqr.’ Begins: ‘I address you as a representative of the press to solicit you to pay my studio a visit.’ He lists the names of five ‘public and distinguished men’ whose busts he can show, beginning with ‘The Right Honble W. E. Gladstone - Premier’ and including ‘Isaac Holden Esqr.

[Richard Westmacott, sculptor, Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the gardener Edward William Cooke, insisting on paying for flowers, and reporting that his 'poor mangy-looking wall is now pretty well covered'.

Richard Westmacott (1799-1872), sculptor and Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy, son of Sir Richard Westmacott (1799-1872) [Edward William Cooke (1811-1880), marine artist and gardener]
Publication details: 
'W. / 1 K[ensington]. G[ate]. [Hyde Park, London] / Thursday'. No date.

See his entry, and those of his father and Cooke, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dab or red wax to one corner, and part of another corner torn away, presumably in breaking open the seal. Folded diagonally for postage. Addressed to 'My dear Mr Cooke' (the recipient's identity is beyond doubt) and signed 'Richd Westmacott'.

[Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey], sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Hawkins, recommending the artist William Beetham for permission to draw at the British Museum.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), sculptor [Edward Hawkins (1780-1867), Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum; William Beetham (1809-1888), artist]
Publication details: 
‘Belgrave Place [London] / 15th. June 1830’.

See his entry, and Hawkins’s, in the Oxford DNB. The subject of the letter, William Beetham, was an early emigrant to New Zealand, where he was one of the colony’s first European artists. 1p, 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, aged and worn, with a tiny piece of loss to one corner. Traces of paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Edwd. Hawkins Esqr.’ and signed ‘F Chantrey’. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / The bearer Wm.

[Richard Westmacott, sculptor, Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the wife of ‘Mr B.’, congratulating the couple on their wedding anniversary, and looking forward to his own marriage.

Richard Westmacott (1799-1872), sculptor and Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy, son of Sir Richard Westmacott (1799-1872)
Publication details: 
‘Wednesday / Aug. 8. 1838’. No place.

See his entry, and that of his father, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with neatly-trimmed remnants of a windowpane mount adhering to the edges of the leaf. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Madam’ and signed ‘R. W:’, followed by odd flourish.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Boosey’ [of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes], giving his opinion of a batch of music manuscripts sent to him.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music [Boosey & Hawkes, London music publishers]
Publication details: 
11 December 1934; on letterhead of 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with pinholes to one corner. Signed ‘Julius Harrison’. Begins ‘Dear Boosey, / From the recent batch sent, I return the enclosed which I fancy may all be useful in the English market. / I am struck with the “Flowers in the Valley” as a possible Alto lead number. Please see my remarks thereon.’ He explains that he is ‘trying to find an Alto lead piece for Cleethorpes Festival next July’, and could include the ‘Flowers’ if it were ‘published in C as soon as possible’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Francis' regarding examinations he is supervising at Worcester.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 May 1935; 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, on his cancelled letterhead as Musical Director to the Corporation, County Borough of Hastings. TWO: 23 April 1941; Glencairn, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, on cancelled Hastings letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first on thinner paper and lightly creased. Both folded for postage. Each addressed to 'My dear Francis' and signed 'Julius Harrision' ONE (27 May 1935): 2pp, 4to. He is supervising examinations at Worcester, and discusses arrangements. 'My people left Stourport for Worcester many years ago, but I rather fancy that Worcester will be too far from Birmingham to stay there. I shall, I think, stay in Birmingham itself.' He will be 'away down the Mediterranean until the 14th.

[Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake, journalist and writer on art, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy and first Director of the National Gallery.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Alderson, reporting a death in the family,

Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake [née Rigby] (1809-1893), writer on art, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of Royal Academy and first Director of National Gallery [Georgina, Lady Alderson]
Publication details: 
‘7. FitzRoy Sqre. [London] / 27. Novr. 1867’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, and that of the recipient’s husband, the judge Sir Edward Hall Alderson (1787-1857). 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium with thick mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘Dear Lady Alderson / Fresh, & very heavy sorrow has befallen us, or I wd. sooner have answered yr ot of last Saturday. The death of Captn.

[Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor, and his secretary Allan Cunningham, poet.] Manuscript Letter, written and signed by Cunningham on behalf of Chantrey, to William Tindal, regarding a monument to Colonel Page, with letter from Tindal to Mrs Page.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey (1781-1841), sculptor; his secretary Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author; William Tindal [Colonel Frederick Page (1769-1834), Royal Berkshire Militia]
Publication details: 
Cunningham (signing as Chantrey) to Tindal: 'Belgrave Place [London] 7 January 1836'. Tindal to Mrs Page, 'Temple 7 Jany 1835'.

An excellent document, providing an invaluable view of the practicalities of commissioning and executing public monuments in the Georgian period. See Chantrey's entry in the Oxford DNB, and Cunningham's, which states: 'In 1814 he was engaged by Chantrey as superintendent of his establishment, and gave up writing for newspapers. He lived afterwards at 27 Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico. He acted as Chantrey's secretary, conducted his correspondence, represented him during his absence, and occasionally offered artistic assistance. He became a favourite of Chantrey's sitters and visitors.

[Patric Dickinson, poet, and John Stanton Ward, artist.] Limited edition, signed by artist and poet: copy of 'Two Into One', 'Poems by Patric Dickinson / Drawings by John Ward'. With photographic print of study of Dickinson by Ward.

Patric Dickinson [Patric Thomas Dickinson] (1914-1994), poet, translator, BBC radio broadcaster; John Stanton Ward (1917-2007), artist
Publication details: 
'Printed and Published by Geerings of Ashford Limited. A limited edition of 750 copies. No 31'.

John Stanton Ward was a noted portrait painter, who resigned his membership of the Royal Academy in protest at the ‘Sensation’ show of 1997. See his obituaries in the Telegraph, Times, Guardian and Indpendent. Patric Dickinson has not received his due. A self-styled ‘poet and impresario of poetry’, Dickinson occupied a central position in the cultural landscape of post-war Britain.

[Stanhope Forbes, RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall.] Autograph Signature with compliments.

Stanhope Forbes [Stanhope Alexander Forbes] (1857-1947), RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
5 March 1935. On embossed letterhead of Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Cornwall.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Boldly written, with the merest smudging to the surname: 'with compliments / of Stanhope A. Forbes / 5th March 1935'.

[Stanhope Forbes, RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall.] Autograph Letter Signed thanking the recipient for complimenting his work and providing a signature.

Stanhope Forbes [Stanhope Alexander Forbes] (1857-1947), RA, English painter of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
17 September 1937. On embossed letterhead of Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Cornwall.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. The male recipient is not named, and the letter is signed ‘Stanhope A. Forbes’, with slight smudging to the ‘o’ of ‘Forbes’. As he is obliged to him for his letter ‘& the kind things you are good enough to say about my work’, he is happy ‘to accede to your request to append my signature’.

[Sir John Gilbert, RA, painter and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed to the composer and antiquary Doyne Courtenay Bell, providing information regarding a painting of 'the Queen holding a drawing Room at St James's Palace'.

Sir John Gilbert (1817-1897), RA, painter and illustrator [Doyne Courtenay Bell (c.1830-1888), court official, omposer and antiquary]
Sir John Gilbert
Publication details: 
'Blackheath 4th April' [no year].
Sir John Gilbert

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A protege of Prince Albert, Bell worked for the Privy Purse from the time of the Great Exhibition, and served as Permanent Secretary to the Keeper of the Privy Purse from 1876 to his death. Signed ‘John Gilbert’ and addressed to ‘Doyne C. Bell Esquire / &c &c.’ 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Sir, / I remember the small picture painted in 1851. H M The Queen holding a drawing Room at St James’s Palace. / I did not intend to paint a larger picture and never did’. See Image.

['Death has taken a heavy toll': Sir Frank Dicksee, Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the widow of fellow-Royal Academician John Macallan Swan, accepting on behalf of the RA committee the gift of a bust.

