
[The Wesleyan Missions.] Three printed pamphlets in the series 'Papers relative to the Wesleyan Missions, and the State of Heathen Countries.' All illustrated, two with illustrations hand-coloured.

The Wesleyan Missions; James Nichols, printer, 46 Hoxton Square, London [Fiji; Captain Dillon; Charles F. Allison, Wesleyan Academy, Mount-Allison, New Brunswick]
The Wesleyan Mission
Publication details: 
ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. TWO: No. CXV, March 1849. THREE: No. CXXXVII, September 1854. All three printed by James Nichols, 46 Hoxton Square, London.
The Wesleyan Mission

See W. Moister, ‘A History of Wesleyan Missions in all Parts of the World’ (1871). Each item 4pp, 12mo bifolium. All three with engraved illustration on first page, which has a drophead title. The three are worn and discoloured, with loss of text in caption in Item One (see below), and the first two items with cover illustrations crudely hand-coloured. ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. Mostly consisting of ‘An appeal to the sympathy of the Christian public, on behalf of the cannibal Fejeeans’.

[Patric Dickinson, poet, translator and broadcaster.] Autograph Poem ('Forgiveness') Signed ('P'), with note, addressed to his mistress Sarah Hamilton, on reverse of mockup of dustwrapper design by her for his 1965 autobiography 'The Good Minute'.

Patric Dickinson [Patric Thomas Dickinson] (1914-1994), poet, translator, BBC radio broadcaster; Sarah Emmeline Hamilton
Publication details: 
The book was published in London by Gollancz in 1965. Printed on flap: 'Jacket by Sarah Hamilton & Partners / Printed by Direct Art Services'.

Patric Dickinson has not received his due. A self-styled ‘poet and impresario of poetry’, Dickinson occupied a central position in the cultural landscape of post-war Britain. As an editor and broadcaster he worked with poets such as Dylan Thomas, Cecil Day Lewis and Roy Campbell, actresses Flora Robson, Peggy Ashcroft and Jill Balcon, and actors Robert Donat, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud. See John Mole’s obituary in the Independent, 31 January 1994. From the papers of Dickinson’s mistress Sarah Emmeline Hamilton.

[Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922.] Autographs of the eleven, including future England Captain Greville Stevens, the Australian R. H. Bettington, R. C. Robertson-Glasgow and R. L. Holdsworth.

Greville Stevens [Greville Thomas Scott Stevens; G. T. S. Stevens] (1901-1970), Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922; England captain [R. H. Bettington; R. L. Holdsworth; R. C. Robertson-Glasgow]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the same eleven that played at Oxford in May 1922.

On a 16.5 x 20 cm piece of faded and lightly-worn light-green paper, with small diagonal cuts at corners where the item was mounted in an album. The players’ names are neatly presented in a column (there is no other text on either side): ‘OUCC | Greville Stevens | R. L. H. Holdsworth | J. D. Percival | V. R. Price | R C Robertson Glasgow | P E Lawrie | M Patten | R H Bettington | T B Raikes | L. P. Hedges | R R P Barbour’. This is the same eleven which won a match at Oxford against the Free Foresters on 20 May 1922.

[‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’: Ken Dodd, Liverpool comedian and singer.] Typed Letter Signed with biographical details, and signed publicity postcard with photographic portrait.

Ken Dodd [Sir Kenneth Arthur Dodd] (1927-2018), Liverpool comedian and singer, ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age’
Ken Dodd
Publication details: 
Letter dated ‘C/o B.B.C. Manchester. / October 9th 1957.’
Ken Dodd

Dodd’s entry in the Oxford DNB by Michael Billington concludes with the assessment that he was ‘the greatest theatrical comic of his age and the last link with the hallowed days of music hall’. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS, 9 October 1957. 1p, 4to. Good large signature ‘Ken Dodd’. The male recipient is not named. He apologises for the late reply to the recipient’s letter. ‘May I also thank you for the compliments paid to my performance on Television. / I am a Liverpudlian, residing in Knotty Ash Liverpool.

[Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Hollywood star.] Publicity Photograph with Autograph Signature.

