[Home Rule, 1912.] Printed item: ‘A “Modern Eye”-Opener. 60 Points against Home Rule (A reply to the Daily News “50 Points in Favour of Home Rule”) by T. S. Frank Battersby, M.A., K.C. With a preface by The Right Hon. Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.'

T. S. Frank Battersby [Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby (1855-1933)], M.A., K.C., author; with preface by Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.; Unionist Associations of Ireland, Dublin and Belfast
Publication details: 
1912. Unionist Associations of Ireland: Dublin, 109 Grafton Street, and Belfast, Old Town Hall.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: three copies on JISC and in NLI. The Lynd copies of the first and third editions of the work to which this is a response are offered separately. 76pp (vi + 66 + [4]), 12mo. Stapled. In printed card wraps with vertical red, white and blue bands on the cover. Grubby and worn, with slightly-rusted staples, and short closed tear to fore-edge of front cover. Includes four-page index.

[Irish Public Finance, 1912: ‘The present position is indefensible’.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Public Finances of Ireland / By Professor C. H. Oldham, B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin’.

Professor C. H. Oldham [Charles Hubert Oldham (1859-1926)], B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin; Richard Clay and Sons, printers [Irish Public Finance, 1912]
Publication details: 
1912. Printed by Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, Brunswick St., Stamford St., S.E. [London], and Bungay, Suffolk.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: no copy on JISC, but in NLI. 16pp, 12mo. Stitched. No wraps. The outer covers spotted, and the back cover grubby, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. One vertical fold. The author’s position, supported with statistical analysis, is that ‘The present position is indefensible as it stands; and it is becoming worse.

[Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League].] Printed periodical: number of ‘Inis Fa´il’ [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’.

Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League]: Inis Fa´il [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’ [Michael Davitt]
Publication details: 
Iúl [July] 1906 number. Gaelic League of London [no address].

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: this number is lacking from the run in the National Library of Ireland. The title as one word ‘INISFÁIL’ on cover, but as the two words ‘INIS FÁIL’ on first page. 12 pp, 4to. Stapled in light-green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged, on high-acidity paper, in lightly-worn wraps carrying advertisements.

[Finances of Ireland, 1911.] Printed pamphlet by ‘An Irishman’ (i.e. Thomas T. Shaw): ‘The Financial Relations of Ireland with the Imperial Exchequer’.

‘An Irishman’ [i.e. Thomas T. Shaw]; M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin publishers [finances of Ireland, 1911; Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin and Waterford: M. H. Gill & Son, Limited.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Four copies traced: National Library of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the British Library and Oxford University. BL identifies the author as ‘Thomas T. Shaw’; another source states ‘Thomas J. Shaw’. 47pp, 8vo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. Lightly aged, in worn wraps, and with slight blooming at head of first few leaves. The author goes about the ‘self-imposed task’ of his ‘little brochure’ with copious statistical evidence, including an eight-page appendix of tables.

[Sir Henry Newbolt, poet and writer, author of the anthology-piece 'Drake's Drum'.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Lord' describing how he deals with correspondence.

Sir Henry Newbolt [ Sir Henry John Newbolt ] (1862-1938), poet, novelist and historian, author of the patriotic anthology-piece 'Drake's Drum'
Publication details: 
27 September 1912. On letterhead of Netherhampton House, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Lightly aged and worn. With central horizontal and vertical crease for postage, each quarter with double pinholes at the centre (from attachment of an enclosure?). Signature unaffected (it starts close to vertical crease). Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Lord / With the greatest pleasure - and with ten thousand apologies. I thought I had answered long ago. But letters lie in heaps in my tray & on my table - everywhere! and I carry them about in bags labelled carefully Unanswered until I dare no longer look inside.

[Sir Aston Webb, RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Two responses to congratulations: one an Autograph Note Signed to Walter Spiers, the other an Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Baldwin’.

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
ONE (ANS to Spiers): 27 March 1899; 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square. TWO (ALS to Baldwin): 20 June 1903; on Hanover Square letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, on grey paper, with central horizontal fold. Each signed ‘Aston Webb’. ONE: ANS to ‘Dear Walter Spiers’, 27 March 1899. 1p, 16mo. Thanking him for his congratulations on his election. TWO: ALS to ‘Dear Mr Baldwin’, 20 June 1903. 1p, 12mo. After thanking him for his congratulation he continues: ‘We had a most delightful dinner with you the other evening.’

