Art and Architecture

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed') to W. F. Stocks.

Thomas Faed (1826-1900), R.A., Scottish artist [Walter F. Stocks]
Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed', artist)
Publication details: 
31 January 1870; Sussex Villa, Campden Hill, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed', artist)

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. In bifolium. On aged and discoloured paper, with small closed tears along central fold lines of both leaves. A reference, 'bearing testimony to your perfect efficiency as a teacher of landscape painting possessing, as you do, the first and greatest requisite, namely a power to sketch beautifully from nature, your success should not be short of great. [last word underlined]' Apologises for not answering sooner, caused by 'the loss of your card'. From a small archive of Walter F. Stocks's correspondence.

Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather. [Illustrated, and inscribed by the author]

The Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., D.C.L.
Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather
Publication details: 
Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street. 1863.
Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather

8vo, 40 pp. Five plates (numbered I to V and with p.40 numbered VI) and thirty illustrations in text. In original brown cloth wraps, with cover bearing white paper label printed in red and black reading 'HUME | METAL ON LEATHER. | 1863.' Tight, on aged paper, in rebacked wraps. Inscribed on front free endpaper 'To W. W. F. Hume Esquire from his the writer 3rd March 1863. Title-page also in red and black. Note on reverse of title: 'This Paper is printed in the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. XIV, for Session 1861-62.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (two 'Leonard Walker' and the other 'L. W.') to C. R. Grundy, concerning a stained-glass window.

Leonard Walker (1877-1964), Principal of the St John's Wood School of Art, and member of the Art Workers Guild [Cecil Reginald Grundy (1870-1944), editor of the Connoisseur]
Leonard Walker, Stained Glass, Letters
Publication details: 
16, 17 and 31 December 1935; all three items on letterhead of Walker's studio in King Henry's Road, London.
Leonard Walker, Stained Glass, Letters

All three items 8vo. The first of two pages, and the other two of one page each. Texts clear and complete. Fair on aged, creased and slightly-discoloured paper. Discussing his disagreement with the architect of a building over the width of two proposed uprights. Walker considers that these 'would handicap the fullest expression'. The first letter carries a simple pencil diagram of the window. He feels 'we shall all have forgotten this point' when the window is seen 'in all its glory'.

Printed certificate ('Diploma'), completed in manuscript and signed by the Secretary James Tod, admitting William Murray of Henderland as a Member of the Society of Arts for Scotland.

[James Tod, Secretary, Society of Arts for Scotland; William Murray of Henderland; W. H. Lizars, engraver]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 22 January 1834.

Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Leaf dimensions 29 x 23.5 cm. Clear and complete. Grubby, and with closed tears to folds and slight damp staining. An attractive production. Ornate heading, with engraved portrait of Minerva in circular medallion (5.5 cm diameter) surrounded by laurel leaves, 'Drawn & Engd. by W. H. Lizars'. Text engraved in copperplate. Reads (with manuscript part in square brackets): 'Edinburgh [23d. January] 18[34,] | At a meeting of the Society held here on the [22d.

Autograph Note in the third person to Simco. With priced list (by Simco?) of engravings on reverse.

John Chamberlaine (c.1745-1812), antiquary [John Simco (c.1749-1824), London bookseller]
Publication details: 
Brompton. Friday Morng' [c.1812?].

12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr. Simco | Warwick St. | Golden Square.' Asking Simco to send a book 'by the Bearer', as well as ' a remittance upon his account of Holbein', as 'he has some large payments to make at the beginning of next week'.

Autograph Letter, third person, in French, to "Monsieur Disderi", French photographer

Duke of Nemours [Le Duc de Nemours]
Publication details: 
Bushy House, Bushy Park, Teddington, SW, 28 Nov. 1866

Two pages, 8vo, bifolium, blank second leaf laid don on stiff paper, c.21 x 27cm, good condition.. He asks Disderi de lui envoyer deux collections des huit vues de Claremont [an earlier refuge in England] & Weybridge qu'il a fait en avril dernier, et un exemplaire du groupe general sur la pelouse de Claremont." He doesn't want the latter mounted but "l'autre collection doit etre montee sur carton." He asks for a "note au compte" made out to him. Note@ Apparently Disderi pioneered the carte de visite.