Douglas Fairbanks Jr. [Douglas Elton Fairbanks Jr.] (1909-2000), Hollywood star and film producer
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Publication details: 
No date or place, but during the latter part of his life.
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

A 7.5 x 10 cm photograph on 8.5 x 13 cm piece of shiny Kodac paper. Black and white head and shoulders shot of an old Fairbanks, nattily attired in jacket and tie, smiling at the camera towards his right shoulder. Signed ‘Douglas Fairbanks’ beneath the photograph in blue felt-tip pen. In very good condition. See Image.

[‘The Tichborne Claimant’: the soi-disant Sir Roger Charles Doughty-Tichborne, held to be an imposter named Arthur Orton.] Signed Autograph inscription as ‘R. C. D. Tichborne’, with Signed Autograph inscription by Major-General Arthur Phelps.

‘The Tichborne Claimant’ (d.1898): the soi-disant Sir Roger Charles Doughty-Tichborne (b.1829), held to be an imposter named Arthur Orton (b.1834); Major-General Arthur Phelps (1837-1920), Indian Army
‘The Tichborne Claimant’
Publication details: 
Inscription by the Tichborne Claimant dated 6 March 1893. Inscription by Phelps dated 9 December 1890.
‘The Tichborne Claimant’

The Tichborne Case was very possibly the greatest scandal of Victorian England. See the entry for ‘Tichborne claimant’, with subheading for ‘Arthur Orton’ in the Oxford DNB. Trained as a civil engineer, Major-General Arthur Phelps (1837-1920), civil engineer, was a prominent homeopath, anti-vaccinationist, and anti-vivisectionist, who promoted his views as proprietor and editor of the Citizen newspaper. Each inscription is on one side of a single 11.5 x 18.5 cm piece of gilt-edged wove paper, presumably extracted from an autograph album.

[Sir Anthony Panizzi [Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi], Principal Librarian at the British Museum, London.] Autograph Signature to ornate printed copperplate receipt, completed to acknowledge a ‘Present’ by Bernard Piffard of Nova Scotia specimens.

Sir Anthony Panizzi [born Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi in Italy] (1797-1879), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, London [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist; Nova Scotia]
Publication details: 
17 November 1858. On letterhead with royal crest of the British Museum, London.

Now viewed in a favourable light, Panizzi was a controversial figure in his own time, being dubbed a ‘fat pedant’ by Thomas Carlyle, who was moved to press for the creation of the London Library as a result of the Italian’s high-handed behaviour. From the Piffard papers. 1p, 4o. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tears to both leaves on fold. Folded four times.

[William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury from 1695; new money] Letter Signed Wm Lowndes to Mr. Neale [Thomas Neale, Master of the Mint] about an Act of Parliament relating to 'new money'

William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury from 1695; Member of Parliament.
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers, 4 August 1696.
Upon request

One page, sm. folio, bifolium, aged and stained, with portion lost through removal of seal, text clear and complete. See Image. Note on verso of second leaf: Mr. Lowndes to pay the Recoyned Money Into the Exchequer.

[James Mill, Scottish economist and historian of British India, father of the philosopher John Stuart Mill.] Autograph Signature (‘J. Mill’) and valediction.

James Mill [born James Milne] (1773-1836), Scottish economist and historian of British India, father of the philosopher John Stuart Mill
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On irregular strip of paper, roughly 9 x 1.5 cm, laid down on slightly larger rectangle cut from a leaf of an album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: ‘Always most truly Yours / J. Mill’. Beneath this, in pencil in a nineteenth-century hand: ‘Father of J. Stuart Mill’. See image.

[The Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex spiritualist society.] Printed prospectus: ‘A Message from Angela (General Secretary)’, with portrait, ‘concerning first vol. of the group’s issue of “Spirit Revelation unveils the Bible” by Charles Kingsley.

‘Angela’ (Susan Boltwood), General Secretary of the Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex, founded by her and her husband Charles Dennis Boltwood (‘Crusader’); spiritualism; Charles Kingsley
Publication details: 
‘November, 1937. Written from’ ‘Parent Centre, “Eversley”, Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex.’