[Sir Henry Newbolt, poet and writer, author of the anthology-piece 'Drake's Drum'.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Lord' describing how he deals with correspondence.

Sir Henry Newbolt [ Sir Henry John Newbolt ] (1862-1938), poet, novelist and historian, author of the patriotic anthology-piece 'Drake's Drum'
Publication details: 
27 September 1912. On letterhead of Netherhampton House, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Lightly aged and worn. With central horizontal and vertical crease for postage, each quarter with double pinholes at the centre (from attachment of an enclosure?). Signature unaffected (it starts close to vertical crease). Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Lord / With the greatest pleasure - and with ten thousand apologies. I thought I had answered long ago. But letters lie in heaps in my tray & on my table - everywhere! and I carry them about in bags labelled carefully Unanswered until I dare no longer look inside.

[Lord Balfour [A. J. Balfour; Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl Balfour], Conservative Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature ‘Arthur James Balfour’ for collector.

Lord Balfour [A. J. Balfour; Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl Balfour] (1848-1930), Conservative politician, Prime Minister 1902-1905; Foreign Secretary who issued the 1917 Balfour Declaration
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On piece of paper, roughly 12 x 7.5 cm, laid down on 14 x 9 cm plain postcard, with contemporary printed heading on reverse (‘A half penny stamp to be placed here.’, and so on). In good condition, lightly aged. Good firm signature at head of paper, with ‘Autograph’ in a contemporary hand at the foot, with wide space between.

[Sir Richard Runciman Terry, musicologist and choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. W. J. Phillips, with ‘Copy of Testimonial’ in favour of Phillips' application as organist and choirmaster at Salisbury Cathedral.

Sir Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938), organist, choir master and musicologist, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral [Dr William James Phillips (1873-1963)]
Publication details: 
ALS from Terry to Phillips, 'at Cronkley / Horley Bridge / Aug 31. 1916'. Testimonial: 'Westminster Cathedral / August 31. 1916'.

See Terry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Dr. W. J. Phillips was the organist at St Barnabas, Pimlico; he was unsuccessful in the present application, but was subsequently organist of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court. See his entry in Humphreys and Evans, ‘Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland’ (1997). These two items are uniform on a total of three leaves of light paper. Both discoloured and worn, and folded three times. ONE: ALS from Terry to Phillips. 1p, 4to. He is ‘most pleased to have opportunity of supporting’ Phillips’s application.

['Be fair to yourself - Be decent to yourself': Lord Leverhulme [William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme], soap manufacturer, industrialist and philanthropist.] Signed Typescript of his reflection on 'Vision and Service'.

Lord Leverhulme [William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme], soap manufacturer, industrialist and philanthropist
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Circa 1919?]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Eighteen lines of typed text, under the heading ‘VISION AND SERVICE.’ Undated, but certainly written after 1918, since the document is responding to changes since ‘the pre-war world of yesterday’. The final reference to a ladder, echoes a passage in Leverhulme’s 1919 tract ‘The Six-hour Day and other Industrial Questions’. Large bold signature at bottom right: ‘Leverhulme’. The signature and its environs are in good condition, on a document of aged and worn paper, with tearing to a central horizontal fold repaired with archival tape.

[Lord Brassey [Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey], Liberal party politician and Governor of Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed quoting three ‘maxims’ that he uses.

Lord Brassey [Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey] (1836-1918), Liberal party politician, Governor of Victoria in Australia and yachtsman
Publication details: 
18 December 1911. On two letterheads of Sand Hill, Winslow, Bucks.

See his entry, and that of his father the civil engineer, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On separate letterheads. The recipient is not named and there is no salutation (though the letter is complete). Signed ‘Brassey’. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: ‘I have two maxims for [hourly?] use. / I do the little I can do and leave the rest to thee / What thou livest live well. The rest commit to Heaven / Nor should the last message of the greatest sailor since the world began ever be forgotten / England expects that every man this day will do his duty’.

[Sir Landon Ronald, conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Phillips ('My dear old Phil '), lamenting his absence on a 'great night, and one I shall never forget'.