Frank Dicksee [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee] (1853-1928), Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy [Mary Anne Swan (née Rankin), wife of John Macallan Swan (1847-1910), RA, painter and sculptor
Publication details: 
10 May 1926; on letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, Maida Vale, NW6 [London].

See his entry, and Swan's, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Seventeen stylish lines with bold signature. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Swan' and signed 'Frank Dicksee'. Her letter gave him great pleasure and he has just had the opportunity of placing her 'very kind offer before the Council [of the Royal Academy]'. 'I need hardly tell you they are delighted to accept this valuable gift.

[Sir Frank Dicksee, Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Orchardson, regarding a meeting by the committee for the Royal Academy summer exhibition, with reference to Onslow Ford.

Frank Dicksee [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee] (1853-1928), Victorian artist, President of the Royal Academy [Lady Orchardson [Ellen Orchardson, née Moxon] , wife of Sir William Quiller Orchardson, RA]
Publication details: 
14 December [no year, but before 1901]. On letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, St John's Wood, N.W. [London]

See the entries for Dicksee and Lady Orchardson’s husband Sir William Quiller Orchardson (1832-1910), RA, in the Oxford DNB. Lady Orchardson (1853-1917) was the daughter of the London publisher Charles Moxon. The Orchardsons married in 1873. Among their four children was the painter Charles Moxon Quiller Orchardson (1873-1917), who studied in the Royal Academy Schools and was killed in action during World War One. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘Frank Dicksee’.

[Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow], RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed, responding to congratulations on his election to the Royal Academy from ‘Mr. Haynes King’, with two signed reproductions of his paintings.

Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow] (1850-1919), English artist [The Royal Academy of Arts, London]
Sir E. A. Waterlow
Publication details: 
Letter of 22 January 1903; on letterhead of 1 Maresfield Gardens, Fitzjohns Avenue, N.W. [London].
Sir E. A. Waterlow

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to margin at head and light rust spot. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Haynes King, / It was extremely kind of you to write & congratulate me on my election as R.A. & I appreciate the attention very much.

[Sir William Agnew, leading London art dealer and Liberal politician.] Autograph Note Signed inviting artist and sculptor John Macallan Swan to dine with ‘Mr Leslie and some few artists’.

Sir William Agnew (1825-1910), proprietor of the leading London art gallery Thomas Agnew & Sons and Liberal politician [John Macallan Swan (1847-1910), RA, painter and sculptor]
Publication details: 
22 August 1905. On letterhead of 11 Great Stanhope Street, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin band of discoloration beneath the last line. Addressed to ‘J M Swan Esq R.A’. Reads: ‘My dear Mr Swan / Will you dine with me on Thursday June 1st. to meet Mr Leslie and some few artists? / I should be glad if you will. / Yours faithfully / Wm. Agnew’.

[Charles Napier Hemy, RA, painter based in Falmouth, Cornwall, regarded as the leading marine artist of his generation.] Autograph Letter Signed dealing with the disposal of unsold pictures.

Charles Napier Hemy (1841-1917), RA, painter based in Falmouth, Cornwall, regarded as the foremost marine artist of his generation
Publication details: 
No date or place.

An interesting letter, dealings with the practicalities of the artist’s profession in late Victorian/Edwardian England. Hemy was regarded as the leading English marine artist of his generation, with his paintings often selling for in excess of a thousand pounds. With the proceeds he built a grand house which he named Churchfield in Falmouth. 2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. The recipient - presumably his agent - is not named and there is no salutation. Signed ‘C. Napier Hemy.’ Begins: ‘Thanks for cheque enclosed. for which I send over page formal receipt.

[Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA.], sculptor of the statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mrs Allingham? [Helen Allingham, watercolourist and illustrator], regarding ?cards for RA?.