Small archive of 22 Typed Letters Signed ('Frank Baines') and one Autograph Letter Signed, to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with documents including a draft speech by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, with Baldwin's emendations.

Sir Frank Baines (1877-1933), British architect, Director of Works, Her Majesty's Office of Works [Stanley Baldwin]
Publication details: 
1927 to 1928; on letterheads of the Director of Works, H.M. Office of Works, and 34, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. [London].

The collection is in very good condition, on slightly aged and dusty paper. Several items bear the Society's stamp. An interesting and significant correspondence. The letters, in a variety of formats from 12mo to foolscap, are often long, and are written in an informal tone. Indicating Baines's deep involvement in the Society's affairs, they most significantly concern an appeal, organised by Baines on behalf of the Society, 'for the preservation of the cottage architecture of Great Britain', with the backing and involvement of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C Fane') to G. Joy, discussing the reform of the Court of Chancery.

Robert George Cecil Fane (1796-1864), English Judge, as Commissioner of the Court of Bankruptcy [Court of Chancery]
Publication details: 
19 August 1844; Court of Bankruptcy.

12mo, 3 pp. Thirty-three lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount on reverse of second leaf, which is docketed 'C. Fane to G. Joy | 19 Augt. 1844'. A significant and interesting letter, on a topic later tackled by Dickens in 'Bleak House', by a judge who was an active member of the Law Amendment Society, and whose decisions, according to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'were frequently the subject of comment', although 'very few of his judgments were reversed on appeal'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Russell Flint') to L. Carpenter of Leigh-on-Sea, discussing his artistic development.

Sir William Russell Flint (1880-1969), British artist
Publication details: 
8 July 1948; on his Peel Cottage, Campden Hill, letterhead.

4to, 2 pp. Twenty-three lines of text, clear and complete. In fair condition, creased and lightly-worn. With stamped envelope addressed by Flint. In reply to a question from Carpenter ('I very, very freqently receive letters such as yours') Flint writes: 'Dont worry about not receiving art instruction in painting because I never had a lesson in my life.' He believes he inherited the skill he 'started with', but constant study of the works of masters & constant practice have brought me (with the aid of a kindly Providence) to my present position'.

Printed list (headed 'Trinity College, Cambridge. | June 21 and 22, 1899.') of 'Members of the College' who have 'accepted the invitation of the Master and Fellows to dinner'.

Trinity College, Cambridge University, 1899 [Rev. Charles William Shepherd]
Publication details: 
First Issue.' [Cambridge; 1899.]

8vo, 4 pp. Neatly printed on watermarked laid paper. Fair, though slightly grubby and creased. The words 'First Issue' are in the top left-hand corner of the first page. The heading reads 'Trinity College, Cambridge. | June 21 and 22, 1899. | The following Members of the College have accepted the invitation of the Master and Fellows to dinner on June 21. The date placed opposite to each name is that of the year in which the first degree was taken, and the order is that in which the names stand on the College Boards'. The earliest graduates date from 1858 and the latest from 1865.

66 albumen print photographs of Belle Epoque decorative mouldings [moldings] and other architectural features; with one drawing of an overmantel.

Le Roy & Cie, Brussels, Belgium [architecture; architectural design; interior decoration; furniture; nineteenth century albumen print photography]
Publication details: 
Brussels, Belgium. Undated [Edwardian?].

Stamped on front pastedown 'LE ROY & CIE. | DECORATION GENERALE | 58, Avenue Fonsny, 58 | TEL. SABLON 2061'. In a landscape 12mo (roughly 12 x 17 cm) album of 29 leaves, bound in coarse brown cloth. The majority of the photographs are in good condition though lightly aged, with around 20 showing varying degrees of damage involving staining and chipping. The album itself is worn and aged, in a binding heavily-worn at spine and corners, and with spotted and aged leaves.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Herbert') to Wyatt, on the subject of 'the lighting of the Wilton Chapel'.