Sir Landon Ronald (1872-1938), conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London
Publication details: 
12 November 1935. On letterhead of the Guildhall School of Music, John Carpenter Street, Victoria Embankment, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with one short closed tear to an edge. Folded twice for postage. The salutation (‘My dear old “Phil,” ’) and the signature ‘Landon Ronald’ are in autograph, the rest typed. The recipient is ‘Dr. W. J. Phillips, / “Kelvinside,” / Malcolm Road, / Wimbledon, S.W.’ He sends a ‘thousand thanks’ for Phillips’s ‘delightful telegram’. ‘It was indeed good of you to think of us all down here. It was a great night, and one I shall never forget.

[Lord Moulton [John Fletcher Moulton], mathematician, Liberal politician and Cambridge Apostle.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking ‘Mrs Earle’ for one of the letters which have 'given me most pleasure in my life’.

Lord Moulton [John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton (1844-1921)], mathematician, judge, Liberal politician and Cambridge Apostle
Publication details: 
24 May 1894. Deleted and thus indecipherable ‘S.W.’ London address.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Signed ‘J Fletcher Moulton’. Begins: ‘Dear Mrs Earle / Just at the worst moment of the fight your inspiring letter came to cheer me.’ He hopes he will be deserving of the ‘kind things’ she writes: ‘I could truthfully say things at least as kind in return but I fear my epistolary style does not lend itself thereto so I shall trust that you will take these as said.’ He ends by saying that he will retain the letter ‘as one of those which has [sic] given me most pleasure in my life’.

[John Murray IV, London publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'John Murray junr.' to Colonel Fellows, regarding the difficult rebinding of his leather volumes.

John Murray IV (1851-1928), notable London publisher
Publication details: 
2 April 1910. Letterhead of 50 Albemarles Street, W. [London]

See the entry on the Murray family in the Oxford DNB. In fair condition lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage, with short closed tears to the edges of central horizontal fold. Small biographical slip laid down at top left. Addressed to ‘Dear Colonel Fellows’ and signed ‘John Murray junr.’ Reads: ‘Our binders have done the best they can with your Volumes, short of rebinding, but as you know patching up leather bindings in a really satisfactory way is not easy. / However, I hope that you will be satisfied with the volumes which I am sending on to you today.’

[Stanley J. Weyman, popular English novelist of the ?cloak and dagger school?.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Barron' [i.e. Rosemary Barron]

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular English Victorian and Edwardian novelist of historical romance and the 'cloak and dagger school'
Publication details: 
7 March 1926. On letterhead of Plas Llanrhydd, Ruthin, North Wales.

Weyman was, as his entry in the Oxford DNB states, ?one of the most popular and skilled of the historical romance novelists of the cloak and dagger school?. Oscar Wilde recommended (in all seriousness) Weyman's novels as reading for convicts. 1p, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly creased and worn. Folded for postage. From the collection of Rosemary Barron, autograph collector. Reads: 'Dear Miss Barron / I am sorry that your letter has remained unanswered so long but I have been laid aside by illness.

St John Hankin [St. John Emile Clavering Hankin, Edwardian ?New Drama? playwright.] Two Autograph Letter Signed to actor-manager Otho Stuart, one asking to read him a ?new play?, the other asking for the return of a script.

St John Hankin [St. John Emile Clavering Hankin (1869-1909)], Edwardian playwright and essayist, follower of Bernard Shaw and exponent of the ?New Drama? [Otho Stuart (1863-1930), actor-manage]
Publication details: 
ONE: 2 November 1906; on letterhead of the Savile Club, 107 Piccadilly, W. [London] TWO: 2 February 1908; 30 Brechin Place, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Stuart was at the time actor-manager of the Adelphi Theatre, London. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. ONE: 3pp, 12mo (the third page carrying a postscript written lengthwise). Bifolium. Begins: ?Dear Sir / I have a new play which I should like to read to you if you would care to hear it.