Sir Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA] (1850-1925), sculptor of statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament [Helen Allingham (n?e Paterson; 1848-1926); Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo]
Hamo Thornycroft
Publication details: 
?22 Ja? [no year]. On letterhead of ?One-Oak, / 10, Redington Road, / Hampstead. N.W.? [London]
Hamo Thornycroft

See the entries on Thornycroft and Allingham in the Oxford DNB. The letterhead is also of interest: 'One-Oak' is a notable example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect A. H. Mackmurdo. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice. Initial ?H? of signature slightly smidged. Reads: ?Dear Mrs Allingham / I have only [?] got your note. / I enclose two cards for RA. Hoping to see you there / Yours very sincerely / Hamo Thornycroft?. See Image.

[John Nash, prominent English painter.] Autograph Signature.

John Nash [John Northcote Nash, RA] (1893-1977), prominent English painter
John Nash
Publication details: 
No place or date.
John Nash

A good example of Nash’s attractive and distinctive signature ‘John Nash’ on a very light dotted line, a piece of paper cut into an oval roughly 5 cm wide and 2.5 cm high. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on an irregularly-shaped piece of card. See Image

[Frank Dicksee, R.A. [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee, artist and illustrator.]] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ (George Meredith’s daughter), commiserating with her over her illness, and accepting an invitation.

Frank Dicksee, R.A. [Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (1853-1928), artist and illustrator] [George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen 'Mariette' Sturgis]
Publication details: 
5 April [no year]. On letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, St John’s Wood, N.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once for postage. The recipient is the novelist George Meredith's daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Addressed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ and signed ‘Frank Dicksee’. He is sorry to hear of her illness, but ‘fortunately the summer is coming & long before it is here I trust you will be yourself again’.

[?The Bachelor Duke?: William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Charles Eastlake, regarding his painting ?The Spartan Isadas?, one on payment, delivery and repair by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

William George Spencer Cavendish (1790-1858), 6th Duke of Devonshire, ?the Bachelor Duke? [Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) and Sir Charles Eastlake (1793-1865), Presidents, Royal Academy of Arts]
Publication details: 
ONE: 7 October 1827; Chatsworth House [Chesterfield, Derbyshire]. TWO: 25 July 1852; Brighton.

Two letters providing an insight into the relationship between artist and patron in nineteenth-century England. See the the Duke?s entry, and Eastlake?s, in the Oxford DNB, as well as James Lees-Milne?s biography ?The Bachelor Duke? (1991).

[R. J. Burn [Rodney Joseph Burn], English painter.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and one unsigned, to ‘Mr Lawrence’, regarding his work, his studio and ‘Mr Daniel’ [Sir Augustus Moore Daniel], the new Director of the National Gallery.

R. J. Burn [Rodney Joseph Burn] (1899-1984), English painter, Member of the Royal Academy, senior tutor at the Royal College of Art [Sir Augustus Moore Daniel (1866-1950)]
Publication details: 
One dated 10 September 1928, the others without year, but around the same time. All from 2 Hill Way, Highgate N.6. [London]. One also with ‘Studio address / 7 Park Hill studios / Park Hill road / Hampstead’.

After serving in the Great War, Burn (son of Sir Joseph Burn) studied at the Slade between 1918 and 1922, winning six prizes. After teaching in London at the Royal College, and in Boston, he offered his services to the war effort. After the war he went back to the Royal College, as a senior tutor. The four ot the items here are in fair condition, lightly worn and discoloured. Each is folded once for postage. Although only one is dated, the others appear to date from around the same time. ONE (‘Monday’): 1p, 4to. Unsigned.

[R. Lloyd Praeger, Irish naturalist and author, Librarian of the Royal Irish Academy.] Autograph Signature to document acknowleding receipt by the Academy of Mrs C. Littow Falkiner’s ‘Essays relating to Ireland’.

R. Lloyd Praeger [Robert Lloyd Praeger], Irish naturalist and author, Librarian of the Royal Irish Academy
Publication details: 
10 November 1909. Dublin, headed with device of the Royal Irish Academy.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged paper with slight nicks to one edge. Folded four times. A good, firm signature, as ‘Librarian of the Academy’, to a printed form completed in another hand, headed with a reproduction of the Academy’s seal. Reads (manuscript text in square brackets): ‘DUBLIN, [November 10] 19[09] / SIR [Madam] / I AM DIRECTED BY THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY TO THANK HYOU FOR THE UNDERMENTIONED DONATION, AND TO ASSURE YOU THAT THE ACADEMY APPRECIATES THIS MARK OF CONSIDERATION.