Edward Herbert (d.1870?) [Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880); Wilton House]
Publication details: 
Cairo. Feby. 18. 1864.'

12mo, 2 pp. With mourning border. 42 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to extremities. Herbert has not yet received Wyatt's 'promised letter', but wants 'to say one word [...] about the lighting of the Wilton Chapel. The Gap must be brought to the centre of the Ceiling before the works are completed, as Mr. Olivier wishes to give Eveng. Lectures to the Servants on different occasions & I thought a Corona in the centre would light the whole [...] I can quite trust to yr. Taste to choose one.

A Broadside for July, 1911. [No. 2. Fourth Year] ['Blow, Bullies, Blow (Halliards Chanty)' with three illustrations by Jack B. Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 cm square) and second (7 x 10 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Derby Day') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for March, 1914. [No. 10. Sixth Year] [the poems 'Nora Creina' and 'The Tan-Yard Side' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 x 10 cm) and second (9.5 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('The Metropolitan Regatta Dublin') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for February, 1914. [No. 9. Sixth Year] [Hyde's poem 'I shall not die for thee' and Guthrie's poem 'Paternoster Callaghan' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; James Guthrie; Douglas Hyde; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7 x 10 cm) and second (8 x 7.5 cm) pages; black and white illustration ('Drowned Sailor', 12 x 10 cm) alone on third page. Final page blank. The first poem is not ascribed, but is known to be by Hyde.

Ecce Mundus. Industrial Ideals and the Book Beautiful.

T. J. Cobden-Sanderson [Hammersmith Publishing Society]
Publication details: 
Hammersmith: Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace. 1902. ['Printed at the Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham & Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. And sold by the Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace, Hammersmith.']

8vo: [38] pp (unpaginated). In original quarter binding, with buff boards and vellum spine on which is stamped in black 'ECCE MUNDUS'. Good copy: internally tight and clean, in slightly-grubby and worn binding bumped at foot of spine and at one corner. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Cobden-Sanderson on the front free endpaper: 'To Mr. Wheatley [the bibliographer Henry Benjamin Wheatley] with the compliments of the writer'. With green leather and gilt bookplate of Alfred Sutro on front pastedown.

Sur une Collection d'Amulettes Chinoises. Dessins de Mlle Gilberte Zaborowska.

Raphaël Blanchard and Bui Van Quy, authors; Gilberte Zaborowska, illustrator [Chinese metallic medical amulets]
Publication details: 
Extrait de la 'Revue Anthropologique'. Paris: Librarie Félix Alcan. Juillet-Août 1918.

8vo: 42 pp (paginated 131 to 172). Stitched pamphlet. In original printed wraps, with title and illustration. Two photographic illustrations in text and forty-eight numbered illustrations by Zaborowska. Good, on aged paper, with light notes in blue pencil on pp. 144 and 145. Blanchard explains that Quy, a doctor from Hanoi, came to Paris to further his medical studies. He had a position under Blanchard 'au Laboratoire de Parasitologie'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dollman.

John Hassall (1868-1948), English illustrator
Publication details: 
10 November 1906; on letterhead of 88 Kensington Park Road, W. [London]

8vo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, lightly-creased and with small closed tears at edges of central crease. From the context of other items in the same collection, this letter relates to an 'Artists general Benevolent Banquet' (for which Dollman was acting as steward). Hassall writes that the previous year he 'got into trouble through giving subscriptions to stewards of other society's than the R[oyal]. I[nstitution].', so that 'if there's to be an R. I. table this year I must support it for all I'm worth'.

Note, in a secretarial hand, signed by Blomfield ('Reginald . Blomfield'), to Dollman.

Sir Reginald Blomfield [Reginald Theodore Blomfield] (1856-1942), British architect and garden designer [John Charles Dollman (1851-1934), English illustrator; Frederick William Pomeroy (1856-1924)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1906; on letterhead of 1 New Court, Temple [London].

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. From the context of other items in the same collection, this letter relates to an 'Artists general Benevolent Banquet' (for which Dollman was acting as steward). Blomfield would be pleased to join Dollman, but has 'already promised my subscription to Pomeroy' (presumably acting as steward for a rival dinner). Addressed to Dollman at Hove House, Newton Grove, Bedford Park.

