[Logan Pearsall Smith, American-born British essayist and literary critic associated with the Bloomsbury Group.] Autograph Letter in the third person regarding the dinner of the Royal Literary Fund.

Logan Pearsall Smith (1865-1946), American-born British essayist and literary critic associated with the Bloomsbury Group
Publication details: 
14 June 1921. On letterhead of 11 St Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Written in the year in which Smith made his one return to America after becoming a British citizen in 1913. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. On grey paper. Reads: ‘Mr. L. Pearsall Smith regrets that he will be away from London on July 6th & will not be able to attend the Dinner of the Royal Literary Fund on that date.’

[Rollo Russell, meteorologist, son of Lord John Russell and uncle of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Postcard Signed.

Rollo Russell [Francis Albert Rollo Russell] (1849-1914), meteorologist and scientific writer, son of Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell and uncle of philosopher Bertrand Russell
Publication details: 
No date, but with Haslemere postmark of 8 May 1895. In autograph: 'Dunrozel. Haslemere.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11.5 x 9 cm plain post card with printed half penny stamp. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog eared corner and spike hole (through part of address on one side and blank space at bottom left on message side). Addressed by Russell to ‘The Secretary / Society of Arts / John St / Adelphi / London / W.C.’ Reads: ‘Dunrozel, Haslemere. / In reply I beg to say I shd like the Journal “supplied in a bound volume at the conclusion of the Vol. in Nov.” / J. A. R. Russell’.

[James Bertrand Payne, fraudster who brought down the London publishing house Edward Moxon & Co.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to H. Cholmondeley-Pennell, one explaining his retirement from the firm, and two about Pennell's book 'Crescent'.

James Bertrand Payne (1833-1898), editor, author and fraudster [Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell (1837-1915), poet and writer on angling]
Publication details: 
The first two on letterhead 44 Dover Street, Piccadilly, London, W. [i.e. the premises of Edward Moxon & Co.], 17 and 26 October 1868. The third from The Grange, Brompton, 22 February 1869. The fourth with no place, 23 May 1869.

The four letters are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Written in Payne's neat and mannered hand, and all four signed 'J Bertrand Payne'. For the background to the correspondence see Jim Cheshire's article 'The Fall of the House of Moxon', Victorian Poetry, Spring 2012. Payne was manager of the London publishing house Edward Moxon & Co., celebrated for their association with poets.

[Alys Pearsall Smith, first wife of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alys Russell') to 'Mr Armstrong' [radical journalist George Gilbert Armstrong], regarding his 'valuable little pamphlet'.

Alys Russell [born Alyssa Whitall Pearsall Smith] (1867-1951), American Quaker activist, sister of critic Logan Pearsall Smith, first wife of Bertrand Russell [George Gilbert Armstrong (1870-1945)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 11 St Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. [London] 29 June 1917.

She thanks him for sending his 'most interesting & valuable little pamphlet', which she will give to her friends to read, hoping that it will 'really help at this most difficult time'. She is struck by his 'footnote about “The Freedom of the Seas”', and wishes she 'could really understand that subject'. She ends by asking (disingenuously?) if anything has been written which 'puts your point of view at more length & simply enough for an ordinary mortal to take it in'. The pamphlet referred to is presumably Armstrong's 'Peace with Security' (1917).

[James Bertrand Payne, editor and author.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to H. Cholmondeley-Pennell, written around the time of his prosecution by the London publishers Edward Moxon & Co., and launch of his magazine 'The King of Arms'.

James Bertrand Payne (1833-1898), editor, author and fraudster [Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell (1837-1915), poet and writer on angling]
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of Tempsford House, the Grange, Brompton, S.W. [London] One from 1871 and two from 1873.

The three letters are in good condition, lightly aged. All three signerd 'J Bertrand Payne'. The first has a letterhead in red, the other two have a different letterhead in blue. Both designs feature exuberant monograms and lettering in Victorian Gothic type, which, together with Payne's exuberant handwriting (the last letter also being written in purple ink), accurately reflect the character of the man Tennyson angrily dismissed as 'peacock Payne'. Three excellent letters, the background to which is of interest.

[ 'Smith Payne & Co.' [John Moyr Smith and James Bertrand Payne].] The Anglican Mysteries of Paris, Revealed in the Stirring Adventures of Captain Mars and his two friends Messieurs Scribbley & Daubiton.

'Smith Payne & Co.' [John Moyr Smith (1839-1912), Scottish Arts and Crafts artist; James Bertrand Payne (1833-1898), author; Edward Moxon (English, 1801-1858), London publisher; Gustav Doré]
Publication details: 
London: E. Moxon, Son & Co., 1870.