St John Hankin [St. John Emile Clavering Hankin, Edwardian ?New Drama? playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander Louis Teixeira de Mattos

St John Hankin [St. John Emile Clavering Hankin (1869-1909)], Edwardian playwright, follower of Bernard Shaw and exponent of ?New Drama? [Alexander Louis Teixeira de Mattos (1865-1921). See Wikipedia]
Publication details: 
10 June [1897]; from Stratford-on-Avon, on cancelled letterhead of 11 Addison Road, Bedford Park [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with rusting from a paperclip to both leaves. Addressed to 'Mr Texeira [sic] de Mattos' and signed 'S John E. C. Hankin'. He thanks him for the cheque and is sorry to hear that the recipient's 'great project has come to nought - at least for the moment'. He expects that de Mattos saw 'the Bankruptcy of the New Saturday duly chronicled? You were a true prophet. I gather it will pay nothing in the ?'. The New Saturday was a short-lived newspaper, going to the wall after a few issues in 1897.

[Sir A. C. Lyall, Governor of the North-Western Provinces in India.] Four Autograph Letters Signed, the last addressed to 'Fisher', mainly concerned with preparations for lectures, the last declining to send a reference.

Sir A. C. Lyall [Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall] (1835-1911), leading civil servant in British India, Governor of the North-Western Provinces
Publication details: 
ONE: 9 October 1888; The Precincts, Canterbury. TWO: 17 December 1888; embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall [London]. THREE: 17 November 1895; 18 Queen?s Gate, S.W. [London] FOUR: 23 April 1907; as three.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The four items in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all folded for postage. The last item with pin hole to one corner. The first three addressed to 'Dear Sir' and the last to 'Dear Fisher'. All four signed 'A C Lyall', both with and without periods after the initials. ONE (9 October 1888): 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium.

[ A. E. W. Mason, English novelist, author of ‘The Four Feathers’.] Typed Note Signed to Rosemary Barron, responding to a request for an autograph.

A. E. W. Mason [Alfred Edward Woodley Mason] (1865-1948), hugely-popular English novelist, playwright and screenwriter, author of ‘The Four Feathers’ and creator of Inspector Hanaud
Publication details: 
9 August 1927. On letterhead of New Grove, Petworth, Sussex.

Mason was, according to E. V. Lucas, ‘famous in both hemispheres’. His entry in the Oxford DNB ends with this assessment: ‘His books were best-sellers for fifty years, and the films made from them, notably The Drum (1938), for which he wrote his own scenario, and The Four Feathers (1939), were among the most popular in their time.’ 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The valediction is in Mason's autograph: 'Yours sincerely / A. E. W. Mason'.

[Roden Noel [Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel or Noël], poet and Cambridge Apostle.] The last page of an Autograph Letter Signed, bearing his signature and a long postscript regarding sad scenes in London.

Roden Noel [Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel or Noël] (1834-1894), poet and Cambridge Apostle
Publication details: 
‘Kew Green. Kew. / Feb 1. 1869’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with strip of sunning, and evidence of mounting on reverse, which also bears contemporary pencil annotation: ‘Honble Roden Noel / Son of Earl of Gainsborough / A considerable writer & Poet / Author of “A little Child’s Monument” & other Poetry’. Folded twice. The signature is large and firm, but rest of his handwriting is appalling. The page carries the letter’s valediction, with date and address, and a seven-line postscript: ‘[...] Kind regards [...] How sad is the [...] London!

[J. A. Fuller Maitland [John Alexander Fuller Maitland], music critic and musicologist.] Autograph Letter Signed, regarding a lecture the recipient is about to give on 'a subject which is especially dear' to him.

J. A. Fuller Maitland [John Alexander Fuller Maitland] (1856-1936), influential music critic and musicologist, who championed the work of Purcell, Stanford and Parry
Publication details: 
21 November [1899]. On letterhead of 39 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, landscape 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. The letter is complete, on what appears to be the upper half of a 4to bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with stamp, postmark and remains of autograph address on reverse of second leaf, with traces of mount. Signed ‘J A Fuller Maitland’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / Very many thanks for your book, the second copy of which has just come. I shall hope to be able to come & hear your lecture on a subject which is especially dear to me.

[J. S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher], notable writer in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction.] Autograph Letter Signed to D. Webster, bookseller, commenting on ‘two Chichester pamphlets’ and ordering an item from his catalogue.