The item advertised in the present prospectus (no other copy of which has been traced) is unaccountably absent from the bibliography of the Victorian author Charles Kingsley. Information regarding the Universal Group of Intuitives was provided to ‘Light’, the journal of the Spiritualist Alliance, by its General Secretary Mrs Frances Boltwood (‘Angela’), and appeared in its number of 10 September 1936.

[E. Winnie Burnand, one of the earliest female cartoonists.] Two amusing original caricatures of herself, one posting a letter, the other carrying a cricket bat, in an effusive letter to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope.

E. Winnie Burnand [Edith Winifred Burnand, latterly Parsons] (b.1881), one of the earliest female cartoonists, daughter of Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, editor of ‘Punch’ [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
23 August 1957. On letterhead of Crossway Green, Chepstow, Mon. SEE IMAGE.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry and that of her father in the Oxford DNB.) 6pp, the first four on two 4to leaves, the last two on a 12mo leaf. Signed ‘E. Winnie Parsons / nee / Winnie Burnand’. In fair condition, lightly aged and with some creasing, particularly to the last (12mo) leaf. Slight rust staining from paperclip. A delightful letter, written in a strong and energetic hand, with various words underlined in red pencil for emphasis. She is staying with Desmond Lysart, ‘who in his lovely study has all your delightful books’, and they are both great admirers of MP.

[John Randall, coachmaker] Two Autograph Letter Signed ('John Randall') from the London coachmaker John Randall to 'monsieur le Doctor Brown' [i.e. Sir Charles Brown], physician to the Queen of Prussia, one giving an Estimate for work.

John Randall, 80 Long Acre, London, coachmaker and freemason [Sir Charles Brown (c.1747-1827) of Potsdam, 'First Physician to the King of Prussia, his Court and Army']
Publication details: 
London, Long Acre 1788 AND London; 30 June 1789.

(1788) Letter, bifolium, , cr. 8vo, good condition, one page giving assurances as to quality, etc., with list (essentially a quote) of prices/features of A new Fashionable Chariot with a [?] light coloured cloth, Painted a Green [?] Patent yellow, made of the best materials & season'd timber, followed by a price list of various features (blinds, plated head plates, steps, strong plated harness, packing etc etc). See image. (1799) 1p., 4to, bifolium, very good, on lightly-aged paper.

[ T. Hewitt Key; classics ] Autograph Letter Signed T. Hewitt Key to unnamed correspondent asking for input concerning the pronunciation of :Latin.

T. Hewitt Key [ Thomas Hewitt Key, FRS (1799 – 1875), classical scholar.]
Publication details: 
21 Westbourne Square, W. [London], 9 Oct. 1869.

Two pages. fold marks, foxing, text clear, as follows: There exists a desire in many quarters that the pronunciation of Latin in this country should be brought into harmony with that which prevails abroad, and I have reason to believe that many of our best scholars at Cambridge and Oxford and in several of the great public schools favour the project. In the Catholic Church I have always understoiod that the continental pronumciation has been retained; but I have some doubts whether there be perfect consistency abroad in the pronunciation of the consonants.

[ de Lesseps; Suez Canal ] Autograph Motto Signed "Ferd. de Lesseps", referring to his achievements.

Ferdinand de Lesseps [Ferdinand Marie, Vicomte de Lesseps (1805–1894) French diplomat and later developer of the Suez Canal,
Publication details: 
No place,"(1884)".

Bottom half of 8vo page, good condition. [Centralised] 'Ma devise: | "Aperire terram gentibus" | ferd. de Lesseps | (1884)'. ['Open the earth to people', or similar]. Motto of Ferdinand de Lesseps referring to the Suez and Panama Canals.

[James Bertrand Payne, editor and author.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to H. Cholmondeley-Pennell, written around the time of his prosecution by the London publishers Edward Moxon & Co., and launch of his magazine 'The King of Arms'.

James Bertrand Payne (1833-1898), editor, author and fraudster [Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell (1837-1915), poet and writer on angling]
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of Tempsford House, the Grange, Brompton, S.W. [London] One from 1871 and two from 1873.