Autograph Note Signed to [J.C.] Dollman, artist [Artist's General Benevolent Fund etc]

Byam Shaw, artist and illustrator
Publication details: 
62 Addison Road, Kensington, W [London], 1 May 1907

Two pages (but large handwriting), 8vo, conjoined leaves, good condition. "I write to thank you most sincerely, for your kind letter about my picture. I think it was very kind indeed to trouble to write. I appreciate it very much."

Engraved armorial bookplate, designed by Charles Catton and engraved by Francis Chesham, for Lord Camelford.

Thomas Pitt, 1st Baron Camelford (1737-1793), politician and art collector [Charles Catton the elder (1728-1798), R.A., painter; Francis Chesham (1749–1806), engraver; bookplates; ex libris]
Publication details: 
Undated [1770s?].

Steel-engraving, on a piece of thick laid paper, 12.5 x 17.5 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Never mounted, and so with no glue staining or other marking to blank reverse. Depicts Camelford's armorial crest, flanked by two birds, with motto 'PER . ARDUA . LIBERI .' At foot, in copperplate, 'Camelford.', with 'C. Catton R.A. del. F. Chesham Sculp.'

Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism. The Tate Gallery. 6 July - 19 August 1956.

Wyndham Lewis [Tate Gallery, 1956; Sir John Rothenstein]
Publication details: 
London: Tate Gallery, 1956.

4to: 36 pp + 12 pp of prints on art paper. Stapled. In striking original printed red card wraps. With A4 addendum leaf loosely inserted. Good, with light stain to bottom outer corner. Important two-page introduction by Lewis, reviewing his career, followed by three-page essay by Rothenstein on 'Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism'.

Signed application by John Frederick Lewis, proposing Lord Wharncliffe as a member of 'the artists' and amateurs' conversatzione'. With the signatures of seventeen artists and prominent figures in the art world of Georgian London.

The Artists' and Amateurs' Conversazione Society; John Frederick Lewis; George Raphael Ward; William Boxall; Richard Rothwell; James Inskipp; Henry Behnes Burlowe; Charles Harvey Weigall; Scipio Clint
Publication details: 
Feb. 5 1831. 14 Berners St. [London]'

On one side of a piece of wove paper, 32 x 20 cm. Laid down on a leaf from an autograph album. In fair condition, aged and dusty with slight wear to extremities. The item is of added interest, dating as it does from the year of the Society's inception. The nine-line application is in the hand of the artist John Frederick Lewis (1804-1876), and is addressed to 'Dear Sir' - presumably the final signatory 'Henry Graves. Esq. [1806-1892, printseller] Sec. to the Artists and Amateurs Conversatzion. [sic]'.

Baxter Colour Prints Pictorially Presented.

H. G. Clarke [George Baxter (1804-1867), Victorian engraver; Baxter prints; Maggs Brothers, booksellers, Conduit Street and Berkeley Square]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros., 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1920-1. [Printed by Courier Press, Leamington Spa. 1921.]

4to. [iv] + 142 pp. Frontispiece and 136 plates, one in colour and the rest in black and white, with a further six illustrations at end in section entitled 'Tit-Bits of George Baxter'. A tight copy, in original worn quarter-binding, with black calf spine (with 6 cm split at head of rear hinge) and grey cloth bevelled-edged covers. Marbled endpapers split at hinges. The first and last few leaves have slight damp staining to the extremities. Text and plates printed on the same art paper, and consequently a heavy volume.

Autograph Letter Signed ('B. B. Woodward') to 'Dr Reynolds'.

Bernard Bolingbroke Woodward (1816-1869), Librarian in Ordinary to the Queen, Windsor Castle
Publication details: 
2 June 1869; on embossed Buckingham Palace letterhead.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-three lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with slight traces of glue from mount on blank reverse of second leaf. Apologising for not being able to join Reynolds' party, because of the visit of 'a gentleman' who 'is coming from the country to me on business of importance to me'. This is also disappointing to his daughter, who would have accompanied him. He hopes his 'excellent friends', Reynold's 'colleagues', will not suppose him 'indffierent to their invitation! Especially now that my renewed health has permitted me to accept <?>'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter'), in German, to 'Mein lieber Bert!'

