
[Lord Beresford [William Carr Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford, 1st Marquis of Campo Maior], Commander in Chief of Portuguese army in Peninsular War.] Two copy letters to Duke of Wellington; apparent autograph draft of letter, 1809; one other item.

Lord Beresford [William Carr Beresford (1768-1854), 1st Viscount Beresford, 1st Marquis of Campo Maior], Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army during the Peninsular War [Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
Copy Letters dated 16 March (Elvas) and 25 May 1812 (Fuente Guinaldo). Probable draft letter: 'Abranles July 4. 1809'. Other item 6 May 1809..

Four interesting Peninsular War items, from a collection of Beresford material. In 1813 the Duke of Wellington described Beresford as ‘the ablest man I have yet seen in the army’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The four items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn (but see descriptions of Items One and Three), and folded for postage. ONE: Apparent Autograph Draft of Letter. ‘Abranles July 4. 1809’. 2pp, 4to. On laid Whatman paper. Reverse somewhat grubby with glue stains (from display in an album?) at foot of reverse of leaf.

[Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800.] Printed Privy Council Order in Council, in the name of ‘W. Fawkener’, regarding ‘modes of Payment by Allotments, and other new Regulations respecting Tickets’.

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800 [William Augustus Henry Fawkener (c.1750-1811), Clerk to the Privy Council; the Royal Navy; King George III]
Publication details: 
‘At the Court at St. James’s, The 28th of May, 1800.’ Slug: ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’

1p, folio. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight wear and spotting to the extremities. With ‘(L.S.)’ at top right and at the foot the slug ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’ Headed: ‘At the Court at St. James’s, / The 28th of May, 1800. / PRESENT, / The King’s Most Excellent Majesty / in Council.’ Thirty-four lines of text, including a twenty-three line transcription of an Admiralty memorandum, in smaller type.

[A. J. Ayer [Sir Alfred Jules ‘Freddie’ Ayer], logical positivist philosopher, Wykeham Professorship in Logic at Oxford.] Three Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse of Hansom Books, regarding review work for ‘Books and Bookmen’.

A. J. Ayer [Sir Alfred Jules ‘Freddie’ Ayer] (1910-1989), logical positivist philosopher, Wykeham Professorship in Logic at Oxford [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980), proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
4 February, 18 April and 18 October 1974. All three on letterhead of 10 Regents Park Terrace, London NW1.

See Richard Wollheim’s appreciative entry on Ayer in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The three items are each 1p, small 4to. All three in good condition, each folded twice. All three signed ‘A. J. Ayer’, with typed name beneath, ‘Sir Alfred Ayer’.

[Martin Shaw, composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields.] Autograph Card Signed, with autograph musical notation of the beginning of his ‘Romance’.

Martin Shaw [Martin Edward Fallas Shaw] (1875-1958), composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Publication details: 
Dated by Shaw to May 1921. No place.

An attractive item by a leading exponent of ‘English pastoralism’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Bass and treble notation of opening bars, headed ‘Romance / Andante ma non molto’. On one side of 9 x 11 cm card with rounded edges. Firm signature at bottom right: ‘Martin Shaw / May 1921’. In good condition, lightly aged. See Image.

[W. & G. Foyle (Foyles), Charing Cross Road booksellers.] Printed prospectus for ‘The Centenary Life of Lewis Carroll ' by Langford Reed, published by the firm as a ‘Trefoile Publication’.

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ [Langford Reed; W. & G. Foyle, booksellers (Foyles), Charing Cross Road, London; Trefoile Publications]
Publication details: 
[1932.] ‘A Trefoile Publication from the House of - W. & G. FOYLE, Ltd., 119-125, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.1’.

This prospectus is a scarce item: no other copy has been traced. A 4to bifolium, with four unnumbered pages printed in red. Somewhat aged and worn, with a horizontal strip of light discoloration at the head of the cover, which has the title and author’s name surrounded by a border made up of Tenniel’s illustrations, beneath this is a quotation from Dodgson’s poetry and the price of ‘7/6 net’. Across the middle two pages is the heading ‘The Centenary “Life of Lewis Carroll”’. The text begins by explaining that Reed has made use of Dodgson’s letters to Ellen Terry.

