[Claude Lovat Fraser] Illustrated handbill for two of his publications.

Publication details: 
Without date or place [1916].

Printed on unwatermarked tissue paper. Dimensions of paper roughly seven and a half centimeters by eleven and a half. A very good copy of a frail and ephemeral item. An attractive illustration by Fraser of an ivy-clad wall memorial topped by a cherub encloses the following 'There are Published | I. Farewell to the Faeries, by Richard Corbett. | II. Three Poems, by Kenneth Hare. | Decorated and Published by C. Lovat Fraser, and can be obtained from Everard Meynell, 46 Museum Street, W.C. | [short rule] | Price SIXPENCE each, net.' See Image.

[Richard Ingrams, journalist, editor of ‘Private Eye’ and ‘The Oldie’.] Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’, on subjects including a ‘rather rude’ review by him of a book by Clive James and a book about James Thurber.

Richard Ingrams [Richard Reid Ingrams] (b.1937), editor of ‘Private Eye’ and founding editor of ‘The Oldie’ [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
16 April 1977. On letterhead of Forge House, Aldworth, Reading, Berks.

The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and ‘Plays and Players’. 2pp, small 4to. Addressed to ‘Dear Philip Dossé’ [sic] and signed ‘Richard Ingrams’. He is enclosing ‘a rather rude review of the Clive James book for the June B & B’, and sends renewed apologies for missing the May issue. He will ‘do Thurber next’ and reminds Dosse that he still has ‘the biography of Thurber which you sent me many moons ago’: ‘Would it be too late to embrace that as well?’ He thanks him for ‘continuing to print the P.

[Private Press: ‘The first (and only) title set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent.] Printed play by Charles Duff: ‘An Irish Idyll’ (previously broadcast on the Home Service of the BBC).

Charles Duff [Charles St Lawrence Duff] (1894-1966); The Janus Press, Bickley, Kent [British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
‘THE FIRST BOOKLET set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent 1933’. [The Janus Press, Albyfield, Bickley, Kent, England.

See his entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: only three copies on JISC (Oxford, NLS and BL). 24pp, 12mo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps with flaps. Colophon on first page, with small indistinguishable device: ‘THE FIRST BOOKLET / set, printed and published by the / Janus Press at Bickley in Kent / 1933’. Title-page: ‘AN IRISH IDYLL / CHARLES DUFF / [crude vignette of shamrock] / Janus Press’. Information on reverse of title includes: ‘An Irish Idyll was first used by / The British Broadcasting Corporation / on the 12th.

[Auberon Waugh, journalist and novelist, son of Evelyn Waugh.] Long and entertaining Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding personal and professional matters.

Auberon Waugh (‘Bron’, 1939-2001), journalist, novelist and editor of the ‘Literary Review’, son of Evelyn Waugh [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980), proprietor of 'Books and Bookmen' (Hansom Books)]
Auberon Waugh
Publication details: 
24 May 1977. On illustrated letterhead of ‘Combe Florey House, Combe Florey, Taunton, Somerset.
Auberon Waugh

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 2pp, 4to. The letterhead, on both leaves, is topped by a pleasing 10 x 6 cm woodcut of Combe Florey House. The paper is creased, otherwise in good condition, and entirely legible.

[Lt. Gen.Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Commander Woolwich Garrison] Autograph Signature from Letter, laid down album page with an outstanding hand-drawn coloured crest. Verso: engraving of Caroline Norton and her facsimile signature.

Lieut. General Sir Benjamin Bloomfield (1768-1846), British Army officer, Private Secretary to the Sovereign, MP, Commander of the Woolwich Garrison.
Publication details: 
The fragment of the letter bearing the signature dated 1845. The other material undated. No place.

See Bloomfield’s entry, and that of Norton, in the Oxford DNB. The fragment of the letter bearing his signature is 5 cm x 4.5 cm. It is dated at one corner ‘1845’, and reads ‘R. Bgham / Bloomfield’. It is laid down on one side of a 4to leaf extracted from an album and paginated 58.