J. S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher] (1863-1935), prolific author, a notable writer in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction [D. Webster, bookseller]
Publication details: 
24 October 1923; on embossed letterhead: Hambrook, Emsworth, Hants.

In a letter to ‘John O’London’s’ in 1921, Fletcher boasted of having ‘written (and published) seventy-three novels, twelve volumes of collected short stories, and fifteen historical and topographical works, the last-named mostly of considerable length’. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Annotated by recipient with date of response. Addressed to ‘Mr D. Webster.’ and signed ‘J. S. Fletcher.’ He thanks him for ‘the two Chichester pamphlets duly to hand’, noting that one was ‘The Accompt Cleared’ by Roger L’Estrange.

[Maharajadhiraj Bahadur Sir Bijay Chand Mahtab, ruler of the Burdwan Raj, Bengal.] Typed Letter Signed to Eyre Chatterton, Bishop of Nagpur, regarding a meeting at the Mansion House in London 'on behalf of the Anglo-Indian Schools in India'.

Maharajadhiraj Bahadur Sir Bijay Chand Mahtab (1881-1941), ruler of Burdwan Raj, Bengal (present-day West Bengal, India) from 1887 to his death [Eyre Chatterton (1863-1950), Bishop of Nagpur]
Publication details: 
1 November 1937; from Grosvenor House, Park Lane, on his letterhead as ‘Maharajadhiraj Bahadur of Burdwan’.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘The Right Rev. Eyre Chatterton, D.D., / President, Indian Church Aid Association, / Westminster Chambers, / 5, Victoria Street, S.W.1.’ (‘My dear Bishop Chatterton’) and signed ‘Burdwan’. He is ‘indeed very interested to know’ that Chatterton is holding a meeting, 'at the Lord Mayor's invitation', at the Mansion House in London, ‘on behalf of the Anglo-Indian Schools in India, which are controlled by the Indian Church Aid Association’.

[Edmond Holmes, educationalist and poet; and Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance.] Autograph Letters Signed from both men to Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman, regarding Holmes’s pamphets on education.

E. G. A. Holmes [Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes] (1850-1936), educationalist and poet; Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance (1847-1935), Royal Navy officer; Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman (d.1922)
Publication details: 
ONE (Custance to Sandeman): 8 August 1911; on letterhead of 42 Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, W. [London] TWO (Holmes to Sandeman): 19 August [1911]; 'c/o Messrs Constable & Co / 10 Orange Street / Leicester Square / W. C. [London]'.

See the entries for Custance and Holmes in the Oxford DNB. According to the latter: ‘On his retirement in November 1910, Holmes published What is and What Might Be (1911), a condemnation of the existing education system, which stressed competition rather than co-operation, emphasized visible results, and demanded the mechanical obedience of the child. The book attracted wide public attention. [...] Shortly before his retirement, he became involved in the furore over the so-called 'Holmes–Morant circular', a highly confidential memorandum which he had issued in January 1910 to inspectors’.

[Sir Courtenay Ilbert, Clerk of the House of Commons and Viceroy of India’s Council.] Autograph Letter Signed to his daughter Joyce, written from SS Cedric, White Star Line, describing the holiday.

Sir Courtenay Ilbert [Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert] (1841-1924), Clerk of the House of Commons, 1902-1921; drafter of the ‘Ilbert Bill’ as Viceroy of India's Council
Publication details: 
25 November 1913. On letterhead of SS Cedric, White Star Line.

Written while Clerk of the Commons. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Joyce Violet Ilbert (1890-1957) was the youngest of his five daughters. 8pp, 12mo. Two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to ‘My Dear Joyce’ and signed ‘Yr. loving father | C. P. I.’ Begins: ‘I wish for my sake that you were on board the Cedric - for I miss my [?]-valet-secretary very much. If you were here, you would be hoping that the voyage would never come to an end’. They have had ‘almost perpetual sunshine since we left New York’. ‘The ship is extremely comfortable.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt], explorer and travel writer.] Autograph Note Signed: a quotation with signature provided for an autograph hunter.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt (1856-1933)], explorer and travel writer, aide-de-camp to his brother-in-law Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak
de windt
Publication details: 
No date or place.
de windt

See the entry for Sir Charles Brooke in the Oxford DNB. On one side of an 18 x 9 cm piece of paper, the upper part torn from a larger sheet, with neatly-torn bottom edge resulting in a little loss to the flourish beneath the signature and the tip of the downstroke of the ‘y’ in ‘Harry’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a central vertical fold. The text, in a bold hand, reads: ‘ “Though obstacles beset you - struggle still!” / Even a worm may climb this highest hill! / Yrs Sly / Harry de Windt’ See Image.