[Sir Edward Malet, British diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Vaughan Williams’, explaining why he cannot accept her invitation, and sending tickets to ‘some tableaux vivants’ at the house of the Princesse Caraman-chimay.

Sir Edward Malet [Sir Edward Baldwin Malet] (1837-1908), diplomat, successively Consul-General in Egypt, and British Ambassador to Belgium and Germany
Publication details: 
2 April 1884, on letterhead of the ‘Legation d’Angleterre’ (British Embassy in Brussels).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. An area torn away at the head of the first leaf (with the loss of one word of text) has been skilfully repaired with archival paper; otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. He apologizes for being unable to ‘come to your at home tomorrow as I can not go to any parties till after the funeral of the Duke of Albany’. He asks her to ‘accept and make use of’ tickets ‘for some tableaux vivants which are to take place tomorrow night at the house of the Princesse de Caraman-chimay.

[Anthrax in Blackburn, 1893.] Printed ‘Notice to Farmers, Butchers & Others’ by ‘Robert E. Fox, Town Clerk’ of the County Borough of Blackburn, on the ‘Danger of handling Carcases of Animals infected with Anthrax’.

[Anthrax in Blackburn, 1893.] Robert E. Fox, Town Clerk of the County Borough of Blackburn
Publication details: 
‘Town Hall, Blackburn, / July, 1893.’

On one side of 21 x 33 cm piece of wove paper. Somewhat creased, with one dogeared corner and a closed tear neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape, but in good overall condition. A typical piece of late-Victorian corporate typography. Headed (all in capitals): ‘County Borough of Blackburn. / Danger of handling / Carcases of Animals infected / with Anthrax.

[Lewis Carroll illustrated by Elizabeth Bury.] Two Christmas keepsake private printings: 'The Hunting of the Snark' and 'The Old Man's Comforts by Robert Southey | You Are Old, Father William & The Evidence […] by Lewis Carroll'.

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], author of 'Alice in Wonderland'; Elizabeth Bury, illustrator, wife of and collaborator with theatre designer John Bury (1925-2000); Robert Southey
Publication details: 
Neither with place or date. 'Snark' with presentation inscription from Bury to Christopher Fry dated Christmas 2003. Other volume with similar inscription dated Christmas 1999.

Elizabeth Bury, illustrator and theatre designer, wife of and collaborator with John Bury (1925-2000), British theatre designer noted for his innovative work with Peter Hall, the Royal Shakespeare Company and National Theatre (see his obituary in the Guardian, 15 November 2000). Two ring-bound 8vo Christmas keepsake private printings, both filled with full-page illustrations by Bury. Both inscribed by her to the playwright Christopher Fry. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. Uniform in layout, both with coloured covers of striking design.

[Rev. J. S. Brownrigg, Secretary of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mr De Winton, regarding his points concerning a parliamentary bill.

Rev. J. S. Brownrigg [John Studholme Brownrigg] (b.1842), Rector of Moulsoe, Buckinghamshire [National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church]
Publication details: 
16 April 1896, on his letterhead as Secretary of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, Westminster.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair, condition on lightly aged and discoloured paper. Folded twice. Signed ‘J. S. Brownrigg’. He will makes sure that the points raised by De Winton are fully considered at a ‘good meeting’ the following Monday of ‘our Standing Committee and the Committee of the Church Parliamentary Party’. While one of the points will be ‘easily met by moving the exclusion of Clause 17’, he is afraid that ‘a new Committee elected under the provisions of the Bill would be hardly better than the present governing Body in Welsh Counties’.

[Jean Louis Rieu, Commissioner in Sind.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing a reference for ‘Mr. Bhojraj M. Bhambhani’, son of his acquaintance ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, Honorary Magistrate and ‘most loyal subject’.

Jean Louis Rieu (1872-1964), Commissioner in Sind between 1920 and 1925 [The Raj; British India; Bhojraj M. Bhambhani, son of Mansing Ramsing, and grandson of Diwan Ramsing]
Publication details: 
1 July 1922; on his letterhead as the Commissioner in Sind, Government House, Karachi.

