[Philip Schaff, Swiss-born Protestant theologian who settled in America.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to ‘Mrs. Reynolds’, regarding the Pan-Presbyterian Council and his activities in London.

Philip Schaff (1819-1893), Protestant theologian, born in Switzerland, educated in Germany, who settled in America; sympathetic to the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
23 June 1888. 21 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, on letterhead of the Hotel Metropole, London.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2pp, 12mo. Closely-written in a neat and elegant hand, signed ‘Philip Schaff’. In good condition, on browned paper, folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Mrs. Reynolds: / Many thanks for your kind invitation in which Mrs.

[Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and translator of Plato.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, one to ‘Bramston’ and the other to '[Shairp? Sherif?]'.

Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, translator of Plato and close friend of Florence Nightingale and contemporary of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll')
Publication details: 
First letter, to Bramston, ‘Aug. 21 [no year, on paper watermarked 1864] / Tummil Bridge [i.e. Tummell Bridge, Pitlochry]’, on embossed letterhead of ‘COLL DE BALL / OXON’. Second letter, no date or page.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters signed ‘B Jowett’. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My dear Bramston’. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, but with discoloration (probably deliberate, since he is writing from Scotland) to letterhead. Strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded for postage. Begins by asking for his thanks, and those of ‘Lord Kerry’ (his student, see Abbott’s ‘Life and Letters’), to be sent to ‘Captain Egerton for his kind and hospitable invitation’.

[Eponym of the 'Spoonerism': William Archibald Spooner, Warden of New College, Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear old Lee'

William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who gave his name to the 'spoonerism'
Publication details: 
'New College / Dec 1922', on letterhead of New College, Oxford.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Addressed to 'Dear old Lee' and signed 'W A Spooner -'. He explains that he and his colleagues thought Lee's 'testimonials & references very good, as you may gather from our having put you on our list of selected candidates, but you did not quite reach the very highest place in our judgment'.

[Iris Murdoch [Dame Jean Iris Murdoch], Anglo-Irish novelist and philospher.] Autograph Inscription Signed (‘Iris !’), to ‘Hardy’ (the couturier Sir Hardy Amies).

Iris Murdoch [Dame Jean Iris Murdoch] (1919-1999), Anglo-Irish novelist and philosopher [Sir Hardy Amies (1909-2003), English couturier]
Publication details: 
No place or date [1992?].

See her entry, and his, in the Oxford DNB. On the reverse of a colour postcard of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford from the Old Bodleian. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to one corner and at the head (not affecting text). To the right, in the section reserved for the address, she writes: ‘Hardy / with all very / best wishes & love / from / Iris !’. Beneath this is a pencil note identifying Amies as the recipient. At top left, in another hand (her husband John Bayley’s?) is written ‘Born before all time: / a dispute over Christ’s origin / Karl Joseph Kuschel’.

E. B. Pusey [Edward Bouverie Pusey], Oxford Professor of Hebrew and leading figure in the Oxford Movement. ANS

E. B. Pusey [Edward Bouverie Pusey] (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford and leading figure in the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
No date. On cancelled embossed letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, on both sides of a 9 x 10.5 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn, with a corner cut away, but the text complete.Nineteen lines in a close and difficult hand. Addressed to 'My dear Mgnr [i.e. Monsignor]' and signed 'E B Pusey'. Interpretation of Pusey's execrable handwriting is challenging. He appears to be ‘lecturing on the Psalms’, and may be requesting ‘combined lectures’.

[‘The Poet Laureate of Rowing’: R. C. Lehmann [Rudolph Chambers Lehmann], longtime contributor to ‘Punch’, founding editor of ‘Granta’, oarsman and Liberal Party MP.] Autograph Letter Signed to publishers Henry & Co, about his ‘In Cambridge Courts'.

R. C. Lehmann [Rudolph Chambers Lehmann] (1856-1929), longtime contributor to ‘Punch’, founding editor of ‘Granta’, oarsman, Liberal MP, father of writers Rosamond and John Lehmann
Publication details: 
‘Bourne End / Maidenhead / Oct 25 1891’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and those of his children the writers John Lehmann and Rosamond Lehmann. 1p, 12mo, with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged paper. Folded once, and with biographical information in small type at head. Addressed to ‘Messrs. Henry & Co’, publishers of his recently published book: ‘Dear Sirs / I am obliged for the two Copies of “In Cambridge Courts” which you sent me. Will you kindly send my further Copies to me at / 15 Berkeley Square / London W. / May I take this opportunity of congratulating you on the get up of the book. It is charming.’

