[James Mill, Scottish economist and historian of British India, father of the philosopher John Stuart Mill.] Autograph Signature (‘J. Mill’) and valediction.

James Mill [born James Milne] (1773-1836), Scottish economist and historian of British India, father of the philosopher John Stuart Mill
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On irregular strip of paper, roughly 9 x 1.5 cm, laid down on slightly larger rectangle cut from a leaf of an album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: ‘Always most truly Yours / J. Mill’. Beneath this, in pencil in a nineteenth-century hand: ‘Father of J. Stuart Mill’. See image.

[Lord Derby disassociates himself from John Stuart Mill.] Autograph Letter in the third person [to Matthew Arnold], expressing a willingness to join in ‘any mark of respect’, as long as it does not imply ‘an agreement in Mr Mill’s political opinions'

Lord Derby [Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby] (1826-1893), Conservative politician who served as Foreign Secretary and Colonial Secretary [John Stuart Mill; Matthew Arnold]
Publication details: 
13 May 1873; 23 St James’s Square [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Mill had died on 8 May, and in his 2018 biography, Timothy Larsen gives an account of the controversy over the efforts to have buried in Westminister Abbey. (In any event by his own desire Helen Taylor had her husband buried at Avignon.) 2pp, 12mo. With thin mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded three times.

[St Andrews University, Kate Kennedy Day 1871.] Victorian photographic print of illustration depicting nine St Andrews Professors, one of them said to be John Stuart Mill, in fantastic revels.

[St Andrews University, Fife, Scotland: Kate Kennedy Day 1871; John Stuart Mill]
St Andrews
Publication details: 
Victorian photographic print of illustration ‘signed’ ‘Kate Kennedy pinxit / 1871’.
St Andrews

The tradition of this annual day of revels at Scotland's oldest university St Andrews is said to date back to the fifteenth century and is said to commemorate the visits of a lady Katharine Kennedy to her uncle, Bishop Kennedy of St Andrews, every Spring. 9 x 5 cm sepia photographic print of illustration, laid down on 10.5 x 6 cm piece of card, and clearly made in the nineteenth century. In fair condition, lightly aged. As part of the print, at bottom right: ‘Kate Kennedy pinxit / 1871’.

[John Stuart Mill, philospher and economist.] Autograph Signature ('J. S. Mill') with valediction to letter.

John Stuart Mill [J. S. Mill] (1806-1873), philosopher, political economist, and civil servant, a leading figure in the history of classical liberalism
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 2 x 11 cm slip of paper cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small tape stain from mount at the edge to the left of the signature. Reads: 'very truly yours | J. S. Mill'. On the reverse, in Mill's autograph, are the words: 'the Government for a pecuniary'. Mill is considered one of the most influential figures in the history of classical liberalism, and one of the leading English-speaking philosophers of the nineteenth century.

[Sibyl Colefax [Lady Colefax], interior decorator and socialite.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sibyl Colefax') to 'Mrs. Fox Pitt', offering to do the interior design for the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury.

Sibyl Colefax [Sibyl, Lady Colefax, née Halsey] (1874-1950), interior decorator and socialite [Mary Fox-Pitt, proprietor, the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Argyll House, 211 King's Road, Chelsea, SW [London]. No date.

2pp, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. The letter concerns Colefax's offer to do the interior design of the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury, whose proprietor was Mary Fox-Pitt, daughter-in-law of Augustus Pitt Rivers. Begins: 'Dear Mrs. Fox Pitt | Lady [?] told me to write to you, & she has also told me of your exceedingly interesting plan of making an ideal Hotel near Salisbury.' Colefax boasts that she knows 'all that neighbourhood so well'. She feels the hotel 'would be a wonderful boon to everyone who lives there'. She now comes to the point.

[Sir William Molesworth, Radical politician and journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Molesworth') to 'Merivale' [i.e. Herman Merivale] of the Colonial Office, about a report on 'exploring Central Africa' and other matters.

Sir William Molesworth (1810-1855), Radical politician associated with John Stuart Mill, co-founder of London Review, editor of Westminster Review [Herman Merivale (1806-1874), civil servant, etc
Publication details: 
Office of Works [London]. 8 December 1853.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. Endorsed on reverse of second leaf. At the time of writing Molesworth was serving as First Commissioner of Works in Lord Aberdeen's coalition government. (In the year of his death Aberdeen would appoint him Colonial Secretary.) The letter begins: 'My dear Merivale | Last November I moved for the enclosed return and since then I have spoken to ]Pal?] [i.e. Viscount Palmerston?] about it who promised that it should be made.

[ J.-B. Say. economist ] Autograph Letter Signed "J.B. Say" to "Monsieur George Smith", also an economist(?), in French

Jean-Baptiste Say, French economist (1767-1832)
Publication details: 
Paris, 12 Avril 1821.