Rieu was the son of Charles Pierre Henri Rieu (1820-1902) of Geneva, Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum, and elder brother of Emile Victor Rieu (1887-1972), both of whom have DNB entries. In 1947 he had privately printed (as’J. L. R.’) a ‘Chronicle of the Rieu Family now settled in England’. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. Signed ‘J. L Rieu / Commissioner in Sind’. An nice sidelight on the workings of the Raj. He has been asked for a letter by ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, on behalf of his son ‘Mr. Bhojraj M.

[‘The rudest man in Britain’ reduced to tears: Gilbert Harding, radio and television personality.] Producer Hugh Burnett's corrected proof of typescript of Harding’s celebrated interview with John Freeman in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face'.

Gilbert Harding [Gilbert Charles Harding] (1907-1960), irascible British radio and television personality [John Freeman, interviewer on BBC programme ‘Face to Face’; Hugh Burnett]
Publication details: 
Undated, but BBC interview broadcast on 18 September 1960, and this item prepared for publication in 1964.

The present item is producer Hugh Burnett's own copy, from his papers, of the transcript of John Freeman's interview with Harding, broadcast in the groundbreaking BBC television series 'Face to Face' on 18 September 1960, a few weeks before Harding’s death on 16 November 1960. Harding’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that, ‘in radio programmes such as The Brains Trust and Twenty Questions, and on television in What's my Line?, Harding became a great popular figure, especially of television in which he was probably the best-known performer in the country.

[Lady Lyttelton; Joseph Hogarth] Autograph Note in the third person commencing Lady Lyttelton requests to [Joseph] Hogarth [leading British fine art print publisher, print seller, frame maker, art restorer [Wikipedia]] asking for drawing paper.

Lady Lyttelton [Sarah Lyttelton, Baroness Lyttelton (née Spencer) (1787 – 1870), courtier, governess to Edward VII]
Publication details: 
[17 St James's Place] 10 August [docketed 1846].

One page, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, good condition. Addressed to Mr Hogarth | Hay Market | London on final page of bifolium, with docketed information and a penny red. Text: Lady Lyttelton requests Mr. Hogarth to send her a block of white drawing paper like the enclosed [bit?], to be sent as soon as possible to No. 17 St James's Place directed to her. | August 10th || The block to be like the one Captain Percy bought at Mr. Hogarth's.

[Eric Maschwitz, writer and broadcaster.] Typed Letter Signed ('Eric') to 'Mac' [W. J. MacQueen-Pope], suggesting that he write a history of His Majesty's Theatre.

Eric Maschwitz [Albert Eric Maschwitz] (1901-1969), writer, lyricist, screenwriter and BBC broadcaster [W. J. MacQueen-Pope [Walter James MacQueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
8 September [no year]. On letterhead of 23 Bruton Street, W.1. [London]

Maschwitz wrote the lyrics to 'A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square' and 'These Foolish Things', and was nominated for an oscar for co-writing the screenplay of 'Goodbye, Mr Chips'. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-nine lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Maschwitz begins by congratulating him 'on a really enthralling book! Loved every page of it!' With reference to Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, he explains that the previous day he 'had a talk with old Dennis Grayson who with Mrs Corey Wright is one of Tree's executors.

[ Fanny Garrison; suffrage; black rights ] Autograph Poem signed Fannie Garrison with autograph verse signed by Francis Jackson] Garrison

Fanny Garrison [Helen Frances “Fanny” Garrison Villard (1844–1928), American women's suffrage campaigner, pacifist, co-founder of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People].
Publication details: 
{Fannie's verse} Boston, Oct.21, 1860; {Francis Jackson's verse} Boston, Oct.23, 1860.

One page, 12mo, very good condition. Text, a verse from Gerald Massey's To-Day and To-Morrow (see note below) as follows: [Fanny's quotation marks] Though hearts brood o'er the past, our eyes | With smiling features glisten, | For, lo! our day bursts up the skies! | Lean out your souls and listen! | The world rolls Freedom's radiant way, | And ripens with her sorrows; | Keep heart! who bears the cross to-day, | Shall wear the crown tomorrow. | Fannie Garrison. | Boston, Oct.21st, 1860 | [ 'Mrs Henry villard' in another hand ] || Why ask a name?