[Ellen Terry, distinguished Shakespearian actress of the Victorian and Edwardian period, famed for her partnership with Henry Irving.] Autograph Card Signed, agreeing to sign a protest against a 'wicked deed'.

Ellen Terry [Dame Alice Ellen Terry] (1847-1928), distinguished Shakespearian actress of the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, acted opposite Henry Irving
Ellen Terry
Publication details: 
10 January [no year, but between 1904 and 1920 when she lived at this address]. On two plain cards, both with letterheads of '215, King's Road, / Chelsea.' [London]
Ellen Terry

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On two 11 x 9 cm cards, plain but for the letterhead. Both in good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. The card is signed 'E. T:' and is written in her forceful hand. Begins: 'I have no time - nor words - to tell you what I think - The boys health indeed! - if there's any use in talking, if signing petitions will do any good one would talk & sign all day! but in spite' - here the reverse of the first card begins, and the side is entirely deleted, except for the last line'.

[John Morley, Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Liberal politician and writer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and an Autograph Note Signed to Lady Ilbert, wife of Sir Courtney Ilbert, Clerk of the Commons, regarding dinner arrangements.

John Morley (1838-1923), Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Liberal politician and writer [Lady Jessie Ilbert [née Bradley] (1850-1924), wife of Sir Courtenay Ilbert (1841-1924), Clerk of the Commons
Publication details: 
ALS ONE: 19 December 1910; on embossed letterhead of United Service Club, Pall Mall. ALS TWO: 2 July 1911; on letterhead of Flowermead, Wimbledon Park, S.W. ANS: 5 July 1911; on letterhead of the Privy Council Office, Whitehall, S.W.

See his entry, and that of Lady Ilbert’s husband, in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. ALS ONE (19 December 1910): 1p, 12mo. ‘I am sorry you have had domestic anxieties. They are the most poignant.’ He continues: ‘It would delight me to have a peaceful hour with you and Ilbert, without prejudice to Fisher and his wife.’ Signed ‘M.’ ALS TWO (2 July 1911): 2pp, 12mo.

[Algernon Ashton, composer, Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking W. H. Cummings to consider him if a vacancy for a professorship should occur at the Guildhall School of Music.

Algernon Ashton [Algernon Bennet Langton Ashton] (1859-1937), English composer, Professor of Piano, Royal College of Music [William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), Principal, Guildhall School of Music]
Publication details: 
‘London, September 22nd., 1896. / 44, Hamilton Gardens. / St. John’s Wood. / N. W. [London]’

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Cummings’ and with large bold signature ‘Algernon Ashton.’ He writes: ‘I venture to express a hope that whenever there should be a vacancy for a Pianoforte Professorship at the Guildhall School of Music, of which you are now the honoured Principal, that you may kindly think of me.’

[Alfred Webb [Alfred John Webb], Anglo-Irish Quaker nationalist, Irish Parliamentary Party MP in the British Parliament.] Autograph Letter signed to 'Miss Burgess' [of Norwich], listing and discussing Irish autographs he has procured.

Alfred Webb [Alfred John Webb] (1834-1908), Anglo-Irish Quaker nationalist, anti-imperialist and anti-racist, Irish Parliamentary Party MP in the British parliament and Dublin printer
Publication details: 
18 January 1890. Lisnabin, Dartry-park, Rathmines, Dublin [Ireland].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is from a collection of Irish nationalist autographs assembled by Miss Burgess of Norwich. 1p, 8vo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded for postage. Addressed 'To Miss Burgess' and signed 'Alfred Webb'. Date and location in another hand, the rest in Webb's autograph. Begins: 'Dear Madam, / Those autos. you have of our MP's are some of which I have most. Unfortunately others you want I have only of a private character, & I do not like cutting off the signatures.' He is sending those of J. E.

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