Two pages, 8vo, bifolium, closed tear on fold, sl. darkeing at edge, mainly good condition, third page with brief biography of Say in French in another hand, adding presumably about his correspondent (?) that "[Say] se consacra a l'economie politique. Comme Smith, il combattit les prohibitions, les imports de consummation [...]". Fourth page has the correspondent's address in Say's hand, and is docketed with name and date. Text of letter: He initially thanks Smith for his letter to him "qui eleve une question interessante sur le produit qui varie le moins envaleur.

[Rafael Sabatini, Anglo-Italian popular novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Greenwood', regarding a 'flagrant' cause for complaint, and the removal of his name from the 'author credits' of a film with an 'unutterable scenario'..

Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Anglo-Italian author of romance and adventure novels
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Clock Mill, Clifford, Hertfordshire. 23 July 1949.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Folded once. Signed 'Rafael Sabatini'. After thanking her for her letter of sympathy, he notes: 'In the past I have had plenty of cause for complaint, but nothing quite so flagrant.' He has been 'avenged by the Press, which described the unutterable scenario from which the film was made in terms similar to those which I employed when I requested that my name be removed from the “author credits”'. He ends with good wishes to her 'laudable enterprise'.

[ Printed item. ] Prospectus and forms of application for a share issue by the Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited: '4½ First Mortgage Debentures of £100 Each'.

The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited. ('Paper Mills at Northfleet, Kent, and Ilford, Essex.') [ Carl Daniel Ekman (1845-1904), Swedish chemist and industrialist ] Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, London, 1896. ] Ford & Turner Printers, 77, Coleman Street, E.C.

Three items, folded into the customary packet. In very good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Prospectus. 4pp., 8vo. Includes the memorandum of association, in small print. The prospectus, dated 12 May 1896, begins: 'The Company was constituted in 1883. It possesses two Mills, one at Northfleet (freehold) with a complete plant for the manufacture of sulphite wood-pulp and four paper machines, and the other at Ilford (leasehold) with one paper machine. The out-put of these five machines is now 150 tons of paper per week.' Docketed at head of first leaf by Sir Richard Harington.

[ Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Liberal politician. ] Commencement of Autograph Letter to Lady Monteagle, expressing his distress and that of his wife [ over a death in her family ].

[ Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Liberal politician and Chancellor of the Exchequer. ] [ Marianne, Lady Monteagle, wife of Thomas Spring Rice (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon ]
Publication details: 
Grove Mill, Watford, Hertfordshire. No date.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Ends abruptly at the end of the fourth page, and without signature. For the period an unusually frank expression of distress, apparently over the death of his wife's elder daughter He thanks her for calling on him with books - 'when you so kindly came to that House though I had intended so very much to see you I felt all my courage fail - & that I s[houl]d. only distress you & do myself harm if I saw you'.

[ Pamphlet. ] Five Dead Men whom I knew when Living: Robert Owen, Joseph Mazzini, Charles Sumner, J. S. Mill, & Ledru Rollin.

Charles Bradlaugh [ Robert Owen; Joseph Mazzini; Charles Sumner; John Stuart Mill; Ledru Rollin ]
Publication details: 
London: Freethough Publishing Company, 28, Stonecutter Street, E.C. Undated [ 1880s ].

30pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. The Freethought Publishing Company was Bradlaugh's own vehicle. Preceded in publication by an edition by C. Watts, London, circa 1877. Scarce.

[Francis Campbell Bayard and Hugh Robert Mill, as Secretaries, Royal Meteorological Society.] Lithographed Certificate, signed by the two men, electing 'Charles Anthony Esq. Jun. M. Inst. C. E.' a Fellow.

Hugh Robert Mill (1861-1950), Scottish geographer and meteorologist; Francis Campbell Bayard (1851-1927) President of the Royal Meteorological Society
Publication details: 
Royal Meteorological Society, 70 Victoria Street, Westminster, SW. 21 March 1906.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and smudged paper. Engraved copperplate certificate. Signed 'Francis Campbell Bayard' and 'Hugh Robert Mill'.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing a speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Gallery of the Architectural Society in Conduit Street, Saturday, July 17th, 1869.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [John Stuart Mill; Rev. Charles Kinglsey; Professor Henry Fawcett; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes); John Morley; Professor David Masson]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1869.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. Disbound, with front leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged, without wraps. Including a seven-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.7-13); a speech of three and a half pages by the Rev. Charles Kingsley (pp.14-17); and others by Mrs Taylor; Thomas Hare; Boyd Kinnear; Lord Houghton; John Morley; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, P. A. Taylor; Professor Masson; Mr Stansfield. Three copies on COPAC, and none (other than surrogates) on OCLC WorldCat. No other copy curently on the market.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Hanover Square Rooms, on Saturday, March 26th, 1870.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage; John Stuart Mill; Jacob Bright; Lyon Playfair; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke; Helen Taylor; Auberon Herbert; Sir Robert Anstruther; Mrs Fawcett]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1870.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Includes a five-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.4-9), and others by Mrs Taylor, Professor Cairnes, Mrs Grote, Sir Robert Anstruther, Mrs Fawcett, Lord Amberley, Miss Helen Taylor, Auberon Herbert, Jacob Bright, Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, Miss Hare, Professor Hunter, Sir Wilfred Lawson. Four copies on COPAC, and two (other than surrogates) on OCLC WordCat. No other copy currently on the market.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Extracts from Mr Mill's Subjection of Women. With Permission of Messrs. Longman & Co.