[The Curwen Press, Plaistow.] Two keepsakes: [Basil Harley, James Shurmer] ‘Unicornucopia: A study of the Natural History of the amazing Unicorns living at The Curwen Press’ and [Basil Harley, John Miles] ‘The Curwen Press / A Short History’.

The Curwen Press, Plaistow [Basil Hurley, John Miles, James Shurmer]
Publication details: 
Unicornucopia: Dated in text to 1973. 'Booklet designed by / James Shurmer / printed at / The Curwen Press / London E13 9HJ'. 'The Curwen Press / A Short History' with final section dated 'August 1970'.

Two attractive pieces of Curwen Press ephemera. 'Cornucopia' is scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only two copies on JISC at Lancaster and Aberystwyth. The 'Short History' is better represented. ONE: 'Cornucopia'. 12pp, landscape 12mo. Stapled into illustrated wraps. Printed in brown on cream paper. Booklet designed by James Shurmer, with text by Basil Harley. Many illustrations of unicorns arranged in eight 'plates'. Internally in good condition, but front cover grubby, and blank back cover stained. TWO: 'The Curwen Press / A Short History'. 39pp, small 4to.

[Oxford Etonian Club] Broadsheet headed 'RULES OF THE OXFORD ETONIAN CLUB.'

The Oxford Etonian Club [Eton College; Old Etonians]
Publication details: 
Oxford. 1872. ['Revised October, 1857; November, 1858; February, 1863; May, 1864; and May, 1872.']

Printed in two columns in black and red on one side of a piece of paper seventeen and a half inches by eleven and a quarter wide. Foxed and with a few very small closed tears at points along crease lines. Thirty-six rules, listed under sections headed 'THE EXECUTIVE', 'GENERAL MEETINGS', 'MOTIONS', 'ELECTION OF MEMBERS', 'PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS, &C.', 'HONORARY MEMBERS', 'ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE', 'DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT', 'DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY', 'DUTIES OF THE AUDITOR', 'BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, &C.', 'MISCELLANEOUS' and 'CLUB DINNER'.

[Richard Ingrams, journalist, founder of ‘Private Eye’ and the ‘Oldie’.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mr Kinnane’ (manuscript dealer John A. Kinnane), regarding ‘the interesting Cobbett item’, an Elgar postcard, and his interest in G. K. Chesterton.

Richard Ingrams [Richard Reid Ingrams] (born 1937), journalist and author, co-founder and second editor of the satirical magazine Private Eye, and founder and editor of The Oldie [John A. Kinnane]
Publication details: 
24 February 1984; on his letterhead, Forge House, Aldworth, near Reading.

On both sides of a 14.5 x 10.5 cm plain postcard. In good condition, with large firm signature ‘Richard Ingrams’. He thanks him for ‘the interesting Cobbett item’ and would like ‘your Elgar postcard’ if available. Ends: ‘Enclose cheque. Cobbett always welcome. Also G. K. Chesterton.’ Ingram had published an anthology of Cobbett in 1974, and would publish a biography of him in 2005, and a book on Chesterton in 2021.

[R.A. Maynard, The Gregynog Press] Typed Letter Signed R.A. Maynard, with MS addition, to Robert Pryce, giving information about the Press's Lord Herbert of Cherbury.

R.A. Maynard, The Gregynog Press
Publication details: 
[Printed Heading] The Gregynog Press, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 17 Sept. 1928.

One page, 4to, dulled and stained, edges chipped in places, fold marks, text clear and complete. See Image. Text: [...] Our 'Lord Herbert of Cherbury' was issued in a limited edition of 300 copies at 4 guineas, and went out of print immediately after publication. I think however that you may still be able to obtain a copy through Mr. [J.] Kyrle Fletcher [added in Maynard's hand of Newport Mon] | We have a copy of Herbert's 'Life of King Henry VIII' which has not, to my knowledge, been reprinted since the 1649 edition, which you have.