[ Margaret Gatty; children's author] Autograph Note Signed Margaret Gatty to Stephen [perhaps her grandson, Stephen Herbert Gatty?]

Margaret Gatty [ Margaret Gatty (1809–1873), children's author and writer on marine biology. Some of her writings argue against Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species.
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, 26 May [1860[8?]]

One page, 12mo, staining and ink blots but text clear and complete, laid down on larger piece of paper, docketed The late Mrs. Margaret Gatty (writer for children) Editor of Aunt Judy's Magazine.

[Sir Edward Henry Sieveking, Physician in Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward H. Sieveking') to L. C. Wooldridge, on his nomination as President of the Medico-Chirurgical Society, and a paper he wishes him to write.

Sir Edward Henry Sieveking (1816-1904), Physician in Ordinary to Queen Victoria; physician at St Mary's Hospital, London [Leonard Charles Wooldridge (1857-1889), Lecturer on Physiology, Guy's Hospital
Publication details: 
12 January 1888. On letterhead of 17 Manchester Square, W. [London]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. He announces that he has been nominated for the Presidency of the Medico-Chirurgical Society by the Council, and supposes that he will be elected 'according to custom'.

[Juliana Horatia Ewing, children's author.] Autograph Letter Signed (in her view 'Not an elegant signature!'), writing in high spirits to [Marion?] regarding 'our "Play"' with 'a round chess board' (illustrated), quoting from Alice in Wonderland.

Juliana Horatia Ewing [née Gatty] (1841-1885), Victorian children's author
Publication details: 
1 February 1880; Ecclesfield.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the conclusion and signature ('Juliana Horatia Ewing. | (Not an elegant signature!)') of the letter cross-written at the head of the first page. Drawing of a 'round chess board', with explanation, on second page. An excellent intimate letter, to a family member or friend whose name is not clearly written (Marion? Marnie?). She begins by acknowledging her 'very delightful' letter, and expressing pleasure at 'the prospect of our "play" in town'.

[Sir Edward Blakeney, Field Marshal.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Blakeney') to [Folington?], regarding Sir John Wilson and an application from 'Mr Ferrier' of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea.

Sir Edward Blakeney (1778-1868), Field Marshal in the British Army, Commander-in-Chief in Ireland [Royal Hospital, Chelsea; Sir James Wilson]
Publication details: 
Chelsea [Royal Hospital, Chelsea]. 16 January 1863.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with strip of paper from mount adhering at foot of reverse. The recipient's name is not decipherable, but he appears to have been a royal equerry. Blakeney hopes that he 'got safe home last night', and thanks him 'for giving me the pleasure of your Company'. He is enclosing a letter from Sir John Wilson (1780-1856) 'who is forwarding an application from Mr Ferrier the Quarter Master of this Establishment in favour of an application to obtain admission into the Cambridge [?]'.

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Note Signed ('Ja Clark') to 'Mr Owen', i.e. Sir Richard Owen, regarding 'Mr Combe' sending Owen his work.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria, and to St George's Infirmary [Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), palaeontologist; George Combe, Scottish phrenologist]
Publication details: 
No place; 14 May [no year].

1p, 16mo. In fair condition, aged and grubby, with remains of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'Dear Mr Owen, | I have sent your note to Mr Combe & hope he may be able to send you the work - | Yours truly | Ja Clark'. The note has a light stamp at top left of page, stating that it is 'Ex. Litt. Ricardi Owen', and a gift to Sherborne from 'R. S. Owen'.

[James Cowles Prichard, Commissioner in Lunacy who introduced the term 'senile dementia'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Prichard M.D. F.R.S. | Senior Physician to the Bristol Infirmary'), a testimonial for his student Robert T. H. Bartley.

J. C. Prichard [James Cowles Prichard] (1786-1848), physician and ethnologist who published an influentical work on evolution, Commissioner in Lunacy who introduced the term 'senile dementia'
Publication details: 
Bristol; 2 July 1841.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse of the blank second leaf, the recto of which has laid down upon it the letter's envelope, with penny red stamp and postmarks, addressed to 'Robert T. H. Bartley Esq | Surgeon | West Hackney | London', with manuscript annotation by post official official stating that Bartley is 'not known' in the area. Folded several times. The letter reads: 'I have much pleasure in certifying that Mr Robert T. H.