[Charles Reade, popular Victorian novelist and playwright.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Alderman Spiers', regretting that he 'cannot dine out of College', but stating that he will 'look in'.

Charles Reade (1814-1884), popular Victorian novelist and playwright [Magdalen College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
'Magd Coll [Magdalen College, Oxford] / Sunday. Feb 14 [1862].'

Reade was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, from 1836 to his death. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB: ‘in the years of his fame, and particularly in the early 1860s, he did much of his writing in his rooms at Magdalen, using them as a retreat. His tenure of the fellowship was contingent on his remaining unmarried, a stipulation he complained of bitterly but continued to put up with, even when he was earning thousands a year as a writer’. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly discoloured, on thin wove paper. Folded once.

['An utterly unreadable book': Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and a leading figure of the Oxford Movement.] Autograph Letter Signed to a peer, discussing his pamphlet and book on 'Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister'.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford, a leading figure in the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
30 June 1880. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Sixty-one lines of text in Pusey’s distinctive minuscule (and not always easily decipherable) hand. Aged and worn. The item has been repaired after damp damage, with the second leaf laid down on a piece of thick paper. Loss of a few words of text. Pusey begins by stating that his pamphlet ‘God’s Prohibition of the Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister’ (1860), which he believes is out of print, is ‘more readable than the longer book’ (‘Marriage with a Deceased Wife’s Sister’, 1849), of whose ‘very heavy form’ he gives a description.

[William Warde Fowler, historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Bridge’, discussing 'the diminution of corn-growing' and an ornithological excursion.

William Warde Fowler (1827-1941), classical historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln Colege, Oxford
Publication details: 
‘Kingham, April 13 1913’.

Fowler’s entry in the DNB states that he resigned his tutorship in 1910, when he ‘retired to Kingham, where, since 1873, he had enjoyed a country home and entertained his pupils. From 1899 he lived there with his sister Alice’. On both sides of what was an 8vo leaf, the lower part of which has been torn away, leaving a piece roughly 20 cm square, with 26 typed lines and the autograph valediction, in a large bold hand, ‘Yours sincerely / W. Warde Fowler’. Aged and worn, but with the remaining text clear. A nice letter, combining Fowler’s main interests.

[Max Müller, Sanskrit scholar, Oxford's first Professor of Comparative Philology.] Autograph Signature and Note to printed letter of thanks (addressed in autograph to 'Mr. Conway') for congratulations on his appointment to the Privy Council.

Max Müller [Friedrich Max Müller; Muller] (1823-1900), Sanskrit scholar and philologist in England, born in Germany, Oxford's first Professor of Comparative Philology
Publication details: 
Printed date and place: ‘7 NORHAM GARDENS, / OXFORD, / May, 1896.’

See his long and appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, concluding with the praise of his ‘pioneering achievements, especially in the fields of Vedic studies and comparative philology'. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lighty aged. Folded for postage. In autograph are the salutation (‘Dear Mr. Conway’) and valediction and postscript (‘Yours very truly / F. Max Müller / (in bed with a cold)’. The printed body of the letter reads: ‘Being quite unable to answer the numerous letters addressed to me, I had to choose this way of thanking my friends for their kind congratulations.

[Victorian fraud: Philip Bliss, Registrar of the University of Oxford; William Okill, agent for Thomas Hudson, claimant to the Dukedom of Devonshire.] Unsigned Autograph notes by Bliss, on Autograph Letter Signed to him by Okill.

Philip Bliss (1787-1857), Registrar of the University of Oxford and Principal of St Mary Hall, antiquary; William Okill of Liverpool, agent for Thomas Hudson, claimant to the Dukedom of Devonshire
Philip Bliss
Publication details: 
ONE (Okill's ALS): '2 Duke Street / Liverpool 30th. June 1848'. TWO (Bliss's Unsigned Autograph notes): Without date or place.
Philip Bliss

This forgotten case of identity fraud predates the celebrated Titchborne case by more than a decade.

[Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of James Anthony Froude, historian and biographer of Thomas Carlyle.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining why she is denying the unnamed recipient’s request to reprint two passages from Thomas Carlyle.

Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of J. A. Froude [James Anthony Froude] (1818-1894), historian, editor of Fraser’s Magazine, disciple and biographer of Thomas Carlyle
Publication details: 
4 October [no year]; on letterhead of 8 Cresswell Gardens, South Kensington [London].