[Vaughan Nash, writing as Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vaughan Nash') to 'Sir William', conveying the prime minister's regret at a misunderstanding over a royal commission.

Vaughan Nash (1861-1932), Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, economist, journalist, husband of Rosalind Nash, correspondent of Florence Nightingale
Publication details: 
1 March 1909. 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, SW [London].

1p, 12mo. On aged paper, with closed tear repaired on reverse with brown paper. Folded twice. Addressed to 'Dear Sir William'. The prime minister (Asquith) has asked him to say that he is 'quite at a loss to understand how he came to be so misinformed as to the progress of the negotiations connected with the appointment of the Royal Commission'. All the prime minister can do is 'express his regret at the misunderstanding'.

[Vaughan Nash, writing as Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vaughan Nash') to 'Sir William', conveying the prime minister's regret at a misunderstanding over a royal commission.

Vaughan Nash (1861-1932), Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, economist, journalist, husband of Rosalind Nash, correspondent of Florence Nightingale
Publication details: 
1 March 1909. 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, SW [London].

1p, 12mo. On aged paper, with closed tear repaired on reverse with brown paper. Folded twice. Addressed to 'Dear Sir William'. The prime minister (Asquith) has asked him to say that he is 'quite at a loss to understand how he came to be so misinformed as to the progress of the negotiations connected with the appointment of the Royal Commission'. All the prime minister can do is 'express his regret at the misunderstanding'.

[Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge.] Printers' dummy for the author of 'Root & Sky. Poetry from the plays of Christopher Fry. Compiled and arranged by Charles E. and Jean G. Wadsworth. Collagraph-intaglios designed and printed by Charles E. Wadsworth.

Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Charles E. Wadsworth and Jean G. Wadsworth; Will Carter and Sebastian Carter
Publication details: 
Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge. [Circa 1975.]

A very nice artefact relating to a beautiful Rampant Lions production, published in 1975. Printers' dummy, produced to indicate the intended layout of the book, consisting of duplicated typed leaves, with emendations and printing instructions in manuscript, showing the intended arrangement of the 125 pages of letterpress (and including an alternative version of p.78), with eleven illustrations loosely interleaved. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Rudyard Kipling: American fine printing of 'Britain's Favourite Poem'.] If.

Rudyard Kipling; The Pinkham Press, Boston, Mass.; Robert S. Pinkham
Publication details: 
Colophon: 'PINKHAM PRESS | CHRISTMAS | 1937'. [The Pinkham Press, 286 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.]

[12]pp, 16mo. Tastefully printed in brown and black, and stitched into grey-green wraps, on the cover of which is the word 'If' in large gold print, enclosed in a brown rectangle. In good condition, lightly aged. Colophon on reverse of title, and on facing page a note with facsimile signatures of 'Robert S.

[George Arbuthnot, civil servant, as Private Secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Charles Wood.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Arbuthnot') to unnamed editor, sending for publication a corrected copy of speech in reply to motion by Disraeli.

George Arbuthnot (1802-1865), senior civil servant [Charles Wood (1800-1885), 1st Viscount Halifax, Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [London]. 7 April 1849.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Arbuthnot 'served as private secretary successively to seven patronage secretaries; to the permanent head of the department, Sir Charles Spearman, and his successor, Sir Charles Trevelyan; to the prime minister, Sir Robert Peel; and to Sir Charles Wood, chancellor of the exchequer in Russell's administration'. The present item was written by Arbuthnot while holding the last position. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on part of a leaf from an album.

[George Edward Anson, Private Secretary to Prince Albert.] Autograph Letter Signed in the third person, reporting Queen Victoria's decision not to comply with 'Mr. D'Orsey's request'.

George Edward Anson (1812-1849), Keeper of Queen Victoria's Privy Purse, and private secretary to Prince Albert
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 12 September 1847.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a part of a leaf from an album. Reads: 'Mr. Anson begs to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. D'Orsey's Letter of the 6th. instant and to acquaint him in reply that he has submitted his appeal to Her Majesty The Queen who regrets that the great pressure of claims upon Her Majesty's private Bounty prevents a compliance with Mr. Dorsey's request.'