[Bryan Waller Procter (the poet 'Barry Cornwall'), as Commissioner in Lunacy.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B. W. Procter'), asking a colleague (Harris?] for information about the 'Conduct' of 'some patients', 'particularly about Miss Anne [Lealer?].

Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), poet under pseudonym 'Barry Cornwall' and Commissioner in Lunacy, 1832-1861, member of London Magazine circle, friend of Charles Lamb, Thackeray and Wilkie Collins
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Office of Commissioners in Lunacy, 19 New Street, Spring Gardens [London]. 12 August 1847.

Proctor was a much loved individual in literary circles, from the days of the London Magazine to the mid-Victorian period, in which he was the dedicatee of both Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair' and Wilkie Collins's 'Woman in White'. His reputation as a poet was international: he was thought highly of by Pushkin. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse. The letter reads: 'Dear [Harris?] | Pray tell me where [?] I can have some conversation with you about some patients of the name of [Lealer? Lester?], whom you know.

[Eugen Bleuler, Swiss psychiatrist who coined the terms 'schizophrenia', 'schizoid', 'autism' and 'ambivalence'.] Typed Letter Signed ('Bleuler'), in German, requesting information on the manifestation of 'eine psyche-artige Funktion' in plants.

Eugen Bleuler [Paul Eugen Bleuler] (1857-1939), Swiss psychiatrist and eugenicist, who coined such psychiatric terms as 'schizophrenia', 'schizoid', 'autism' and 'ambivalence'
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Zurich, Switzerland; 5 March 1939.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Written a few months before Bleuler's death to an unnamed recipient ('Liebster Freund!'), regarding the possibility of consciousness within the plant kingdom. As a nonbotanist ('als Nichtbotaniker') Bleuler has no knowledge of 'die Falle, wo Pflanzen Gedichtnis oder sonst eine psyche-artige Funktion zeigen', with the exception of 'der Mimosen', and it strikes him ' dass ich eigentlich die Pflicht hatte, das Material so weit als moglich zu kennen, bevor ich etwas drucken lasse'.

[William Clark, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ['Wm. Clark. M.D.'], a glowing reference praising C. J. Johnstone of Caius College, with whom he has collaborated on dissections.

William Clark (1788-1869), Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge [C. J. Johnstone (d.1838) of Caius Collegte]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge postmark.] 22 June 1836.

1p, 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks and seal in black wax, to 'C. J. Johnstone Esqre | M. B – | 53 Tavistock Square | London'. Twenty-two lines of neatly-written text. He is pleased that Johnstone has declared himself 'a candidate for the vacant office of Lecturer in Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's hospital', and assures him that he has his 'warmest wishes' for his success.

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ja Clark') [to Robert Dunn], praising his 'views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology'.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria [Robert Dunn (1799-1877), surgeon]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 22B Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [London] 7 May 1858.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Dunn is not named as the recipient, but his 'Essay on Physiological Psychology' was published in 1858. He is 'glad to find' that Dunn has 'brought out your views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology', and he thanks him for 'the Copy you have kindly sent me'. He continues: 'I wish we had more such Psychology in our Ethnological Society.' and concludes: 'I hope you will not desert us'.

[Sir William Knighton, Keeper of the Privy Purse, physician, secretary and confidante to George IV.] Autograph Note Signed ('W Knighton') [as Secretary to the Sovereign] to 'Sir Henry', arranging a meeting with the king.

Sir William Knighton (1776-1836), Keeper of the Privy Purse and private secretary to George IV; previously Physician in Ordinary to him when Prince of Wales
Publication details: 
Carlton Palace [London]. 'Thursday Night' [no date, on paper watermarked 1821].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir Henry | The King desires to see You at Carlton House to morrow Morning at eleven oclock - punctually. | Yours affect | W Knighton'. Knighton was instrumental in clearing the king's enormous debts in three years from 1822. Such was his influence that letters from the King to Knighton were addressed to 'M[y] D[ear] F[riend]'. From the distinguished autograph collection of the psychiatrist Richard Alfred Hunter (1923-1981), whose collection of 7000 works relating to psychiatry is now in Cambridge University Library.