[Henry Jutsum, landscape painter.] Autograph Note Signed, directing ?Mr. Vaughan? [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy] to ?deliver to Mr Green? his ?picture not received for the Exhibition?.

Henry Jutsum (1816-1869), landscape painter [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy, London]
Publication details: 
?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832?. [London]

An uncommon signature. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On one side of 18 x 10 cm piece of paper. Discoloured and worn, with spike hole. Good firm signature, full of character. Reads: ?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832 / Please deliver to Mr Green or [aide? drdee?order?] my picture not received for the Exhibition / Henry Jutsum / To / Mr. Vaughan / Royal Academy?. See Image.

[Alfred Edward Chalon, Portrait Painter in Water Colour to Queen Victoria, and John James Chalon, Swiss-born British artists, both Royal Academicians.] Autograph Signatures to part of an application for assistance from the daughter of Henry Bone, RA.

Alfred Edward Chalon (1780-1860), Portrait Painter in Water Colour to Queen Victoria, and John James Chalon (1778-1854), Swiss-born British artists, both Royal Academicians [Henry Bone (1755-1834)]
Publication details: 
8 November 1849.

See their separate entries in the Oxford DNB. On 12.5 x 9.5 cm piece of light-grey paper, cut from. The large signatures are written one on top of the other on one side of the paper, with the only other writing the date at the head: ‘Alfd. Edwd. Chalon / Jno. Jas Chalon’. On the reverse is the beginning of an application to the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution: ‘Gentlemen, Your Petitioner Elizth. Debh. Bone, only Daughter of the late Mr Bone R.A.

[Sir Edgar Boehm (1834-1890), R.A., Austrian-born British sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mr. Bristow?, regarding a ?little horse? and ?the terrible ascent on the ?Monks cap??.

Sir Edgar Boehm [Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, n? Josef Erasmus B?hm] (1834-1890), R.A., Austrian-born British sculptor and medallist who depicted Queen Victoria on coins and designed London statues
Publication details: 
21 March 1882; on letterhead of The Avenue, 76 Fulham Road, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for ?letting me try the little horse which I returned to Banks?s. I wrote to them to say that I found him too small for the Victoria. This & his taking too much interest in the subterranian openings alone prevented me from keeping him at once for a hack as his paces & temper seemed to me perfect.? He sends his compliments to Bristow?s family, ?if they should still recollect me - and the terrible ascent on the ?Monks cap? - never to be attempted again by me -?.

[Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler], the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed declining an invitation ‘to lecture on some Aspect of Renaissance Sculpture’.

Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler] (1892-1974), the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy, 1956 to1966
Publication details: 
10 January [1961?]; on his letterhead, 2A Cathcard Road, South Kensington, SW10 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The year of the letter looks more like ‘1901’ than ‘1961’, but the letterhead names the writer as ‘Charles Wheeler, C.B.E., R.A.’ Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Charles Wheeler’. Having received two letters from the unnamed recipient, he explains that the first ‘got mixed with some papers sent to my Accountant and therefore was not answered’. He apologises for ‘the consequent neglect’.

[One Victorian painter writes to another.] Autograph Letter Signed from James Sant, RA, to George Lance, regarding a portrait over which he has been ‘going hard’.

James Sant (1820-1916), RA, English portrait painter noted for his portraits of children [George Lance (1802-1864), English still-life painter]
Publication details: 
7 March 1856; [?].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium, the second leaf being blank, apart from the end of the signature ‘Jas Sant’, which has extended across from the bottom right corner of the reverse of the first leaf. In good condition, lightly aged, with the reverse of the second leaf laid down on a rectangle of grey paper cut from a leaf of an album. Addressed to ‘G. Lance Esqr.’ The letter begins: ‘My Dear Sir / My best thanks for your note. Depend upon it I will look to myself and in doing so look to yr.

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