R. V. Williams and the Mourne Press.] Signed ('Richard Rowley.') and inscribed ('R. V. Williams') copy of 'The Big Grey Man | A Legend of Mourne', with 'Illustrations after woodcuts by Lady Mabel Annesley'.

'Richard Rowley' [pseudonym of the Ulster poet Richard Valentine Williams (1877-1947), proprietor of the Mourne Press]; Lady Mabel Annesley (1881-1959), illustrator and artist
Publication details: 
[Newcastle, Co. Down.] 'Published by the Mourne Press for the author.' [Slug on last page: 'BANBRIDGE CHRONICLE PRESS'.]

[12]pp, landscape folio. Sewn with red thread. The words 'The Big Grey Man' on cover and title-page in red ink, rest of pamphlet in black ink. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A 48-line poem, in eight six-line stanzas, spread over three rectos, signed at end 'Richard Rowley.' Inscribed on title-page: 'Mrs. Brown. | With best wishes for Christmas | from | Mr. & Mrs. R. V. Williams. | 1942.' Six bucolic illustrations reproduced from woodcuts by Annesley, including one on cover. Colophon on recto of last leaf, with printers' slug on otherwise-blank reverse.

[William Conolly, joint licensee with his brother John Conolly of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Will Conolly') to 'George Rogers Esqr MD', reporting the arrival of patient 'Mr George Helyar'.

William Brice Conolly, MD, joint licensee of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge, with his brother John Conolly (1794-1866), later resident physician to the Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell
Publication details: 
'Hayes Park nr Uxbridge | Decr. 19. 1851'.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and browned paper, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. Folded twice. The letter reads: 'Mr George Helyar arrived here last night accompanied by your attendant from whom I received your letter and a purse containing £11 – 12 – Mr Helyar has slept well and appears comfortable this morning, and I hope will go on well with us - | When his Clothes arrive I will inform you - | I also received the Order, & Certificates from the attendant for which pray accept my thanks -'.

[Sir William Knighton, Keeper of the Privy Purse, physician, secretary and confidante to George IV.] Autograph Note Signed ('W Knighton') [as Secretary to the Sovereign] to 'Sir Henry', arranging a meeting with the king.

Sir William Knighton (1776-1836), Keeper of the Privy Purse and private secretary to George IV; previously Physician in Ordinary to him when Prince of Wales
Publication details: 
Carlton Palace [London]. 'Thursday Night' [no date, on paper watermarked 1821].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir Henry | The King desires to see You at Carlton House to morrow Morning at eleven oclock - punctually. | Yours affect | W Knighton'. Knighton was instrumental in clearing the king's enormous debts in three years from 1822. Such was his influence that letters from the King to Knighton were addressed to 'M[y] D[ear] F[riend]'. From the distinguished autograph collection of the psychiatrist Richard Alfred Hunter (1923-1981), whose collection of 7000 works relating to psychiatry is now in Cambridge University Library.

[W. H. Auden on Louis Macneice, one of 250 copies.| A Memorial Address by W. H. Auden | delivered at All Souls, Langham Place on 17 October, 1963.

W. H. Auden [Louis Macneice]
Publication details: 
[One of 250 copies.] 'Privately printed for Faber and Faber, London' [1963].

[12]pp, 8vo. Paginated to 14, but twelve pages on six leaves, comprising half-title, title and eight pages of text. Sewn into raspberry printed wraps. Title with engraving of the church, duplicated on front cover. Internally in fair condition, with slight creasing, but with blue ink (or wine?) stain at foot of outer edge of front cover. Bloomfield & Mendelson A46, which states that the edition was printed in November 1963 and limited to 250 copies, 'sent out to a number of personal friends whose names were mainly suggested by Mrs. MacNeice'. In this case, from the library of Christopher Fry.

[ Sir Kenelm Digby of the Home Office. ] Six Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Richard Harington, on topics including the Radnorshire Police Enquiry. With letter from secretary F. J. Dryhurst.