[Sir Henry Halford and Sir Matthew John Tierney, royal physicians.] Autograph Note Signed by the two men, announcing that George IV 'is not able to receive company at the Drawing Room' due to 'an attack of the Gout'.

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria; Sir Matthew John Tierney (1776-1845), Irish surgeon, physician to George IV and William IV
Publication details: 
Carlton Palace [London]. 23 April 1823.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strip of paper from mount on reverse, which also has another strip of paper strengthening a crease. The document is written out by Halford, with Tierney signing beneath his signature. A general announcement, with no recipient named. Reads: 'The King is not able to receive company at the Drawing Room to day – His Majesty having experienced an attack of the Gout in the night. | Carlton Palace | April 23. 1823 - | Henry Halford | Matthew John Tierney'.

[Samuel Lee, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('S Lee') to John Yonge Akerman, regarding a collection of coins and medals he has been offered by S. Jackson of Keswick.

Samuel Lee (1783-1852), orientalist and linguist, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge [John Yonge Akerman (1806-1873), numismatist and antiquary]
Publication details: 
'D. C.' [Downing College, Cambridge?] 2 April 1847.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with several folds. Twenty-two lines written in a close, crabbed hand. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I looked for you at the last meeting of the Antiquarian Society [i.e. the Cambridge Antiquarian Society] – in vain.' He is forwarding a letter he has received from 'Mr S. Jackson of Keswick, Cumberland – concerning some coins & medals for sale', He does not 'wish to be a purchaser', but Akerman may wish to give notice to 'some one who would wish to possess some of the collection'.

[Joseph Jekyll, lawyer, politician and wit.] Autograph jeu d'esprit, signed 'J Jekyll.', addressed to 'Mr Erskine' [i.e. Thomas Erskine, future Lord Chancellor], short poem regarding 'Mrs. Crewe' and Jekyll sitting 'on Lunacy'.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Scottish lawyer, politician and wit [Lord Erskine [Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine] (1750-1823), Lord Chancellor]
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 30 June 1800.

1p, 8vo. On bifolium addressed on verso of second leaf to 'Mr. Erskine'. In good condition, lightly aged. Autograph jeu d'esprit, signed at foot 'J. Jekyll. | June 30th. 1800'. A short poem reading: 'Tell Mrs. Crewe | I envy You. | But sit on Lu- | nacy. || Yet Mrs. Crewe | will think I'm stu | pid in my lu | -cid Intervals.' Jekyll's entry in the Oxford DNB concludes, perhaps unkindly: 'If he is remembered by later generations, it is chiefly as a wit. It has to be said, however, that his wit, which consisted in large measure of excruciating puns, has not lasted well.'

[Coventry Patmore, poet.] Autograph Signature ('Coventry Patmore') beneath Autograph quotation of four lines from his own poem, 'The Angel in the House'.

Coventry Patmore [Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore] (1823-1896), poet
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p, 12mo. Folded twice. In good condition. Presumably in response to a request for an autograph, the central third of the page carries Patmore's signature ('Coventry Patmore.') beneath a four-line quotation from Patmore's best-remembered poem, 'The Angel in the House': 'Spirit of Knowledge, grant me this: | A simple heart and subtle wit | To praise the thing whose praise it is | That all which can be praised is it!'

[E. V. Lucas writes to E. H. Shepard regarding the illustrating of a poem for 'Punch'.] Typed Letter Signed ('E. V.') to 'Ernest', regarding the illustrating of a poem ('Monmouthshire'?) for 'Punch'.

E. V. Lucas [Edward Verrall Lucas] (1868-1938), author and Chairman of Methuen & Co, London publishers [E. H. Shepard [Ernest Howard Shepard] (1879-1976), artist and illustrator; Punch magazine]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Methuen & Co, Publishers, London. 17 May 1928.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed in type to 'My dear Shepard,' but with the last word corrected in autograph to 'Ernest'. He has now 'made sufficient progress with Monmouthshire' to be able to give Shephard 'a line': 'The first two verses bear upon the Wye valley and the Usk valley, of which Tintern is the best symbol.

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