The three letters are in good condition, lightly aged. All three signerd 'J Bertrand Payne'. The first has a letterhead in red, the other two have a different letterhead in blue. Both designs feature exuberant monograms and lettering in Victorian Gothic type, which, together with Payne's exuberant handwriting (the last letter also being written in purple ink), accurately reflect the character of the man Tennyson angrily dismissed as 'peacock Payne'. Three excellent letters, the background to which is of interest.

[Sinking of RMS Titanic, April 1912.] Long unpublished contemporary manuscript poem, signed by 'William Hall', titled 'Titanic', written within weeks of the sinking.

RMS Titanic sinking, April 1912 [William Hall]
Publication details: 
No place [English]. Dated at end 'May 1912'.

4pp., 4to. On three leaves. In fair condition, aged and creased. The poem, headed 'Titanic', is 64 lines long, divided into 15 stanzas (the first ten numbered), and is signed and dated at the end, following 'R.I.P.', 'William Hall | May 1912'. The verse is heartfelt and devout, in style something of a cross between Walt Whitman and William McGonagall. Apparently unpublished. The author is unknown, but the poem reflects the popular response to the celebrated maritime disaster.

[ Basic English and its distinguished supporters. ] Autograph Signatures to printed declaration, by Sir Richard Arman Gregory, astronomer; Edwin Diller Starbuck, Manley O. Hudson; Ichikawa Sanki; Rintaro Fukuhara.

Sir Richard Arman Gregory (1864-1952), astronomer; Edwin Diller Starbuck (1866-1947); Manley Ottmer Hudson (1886-1960), Ichikawa Sanki (1886-1970) and Rintaro Fukuhara (1894-1981) [ Basic English ]
Publication details: 
Without datre or place.

The signatories are the British astronomer Sir Richard Arman Gregory (1864-1952), the American author Edwin Diller Starbuck (1866-1947), the American lawyer (twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize) Manley O. Hudson [ Manley Ottmer Hudson ] (1886-1960), and the two Japanese professors of English Ichikawa Sanki (1886-1970) of the Imperial University of Tokyo (friend of Lafcadio Hearn) and Rintaro Fukuhara (1894-1981) of Bunrika University (colleague of William Empson). The signatures are on four leaves of 8vo paper, In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some fold lines.

[ John Harraden of the Post Office. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Chesterfield, complaining of the 'hardships' of his case, and requesting his intervention, with reference to William Hayley of Earlham, John Palmer, George White Thomas.

John Harraden of the Post Office [ Philip Stanhope, 5th Earl of Chesterfield (1755-1815), Postmaster General; William Hayley (1745-1820); George White Thomas (c.1750-1821); John Palmer (1742-1818) ]
Publication details: 
No. 26 Compton Street, Soho. 10 November 1808.

The recipient of the letter, the 5th Earl of Chesterfield, was Postmaster General between 1790 and 1798. The 'Mr. Palmer' mentioned in the text is John Palmer (1742-1818), MP for Bath, who was Comptroller General of the Post Office between 1786 and 1792. Harraden appears to have been regarded by his superiors as a whistle-blower and trouble-maker.

[ H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy. ] Typescript of her Jungian paper 'Woman and the Community', with a personal reminiscence of the Jung circle.

H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy, founder with her husband Gilbert Champernowne of the Withymead Therapeutic Centre, Oxfordshire [ Karl Gustav Jung; Toni Wolff ]
Publication details: 
Undated. 'A paper read to the Analytical Psychology Club, London, on 26th September, 1955.'

Much of Tessa Adams's paper on Toni Wolff in 'The Feminine Case: Jung, Aesthetics and Creative Process', ed. Adams and Duncan (2003), concerns the 'remarkable woman' Irene Champernowne and her relations with Wolff and Jung, with a discussion of Champernowne's Withymead Therapeutic Centre in Oxfordshire, which operated from 1942 to the late 1960s.

[[ Professor A. Marshall Elliott of Johns Hopkins University; George Francis Scott-Elliot, botanist; and David Douglas, Edinburgh publisher] Correspondence relating to Scott-Elliot's 'The Border Elliots'.

Aaron Marshall Elliott (1844-1910) of Johns Hopkins University, language scholar, helped found Modern Language Association; David Douglas (1823-1916), Edinburgh publisher; George Francis Scott Elliot
Publication details: 
Douglas's letter: On letterhead of 9 Castle Street, Edinburgh; 2 October 1900. Villa Reale, Bad Ems; 6 September 1900. Marshall Elliott's letter headed British Museum Library, 11 July, 1900.