The author of the text of the present volume, J. B. Payne, was manager of the book's publisher Moxon, and ruined the firm with his sumptuous editions, including one of Tennyson's 'Idylls of the King' with illustrations by Gustav Doré, which determined Tennyson to forbid future illustrated editions of his work. The market for the present volume would have been limited, and the cost of producing it so high, that it is hard to see how it can have covered its costs. [3] + 53pp., 4to. Each of the 56 pages is lithographed in black against a light-brown background, on thick art paper.

[ Lady Agatha Russell, daughter of Lord John Russell. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Agatha Russell.'), regarding 'The Inquirer', her father's views on free trade and the repeal of the Corn Laws.

Lady Agatha Russell (1853-1933), daughter of Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell and aunt of Bertrand Russell
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Rozeldene, Hindhead, Surrey. 18 April 1930.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a shaky hand. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | I was much obliged to you for the extra copy of The Inquirer which I was glad to have, containing very good letters supporting Free Trade. It is a subject on which I feel strongly – perhaps inherited from my father!

[ Bertrand, Count Clausel, Marshal of France. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Mal Clausel'), in margin of a petition from the widow Sallemant to Baron de Schonen, requesting a the continuance of a civil list pension.

Bertrand, comte Clausel [ Count Bertrand Clausel or Clauzel ] (1772-1842), Marshal of France [ Baron Auguste Jean Marie de Schonen (1782-1849) ]
Publication details: 
The petition dated from Paris, 18 July 1838.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged paper. The petition is headed 'A Monsieur le Baron de Schonen | liquidateur de l'ancienne liste civile', with 'Sallemant' (the name of the petitioner) beneath it in another hand. Clausel's note, of eleven lines of a few words each, is in the left-hand margin, and recommends to 'la bienveillance de Mr. de Schonen' the petition of a woman who describes herself as 'une malheureuse veuve'. Laid down on the reverse is a piece of card, carrying a biographical note in English in an nineteenth-century hand.

Typed list of 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928' by Lord Dawson of Penn [Bertrand Dawson, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn], who attended on the king in his last illness, and hastened his death with a lethal injection.

Bertrand Dawson (1864-1945), 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn [Lord Dawson of Penn], Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V, whose death he hastened while attending on him in his last illness [euthanasia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London: c. 1929?]

1p., 4to. On piece of wove paper, watermarked 'Gray Valley | Parchment'. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Neatly folded, and inserted in a brown paper envelope, carrying the following typed note on its front: 'List of Contents of documents of illness of King George V in 1928 and death.' The list is from the papers of Lord Dawson of Penn. It contains fifteen numbered items, and is headed 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928', without authorial attribution. Item 8 is 'Lord Dawson's notes on the King's illness | Also notes from Sir H. Rolleston and Sir R.

[Pamphlet] An Open Letter to all the Do-Gooders Fidel Castro Jean Paul Sartre Bertrand Russell

[Kenan; Keinan] Amos Keynan "One of Israel's Left-Wingers".
Publication details: 
Labour Friends of Israel, Millet Printers, [1968?]

Printed wraps, [12]pp., 12mo.good cpondition. [End of text] "This letter originally appeared in Israel on March 22nd 1968, in 'Yediot Ahronot'". No copy on COPAC. WorldCat lists the title but doesn't cite a library.

Autograph address and short note.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), Anglo-Welsh writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On one side of a piece of wove paper, cut into a rectangle approximately 4.5 x 9 cm. Good, on lightly-creased paper with one vertical fold. Cut from an envelope, with traces of the postmark over the autograph, and a section of the gummed strip on the reverse. Reads 'From | John Cowper Powys | Waterloo | Blaenau - F Festiniog | Merionethshire | North Wales | I enjoyed thinking of you in Italy'.

Paper entitled 'DISCUSSION: (I) Philosophy Without Science'.

Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, Sir Alfred Jules Ayer; Herbert Dingle
Publication details: 
Reprinted from PHILOSOPHY, Vol. XXIII, No. 84, January 1948.'

12 pages, octavo. Unbound. Folded once, down the centre, vertically. Good, though grubby, and with marks from paperclip. Each of the three contributes a section. PRESENTATION COPY, with slip from Samuel, on his notepaper '32, PORCHESTER TERRACE, W.2.' on which is typed 'WITH LORD SAMUEL'S COMPLIMENTS'.

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