[John Stuart Mill] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Published for the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, by Messrs Trübner and Co., 6 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. [Circa 1870.]

16pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased, with minor marking to last page, no wraps, disbound. No copy in the British Library. COPAC lists several copies. No other copy currently on the market.

Autograph Signature ('Wm Molesworth'), on a frank, of the Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark.

Sir William Molesworth (1810-1855), 8th Baronet, Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark, editor (with John Stuart Mill) of the Westminster Review
Publication details: 
London. 4 May 1839.

On piece of paper cut from front panel of envelope, 7 x 12.5 cm. In fair condition, with hole in paper made by seal or wafer (not affecting text). Red circular government postmark: 'FREE | 4 MY 4 | 1839'. All in Molesworth's hand, and reading: 'London May four 1839 | H H. Molesworth | St John Coll | Cambridge', with the signature as usual at bottom left: 'Wm Molesworth'.

[Printed pamphlet.] [Drophead title] The Claims of Capital considered. By William Browne.

William Browne [of Montreal, Canada] [John Lovell (1810-1893), Canadian printer and publisher; John Stuart Mill]
Publication details: 
'Published by JOHN LOVELL, Montreal, and Rouse's Point, N.Y.' [1870?]

16mo, 36pp. Printed in small type. Disbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A separate title-page may have been printed on a front wrap, now lacking. The pamphlet begins in stirring style: 'The conflict between labor and capital becomes more and more the struggle of the age. On both sides there are titanic powers engaged in what appears to be headlong and indiscriminating war. There may be now and again a lull in the contest - there may be some kind of truce proclaimed - some good sort of people may approach the combatants andn induce them for a season to lay down their arms.

Manuscript letter from 'the undersigned ladies and gentlemen of the "Delia" company', at the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Frank Rothsay, signed by sixteen individuals on presenting him with a token of appreciation of his management.

Frank Rothsay, Victorian actor-manager of the Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Borough Theatre, Stratford
Publication details: 
Tyne Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne. 5 October 1889.

1p., foolscap 8vo. Stained, worn and creased, but a unique memento of a Newcastle institution and Grade I listed building, founded in 1867 as the Tyne Theatre and Opera House, and now bearing the euphonious name of the Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre.

[Mimeographed Typed Report, with plans and diagrams.] St. Anne's Board Mill Co., Ltd. | Visit to the United States of America and Canada of Mr. R. J. Thomas and Mr. S. F. Smith | July/August 1946.'

[Report by R. J. Thomas and S. F. Smith of St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol, on their visit to the USA and Canada, 1946]
Publication details: 
[St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol. 1946.]

311pp., folio. With page of 'Errata' laid down on rear pastedown, under the manuscript heading 'COPY NO. 3. (PB).' With fold-out map of North America, and numerous plans and diagrams laid down in text, as well as several full-page plates. In original blue buckram binding, with 'REPORT ON AMERICAN VISIT | 1946.' in gilt on the spine. Good, on lightly-aged and spotted paper.

[Mimeographed Typed Report, with plans and diagrams.] St. Anne's Board Mill Company Limited | Visit of Mr. R. J. Thomas and Mr. D. R. Hicklin to the U.S.A. and Canada - 1954'.

[Report of R. J. Thomas and D. R. Hicklin of the St Anne's Board Mill Company Limited, Bristol, to the USA and Canada]
Publication details: 
[St Anne's Board Mill Co. Ltd. 1954.]

[v] + 135pp., folio. With diagrams and plans in text, and one large fold-out diagram of '100 Ton Waste Paper Cleaning System'. A well-produced item, well-typed and with clear diagrams, bound in navy buckram with 'REPORT ON AMERICAN VISIT | 1954' on the spine. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The text is preceded by an Index, a map of North America, and an itinerary. The 'objects of the visit' are given on the first page as '(a) To obtain information on the current production practice in Woodpulp and Paperboard Mills.

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce, former President of the Alpine Club, to E. W. Hallifax, endorsing 'a protest [...] raised against the ruin wrought in Switzerland by the construction of tourist railways'.