Four items, aged and somewhat creased. Scott-Elliot's book was privately printed by Douglas in 1897. Aaron Marshall Elliott was founder of the Modern Language Association and founding professor of Romance Languages at Johns Hopkins University. ONE: ALS from Aaron Marshall Hall to David Douglas, 2pp., 8vo, asking him if he could supply a copy of G.F.S. Elliott's "The Border Elliotts", giving publishing history and mentioning his work on American Elliotts which he hopes to publish.

[ Professor David Smyth Torrens, Irish horologist; Robert Gardner, clockmaker. ] 36 items relating to horology and chronometers, including a booklet of manuscript tables, apparently by Torrens, showing tests (of Vacheron Constantine chronometers?).

David Smyth Torrens (1897-1967), horologist, Professor of Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin [ Robert Gardner (1851-1931), Scottish clockmaker; Vacheron Constantin of Switzerland; Leroy & Cie, Paris ]
Publication details: 
[ Brassus, Switzerland; Paris, France. ] Between 1912 and 1935.

36 items, in fair overall condition, with some evidence of age and wear. ONE: Manuscript tables of trials, presumably in Torrens's autograph, apparently of Vacheron Constantin chronographs. 8pp. in landscape 8vo, with a final page folding out to large 4to. With additions in red ink and pencil. On nine leaves, wrapped in grey paper and stitched together. In fair condition, aged and worn. On front cover in pencil: ''Dr. Torrens | Dr. Torrens'. Dated at head of first page 25 April 1912, with heading: 'Best Vacheron trial movt.

[ Graziado Isaia Ascoli, politician and linguist. ] Page of Autograph Corrected Manuscript, with presentation inscription signed 'Graziado Ascoli'.

Graziadio Ascoli [ Graziadio Isaia Ascoli ] (1829-1907), politician and linguist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and with central vertical crease. Consisting of a page bearing eleven lines of corrected manuscript, laid down onto an 8vo leaf, with the following presentation inscription at the foot: 'Vogliate sempre bene | al divotisso. vostro | Graziado Ascoli'. The manuscript begins: '[...] essi mettono in opera per chiarire diversamente il loro nazionalismo, [...]' and ends '[...] consequenti presenzoni delle cancellerie europee.' Ascoli was the first linguist to first to classify systematically the Italian dialects.

[ London and Cambridge Junction Canal. ] Five items: four printed circulars including 'Data upon which the Company have founded their Calculations' and 'Plan Explanatory', both with engraved maps, and ALS from director 'Lieut. Col. Duckett, M.P.'

London and Cambridge Junction Canal [ Sir George Duckett (1777-1856), 2nd Baronet; John Rennie; Stort Navigation; Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
London and Cambridge Junction Canal. 1811 to 1813. Printers: S. Goswell, Printer, Little Queen Street, London; G. Mills 51 Nelson Sqr. Blackfriars; The Philanthropic Society, St. George's Fields'.

Five items, the first four printed and the fifth an ALS. Four of them in good condition, with light signs of age; the fifth (Item Two below) somewhat aged and worn. An account of this abortive scheme – first proposed in 1758 – is to be found on pp.424-427 of Joseph Priestley's 'Historical Account of the Navigable Rivers, Canals, and Railways, of Great Britain' (1831). The scheme finally failed in 1832, when the bank of Sir George Duckett (see Item Five below) failed, and he became bankrupt. Only the Stort Navigation was completed. ONE: 'London and Cambridge Junction Canal.

[ Collier Dock, Isle of Dogs. ] Printed 'Report of the Directors to the Proprietors, at their second General Meeting 5th April, 1827.'

Collier Dock, Isle of Dogs [ George Byng, Chairman; W. Baker, Acting Secretary; G. Taylor, Printer, London printer ]
Publication details: 
W. Taylor, Acting Secretary, Limehouse, Middlesex, and 5, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, London. [ G. Taylor, Printer, Lamb's Conduit Passage. 1827. ]

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium with three pages of text, with title on reverse of second leaf (printed crosswise for folding into packet). In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first page is headed 'Collier Dock - Isle of Dogs', followed by a list in two columns of the twenty-four directors, and solicitor's details. The 'Meeting of the Proprietors' was held at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, 5 April 1827, and there was only one topic.