Although it does not state so explicitly, Froude’s entry in the Oxford DNB appers to suggests that the Margaret Froude who edited his work after his death was the same daughter as the Georgina Margaret Froude (1850-1935) who married William Mallock. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Addressed to ‘Dear Madam’ and signed ‘Margaret Froude’. She cannot alter the opinion that she expressed to ‘Mr Longman’ (the London publisher).

[G. J. Romanes; Darwin; Canadian-born evolutionary biologist, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin.] Part of Autograph Draft of biographical entry on himself, with deleted passage.

G. J. Romanes [George John Romanes] (1848-1894), evolutionary biologist, born in Canada, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin
G. J. Romanes
Publication details: 
No date, but from internal evidence written in 1893. No place.
G. J. Romanes

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is clearly part of a draft of an intended biographical entry, penned by Romanes himself in his close and distinctive hand. On one side of a cm piece of laid paper with the reverse blank. Reads: ‘His extensive treatise entitled “Darwin and after Darwin,” which is now being published in successive volumes, is an outgrowth of the lectures delivered in both capacities.

[William John Courthope, Professor of Poetry at Oxford.] Autograph Letter providing an autobiographical account for a reference work.

William John Courthope (1842-1917), English author and historian of poetry, Professor of Poetry at Oxford
Publication details: 
9 December 1881. On embossed letterhead of the Education Department, Whitehall.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 32 lines, neatly written, including interpolations. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Folded for postage. No signature and with recipient not named. Begins: ‘Sir / On my return from the Continent I find your letter which I should have of course acknowledged at once if I had been at home. / If the following particulars about myself are of any use for the purpose of your book they are quite at your service’. A thumbnail autobiographical account follows, beginning: ‘I am the eldest son of the late Revd.

[Spenser Wilkinson, military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Bryan' regarding a meeting with 'Col. [A. G. A.] Durand'.

Spenser Wilkinson [Henry Spenser Wilkinson] (1853-1937), military historian, the first Chichele Professor of Military History at Oxford University [Colonel A. G. A. Durand of the Hunza-Nagar Campaign]
Publication details: 
2 January 1901; 99 Oakley St. S.W. [London] On letterhead of the Morning Post, 246 Strand, W.C. [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Spenser Wilkinson.’ Begins: ‘Dear Mr. Bryan, / I am glad to hear from you again, for you seemed lost. My wife went to Beauchamp Place long ago to call on Mr. Bryan but found that you had left & could not learn your address.’ He accepts with pleasure the invitation to lunch with him and Colonel Durand, ‘whose book I read with much interest’.

[Geoffrey Langdale Bickersteth, Italianist and Professor of English at Aberdeen University.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to his old headmaster at Charterhouse 'Dr. Rendall’, with reference to Dante, Marlborough College, Josef Schick, E. A. Wilson.

Geoffrey Langdale Bickersteth (1884-1974), translator of Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’, Professor of English, Aberdeen University [Gerald Henry Rendall (1851-1945), Shakespearian scholar]
Publication details: 
ONE: 11 July 1913; on letterhead of The College, Marlborough. TWO: 27 January 1914; Amalienstrasse 44A/II, Munich. THREE: 7 February 1933; on letterhead of 4 St John’s Terrace, Glasgow, W2.

Three excellent letters, written to his old headmaster at Charterhouse. Bickersteth’s papers are at Aberdeen, and with those of his family at the Bodleian. See the Oxford DNB entry for his brother Julian Bickersteth (1885-1962). Three long letters, every page fully filled with text neatly written in a close hand. The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE (11 July 1913): 4pp, 12mo, with additional cross writing on the first three. Bifolium. Begins by thanking him for his book, clearly Rendall’s ‘A Hero of the Antarctic’, about the ornithologist and explorer E. A.

[Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and a leading figure of the Oxford Movement.] Autograph Letter Signed to [Henry James Coleridge or John Duke Coleridge] regarding nursing arrangements.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford, a leading figure in the Oxford Movement [Henry James Coleridge (1822-1893)]
Publication details: 
1 June 1868. With the embossed device of Oxford University Press.

See Pusey's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with those of the Coleridge brothers and (perhaps tangentially) Robin Schofield, ‘Sara Coleridge and the Oxford Movement’ (2020). 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-seven lines, in a close hand, rather difficult to decipher. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Coleridge’ and signed ‘E B Pusey’. What follows is a tentative transcription. ‘On hearing from your brother of the condition of dearest J. Rd & Mrs. Ks.