James Bryce (1838-1922), 1st Viscount Bryce, British Liberal politician and author, President of the Alpine Club, London, 1899-1901 [E. W. Hallifax, master, Mill Hill School]
Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from James Bryce
Publication details: 
20 November 1905; on letterhead of Hindleap, Forest Row, Sussex.
Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from James Bryce

12mo, 4 pp. 41 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with slight discoloration to edges. 'It was high time that in England, whence so many mountain climbers and tourists go to the Alps, a protest should be raised against the ruin wrought in Switzerland by the construction of tourist railways up the slopes of the mountains'. Deplores the 'irretrievable harm' already done to 'some of the noblest landscapes in the world, [...] easily accessible from the populous cities of Central and Western Europe, such as those on the shores of the Lake of Lucerne'.

[Printed pamphlet.] An Address delivered in the Chapel of the Protestant Dissenters' Grammar School, Mill Hill, on Occassion of Public Day, June 18th, 1845.

Algernon Wells [Rev. Algernon Wells (1793-1850), Secretary of Mill Hill Grammar School, and to the Colonial Missionary Society] [Evangelical Dissenters]
An Address delivered in the Chapel of the Protestant Dissenters' Grammar School,
Publication details: 
London: Printed by J. Unwin, 31, Bucklersbury. 1845.
An Address delivered in the Chapel of the Protestant Dissenters' Grammar School,

12mo, 15 pp. Stitched and unbound. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Described by Wells as 'an attempt, however feeble, to set forth the character and design of that interesting establishment', Mill Hill Grammar School, and 'designed to exhibit favourably a Public Grammar Education, rendered select by strict religious oversight; and to show the importance that Evangelical Dissenters should possess a permanent Institution for securing such an education for the sons of their more respectable families'.

Inadvertencies collected from the works of several eminent authors.

E. G-H.' [i.e. Edward Gathorne-Hardy], editor [The Mill House Press]
Publication details: 
Stanford Dingley: The Mill House Press, 1963.

Number 174 of 'Two hundred numbered copies [...] printed by hand on mould-made paper.' 8vo: [ii] + 9 pp. Stitched pamphlet of twelve leaves, with four vignettes giving it a distinct chap-book feel. COPAC only lists copies at the British Library and Oxford. Prefatory note by 'E. G-H.' [Eddie Gathorne-Hardy].

Autograph Letter Signed "A C Fraser" to an unnamed correspondent.

Alexander Campbell Fraser.
Publication details: 
20 Chester Street, 3 Jan. 1876.

Philosopher (see DNB). Two pages, 8vo, some spotting, mainly good condition. "I thank you for the profound & yet widely entertaining & [?] volume on "Moral Sensation" which you were so good as to send to me some weeks ago. I have read it with much asent to its main doctrine, & delight in the intellectual processes by which you unfold & [?] it. I do not not know where J.S. Mill found an antagonist more difficult to meet in any of his encounters . . ."

Handbill resolution.

Arthur Nicholson, Chairman of Meeting of Silk Manufacturers and Representatives, Leek, Staffordshire
Publication details: 

One page. Roughly 13 inches by 8 inches. In good condition, although slightly discoloured, creased from folding and with one very small closed tear. Reports the resolution of a meeting held at the Town Hall in Leek on 30 December 1901, that beginning on 1 January 1902 'the operatives shall give up the five minutes grace now allowed on entering Mills at 6.30 and after dinner'. Also states the working hours for week-days and Saturdays.

Printed notice, signed 'AMBROSE MOORE' regarding 'Children in Silk Mills', together with covering manuscript letter, signed 'Grout & Co.', and envelope, addressed to William Wilshere, M.P.

The Victorian Silk Trade [Child Labour, Factories' Act].
Publication details: 
The notice: 'LONDON, Milk Street, | 8th March, 1844.'; the letter: 'Silk Mills | Gt.. Yarmouth | 9th.. March 1844'.

Wilshere (1804-67) was M.P. for Great Yarmouth William, MP for Great Yarmouth between 1837 and 1846). The notice: 2 pages, 4to. In very good condition despite minor spotting and two closed tears caused by folding. The letter: 1 page, 8vo. In very good condition. The envelope (addressed to 'W. Wilshere Esqr. M. P. | 12 Stratton Street | Piccadilly | London') in very good condition with red wax lion seal and postmarks. Postage stamps removed. The letter urges Wilshere to 'support the view of the Case of of [sic] the Silk trade taken by the writer Mr Ambrose Moore'.

ALS to P.P. Alexander

Alexander Bain, Scottish psychologist and educationalist
Publication details: 

2pp., 8vo. Compliments Alexander's "polemic with Mill on the question of 'Liberty and Necessity'"" and promises a review ("some public form").

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