[ Charles Croke, Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. ] Autograph Signature ('Ch: Croke:') and seal to receipt of one thousand pounds from his brother, against Cannon Court Farm, Chilton, Bucks. Witnessed by John Weekes and signed by Nathaniel Hoban.

Charles Croke (d.1657), clergyman and third Gresham Professor of Rhetoric, schoolmaster and cleric, son of Sir John Croke (1553-1620), Speaker of the House of Commons [ Court of Chancery, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Court of Chancery, London. ] 10 January 1643.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on an aged and worn bifolium. The document, in a Chancery hand, has been written out by the witness John Weekes. It reads: 'Received the Tenth day of January Anno dni 1643. of my brother John Croke the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England wch. sume of one thousand pounds was given me by my ffather Sr. John Croke late of Chilton in the Contie of Bucks Knight, and for the true paymt.

[ Mathematics; Fermat's ] Four substantial Autograph Letters Signed and one APC Signed "J.M. Child" to "Sir Richard [Harington]", on mathematical themes including Fermat's.

J.M. Child, Mathematician [James Mark Child; History of Mathematics ]
Publication details: 
Camford, Llandulais, North Wales.,10 February to 15 November 1947.

Five letters and a postcard, two letters 8vo (total 4pp.), three 4to (total 17 pages), fold marks, good condition. LETTER ONE (6pp., 4to,, 10 Feb.) He starts, "You've done it!!! | I told you that one of your ideas would bear fruit one of these days, and it was a mistaken statement, at least one I think is mistaken, that set me off on a new track which led to success.

[ Pamphlet ] Dreams; A Paper read to The Maryport Literary and Scientific Society [...] On March 11th, 1890.

Rt. Rev. Abbot Snow, O.S.B.
Publication details: 
Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Yeovil [ 1890 ]

Disbound, 21pp., 8vo, foxing on first page, ow good condition. He discusses the most prominent aspects of dreams without attempting a scientific analysis of mind and brain that must enter into any complete theory. Note: Freud's work on Dreams was published in 1899. No other copy of this pamphlet is listed on COPAC/WorldCat. Note: Item extracted from bound volume of pamphlets with the bookplate of L.A.St L. Toke, scholar.

[ Émilie Broisat, actress with the Comédie-Française. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Monsieur Laval', declining an invitation.

Émilie Broisat (1846-1929), French actress with the Comédie-Française
Publication details: 
'Dimanche soir' [ no place or date ].

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Gracefully declining an invitation.

[ Hans Sloane, MP, of South Stoneham, Hampshire. ] Armorial Bookplate of 'HANS SLOANE ESQR.', with his Autograph Signature on the flyleaf of a book.

Hans Sloane (1739-1827), MP, of South Stoneham, Hampshire, Deputy Cofferer of the Royal Household
Publication details: 
Signature dated 1755.

The engraved armorial bookplate is on a 9.5 x 7.5 cm. piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Loosely attached to the flyleaf, which carries the calligraphic signature 'Hans Sloane | 1755.' (Sloane would have been sixteen at the time, and the writing is suitably juvenile.) The flyleaf is in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and laid down on a piece of wove paper. Sloane (a kinsman of the great collector Sir Hans Sloane) is the subject of an excellent entry by Sir Lewis Namier in the History of Parliament.

[ Sheridan Morley, author and broadcaster. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Letters Signed and one telegram to theatrical bookseller Barry Duncan, with carbon copy of one of his letters.

Sheridan Morley (1941-2007), English author and broadcaster, son of actor Robert Morley (1908-1992) and grandson of Dame Gladys Cooper (1888-1971) [ Barry Duncan, theatrical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Two of the letters on letterhead of 5 Peckarmans Wood, London, SE26, and the other two (on cancelled BBC letterheads) from the same address. All six items from 1970.

The six items in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. The four letters all with Morley's expansive signature ('Sheridan Morley').

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