[James Martineau, Professor in Manchester New College, Oxford, brother of Harriet Martineau.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. F. Parnall', giving details of examinations he is to conduct, with the theologian James Drummond.

James Martineau (1805-1900), Unitarian minister, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy in Manchester New College, Oxford, brother of Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) [James Drummond]
Publication details: 
'The Polchar, Aviemore. N[orth]. B[ritain]. / July 18. 1884.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Thirty-five lines of neatly-written text. Signed ‘James Martineau’ and addressed to ‘Mr F. Parnall’. He congratulates him ‘on obtaining a place in the Honours Division’, explaining that it will ‘remain entirely with’ himself ‘to select the optional books for the October Examination’. They ‘have no wish to modify any choice which you may make, in accordance with the terms of the Regulations’.

[Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed discussing arrangements regarding proofs over Christmas.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
9 December 1893. 'M. U | Elderfield' [Otterbourne, Hampshire].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with blocks of discoloration. Addressed to 'Dear Madam' and signed ' M Yonge'. She cannot tell her 'how late the final proof must be, as it depends on the printers, and the Christmas week so disturbs arrangements that they generally wish to have all finished earlier than usual'. She suggests sending he a card 'when the proofs come in to me', as there will be a few days to spare, 'while the other ladies are correcting them'.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Credibility of Herodotus' Account of Egypt in the Light of the Egyptian Monuments / Being a Lecture delivered at the Fifty-fifth Congress of the German Philologists and Schoolmasters at Erlangen'.

Wilhelm Spiegelberg; Aylward M. Blackman, translator
Publication details: 
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1927.

[6] + 40pp, 8vo. Two plates and five figures in text. Stitched into brown printed wraps with attractive representation of Horus. Ownership signature 'E. B. Fry.' In good condition, lightly aged, in worn and lightly-creased wraps.

[Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922.] Autographs of the eleven, including future England Captain Greville Stevens, the Australian R. H. Bettington, R. C. Robertson-Glasgow and R. L. Holdsworth.

Greville Stevens [Greville Thomas Scott Stevens; G. T. S. Stevens] (1901-1970), Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922; England captain [R. H. Bettington; R. L. Holdsworth; R. C. Robertson-Glasgow]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the same eleven that played at Oxford in May 1922.

On a 16.5 x 20 cm piece of faded and lightly-worn light-green paper, with small diagonal cuts at corners where the item was mounted in an album. The players’ names are neatly presented in a column (there is no other text on either side): ‘OUCC | Greville Stevens | R. L. H. Holdsworth | J. D. Percival | V. R. Price | R C Robertson Glasgow | P E Lawrie | M Patten | R H Bettington | T B Raikes | L. P. Hedges | R R P Barbour’. This is the same eleven which won a match at Oxford against the Free Foresters on 20 May 1922.

[Henry Hart Milman, historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, regarding his desire to build a church.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford [Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Chancellor of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
‘Cloisters West[minste]r. Abbey / March 20th’ [no year].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘H H Milman’ and addressed to ‘G. C. Lewis Esq’. Written in a crabbed hand. Begins: ‘My dear Lewis / I think that I mentioned to you my great wish to build a Church for the [?] of St Margarets.

[Henry Hart Milman, historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford [Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), novelist]
Publication details: 
‘Cloisters [Westminster Abbey] / Decr 31st. 1841 -’.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. 2pp, 16mo. Signed ‘H H Milman’ and addressed to ‘My dear Mr Lister’ (the item is from the papers of Lister’s wife Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865; ODNB). He begins by congratulating Lister on the birth of his daughter ‘and the safety of Lady Theresa’.

[Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, step-daughter of Margot Asquith, and wife of Maurice Bonham Carter.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Seyers', declining 'offers of hospitality' from Monmouth Town.

Violet Bonham Carter (1887-1969), daughter of Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith [Herbert Henry Asquith], step-daughter of Margot Asquith, and wife of Maurice Bonham Carter
Publication details: 
22 June 1932. On letterhead of Stockton House, Codford St. Mary, Wilts.

An opponent of appeasement and Winston Churchill's closest female friend. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Seyers’ and signed ‘Violet Bonham Carter’. She regrets that she is unable to accept his invitation to ‘come to Monmouth in November - as my plans are very uncertain - it is just possible I might be abroad then. / It is so good of the Monmouth Town [bench?] to invite me’. She ends by asking him to thank them for ‘their kind offers of hospitality’.

[Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield], motor manufacturer and philanthropist.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking the Provost of Oriel College, Oxford [Sir David Ross], for his co-operation with regard to Nuffield's trusts.

Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield] (1877-1963), motor manufacturer and philanthropist, proprietor of Morris Motors [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross], Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
16 October 1944. On letterhead of Cowley, Oxford.

See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. On blue paper. Folded twice for postage. Ross is not named, the letter being addressed to him as ‘The Provost, / Oriel College, / Oxford.’ Bold signature: ‘Nuffield’.

[Lord Hugh Cecil [Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Baron Quickswood], British Conservative politician.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Provost’ [W. D. Ross, Provost of Oriel], sending a memorandum on ‘the recent crisis in Foreign Affairs’.

Lord Hugh Cecil [Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil (1869-1956), 1st Baron Quickswood], Conservative politician, Provost of Eton [Sir David Ross, Provost of Oriel, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
21 December 1935. On letterhead of Hatfield House, Hatfield, Herts.

Cecil, who was the best man at Churchill’s wedding, was regarded as the finest orator of his generation. See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Provost’ and signed ‘Hugh Cecil’. He apologises for the late reply, but has ‘been ill and until yesterday was strictly confined to my room here’. He has received too many letters to be able to reply to each. ‘I therefore venture to enclose to you a brief Memorandum which I have drawn up dealing with the recent crisis in Foreign Affairs’.

[Ernest Bevin, Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition.] Typed Letter Signed to Sir David Ross

Ernest Bevin (1881-1961), Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
17 May 1940. On embossed letterhead of the Ministry of Labour and National Service, Montagu House, Whitehall S.W.1 [London]

See the entries for Bevin and Ross in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Sir David Ross, K.B.E., LL.D.’ and signed ‘Ernest Bevin’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir David, / In connection with my general plans I wish as soon as possible to make definite proposals concerning the Fair Wages Clause.’ He understands that ‘discussions between the T.U.C.

[Oriel College, Oxford.] Four printed items of ephemera from the papers of college fellow Sir William David Ross: three reports for the academic years ending 1918, 1921 and 1922, and a prospectus for the sexcentenary volume of Richards and Shadwell.

Oriel College, University of Oxford [Sir W. D. Ross [Sir William David Ross] (1877-1971), Vice-Chancellor and philosopher]
Publication details: 
The three reports: [Oriel College, Oxford] 1918 [with stamp of 'The Treasury'], 1921 and 1922. The prospectus by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, [1921].

Four scarce pieces of ephemera: no other copies of them traced on either JISC or WorldCat. See Ross’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The three reports give lists of college persons, with general and particular news. Items Two to Four in good condition, lightly aged and creased; Item One as described below. ONE: ‘ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD / 1917-1918’. Signed in type by ‘L. L. P.’ [i.e. Langford Lovell Price, retiring treasurer] and dated 31 July 1918. 7pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums of thin war-economy paper, glued together.

[H. H. Asquith, Liberal Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature to Printed Circular regarding 'the University Settlements' [in London's East End and elsewhere] as a solution for 'social problems'.

H. H. Asquith [Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister [University Settlements; Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel; Oxford House, Bethnal Green]
H. H. Asquith
Publication details: 
Printed Circular dated 'October, 1911.' No place.
H. H. Asquith

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘settlement’ movement was the result of growing unease among the educated classes regarding the condition of the poor. The two most celebrated settlements, both still active, are Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel and Oxford House in Bethnal Green. From the papers of Sir William David Ross (1877-1971), Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. The present printed circular is 1p, 12mo. Printed on wove watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Asquith’s signature is genuine. Reads: ‘October, 1911.

[Lord Bryce (James Bryce), Liberal politician, jurist and British Ambassador to United States.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to 'Ross' (the future Sir W. D. Ross), on East End philanthropy, Oxford, and the war.

Lord Bryce [James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce] (1838-1922), Ulster-born Liberal politician, jurist, British Ambassador to United States [Sir William David Ross (1877-1981), Oxford Vice-Chancellor]
Publication details: 
1914, 1915 and 1917. The second on letterhead of Hindleap, Forest Row, Sussex; the third on embossed letterhead of the House of Lords.

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn; the second is lightly spotted. Each is folded once. All three signed 'Bryce'. ONE: 13 February 1914. No place. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Begins: 'My dear Ross / I should like [to] help in so good a cause, but cannot possibly venture to make any promise for a date so distant as Nov. next. It would be a tempting of Providence as we say in Scotland.' He is not even certain whether he will be in England then, 'and there is nothing one has more to avoid than the breaking of promises'.

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