Walter Koschatzky (1921-2003), German art critic
Publication details: 
28 March 1939; on his letterhead as 'Direktor der Cöpenicker Boden Akt. Ges. Wolfsgarten u. der Erkner Berliner Vorort-Terrainges. mbH.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. 59 lines of text. Clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, with 4.5 cm closed tears to the outer edge of central horizontal fold to both leaves. A large part of the letter would appear to concern washing machines, including a reference to a new one on the American market, called the 'Waterflex'. A few lines in English at end: 'Many thanks for your Birthday-carte. Sorry year it arrived 1 month to [sic] late.' Sends love to 'Dorothy', and reference in text to 'Kajitan': 'Das wird Dir bestimmt Freude machen. Das ist alles viel besser als die Politik.

Autograph Letter Signed and three Autograph Cards Signed ('jean Duranel' and 'J. Duranel'), to his patron Lawrence Ives, with two invitations to his shows and a paper cut-out.

Jean Duranel (born 1946), French artist [Lawrence A. Ives]
Publication details: 
Between 1982 and 1992; France.

All the items except the cut-out and the last card (in which he gives the price of a painting) are damp-stained, with part of the text of the letter illegible. One card in French. The first card, from 1982, thanks Ives for payment for 'watercolors'. The cut-out, in red paper, is roughly 10 x 10 cm. Intricately-cut, it depicts a long-leaved plant in a basket on legs. Although found with the other items, there is no indication that it is by Duramel. Ives made the news in 2000, when his extensive collection of paintings by L. S. Lowry was put up for sale.

Steel-engraving by Finden, from a painting by Pickersgill, of 'Mr. Murray, Publisher of Lord Byron's Works.'

John Murray (1778-1843), British publisher; Henry William Pickersgill (1782-1875), English portrait painter; Edward Francis Finden (1791-1857), English engraver; Charles Tilt, English publisher
Publication details: 
Painted by H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Engraved by E. Finden. [...] London, Published 1833, by C. Tilt, 86, Fleet Street.'

India paper engraving (dimensions c. 22 x 16 cms) neatly laid down on piece of wove paper c. 29 x 22 cms. Very good, with the slightest spotting, and with minor creasing and staining to the extremities of the mount. A pensive Murray sits in an armchair, reading a manuscript.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Spooner's Protean Views, No. 8. St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle. In which the scene changes to the splendid ceremony of the interment of King William the Fourth'.

William Spooner, printseller, 377 Strand [diorama; dioramic print; King William IV; St George's Chapel, Windsor]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1837]. 'London W. Spooner 377 Strand'.

Dimensions of print roughly 17.5 x 13.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (28 x 23 cm). Engraved label (2.5 x 11 cm) beneath the print, with a couple of remarque-style illustrations. The print itself is good, although a little aged and spotted; the margins and mount being rather more heavily affected. Attractive and unusual item, the image changing when held up to the light. Two soldiers are shown dwarfed by the high ceiling of the chapel, which is decked with brightly-coloured flags. When held to the light the chapel is filled with the mourning congregation. Scarce.

Final General Report on Hospital Construction and Management. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.

Professor H. B. Allen, M.D. [Sir Harry Brookes Allen (1854-1926)] [Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; medicine, architecture]
Publication details: 
[1891. Victoria.] By Authority: Robert. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Folio (34 x 21 cm): 32 pp. With all eighteen foldout plans. Unbound and stapled. Text and plans clear and complete. In fair condition, with slight rust to staples and the last leaf (carrying Plan XVIII) loose. The report is addressed to 'The Honorable the Premier of the Colony of Victoria', and dated 'University of Melbourne, 2nd November, 1891. This is, as Allen sets out his aims in the first paragraph, explaining that he is submitting 'the Third and Final General Report concerning my visit to Great Britain and the Continent of Europe.

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