Sir Kenelm Digby [ Sir Kenelm Edward Digby ] (1836-1916), lawyer and civil servant, Permanent Under Secretary of State at the Home Office,1895-1903 [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
The ten items from the Home Office, Whitehall, S.W. [ London ]. One from 1895, the other nine from 1897.

The collection of ten items (six ALsS, two TLsS, one secretarial letter signed, and one letter from Dryhurst) is in good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. Digby's two typed letters, both 1897, are both formal letters on behalf of the Home Secretary, regarding the Radnorshire Police Enquiry, the first being the 'official thanks' (see below). The content would appear to largely concern the Radnorshire Police Enquiry.

[ Lord John Russell's private secretary, Hon. George Elliot; Italian Independence; Risorgimento ] Autograph Manuscript memorandum regarding 'Austrian Emigrants'.

Hon. George Elliot [ George Francis Stewart Elliot ] (1822-1901) [ John Russell, 1st Earl Russell [ Lord John Russell ] (1792-1878), Prime Minister ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, 1850s or 1860s. ]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. With a couple of minor emendations. At top left of first page Elliot has written 'Copy'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'Austrian Emigration'. Begins: 'In the Austrian Code (Decree of 1832) Emigration is treated of under a distinct head. | Every Austrian Subject removing to a foreign state or remaining abroad sine animo revertendi, as the Scotch wd. express it, is held to be an Emigrant.' Most of the third page is taken up with a precis of two points 'From Proclamation of Feb.

Aspidistras and parlers.

H. D. C. Pepler [Eric Gill, S. Dominic's Press]
Publication details: 
'PRINTED AT S. DOMINIC'S PRESS, DITCHLING, SUSSEX' at foot of verso of last leaf; no date.

Four leaves. Eight unpaginated pages. 16mo. Nine and a half centimeters by twelve and a half centimeters. Stitching thread untied. Evan Gill 392 describes a copy dated 1927, but makes no mention of an undated issue. Engraving of aspidistra in vase on table before curtains on cover-title. Engravings by Gill: initial G, verso of first leaf; Christ on cross, verso of second leaf; glue pot, recto of third leaf; domestic interior, verso of third leaf; printer's device, verso of last leaf. No copy currently on AddAll.

[ Privately-printed keepsake playlet by Mary Hyde about Colonel Ralph Isham and the purchase of the Malahide Papers of James Boswell, with signed inscription by the author. ] Levée at Fifty-Third Street.

Mary Hyde [ Viscountess Eccles (1912-2003), book collector and philanthropist ]; Brooke Crutchley, Printer to the University of Cambridge [ Colonel Ralph Isham; James Boswell; Samuel Johnson ]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain at the University Printing House, Cambridge (Brooke Crutchley, University Printer). 1972 [ inscription dated 1971 ].

19 + [1]pp., 4to. Nicely-printed, and saddle-stitched and placed in grey paper wraps with tasteful white label on cover with title printed in red. Inscribed inside front cover 'For Desmond + Dorothy - | with love from | the Playwright | Christmas | 1971'. The playlet is an amusing representation of a single night at the 1946-1949 high point of excitement over the discovery of the Malahide Papers ('During three years the incidents described here were repeated several times a week.'), and features among others Isham himself, his cleaner 'Mrs.

[ Printed Catalogue. ] A Hand-List of a Selection of Bibliographical Works and Books of Reference in the Possession of Messrs. Hodgson & Co.

[ Hodgson & Co. [ 'Hodgsons' ], book auctioneers, 115 Chancery Lane, London
Publication details: 
Dated on inside: 'HODGSON & CO. | 115, Chancery Lane. | August, 1908.'

7 + [1]pp., 12mo. Stitched. On aged and grubby paper. Second page reads: 'NOTE. | Clients wishing to make use of the volumes in this list, are requested to apply to the Sale-Room Clerk, to whom all books should be returned when finished with. | HODGSON & CO. | 115, Chancery Lane. | August, 1908.' The works are all in English and date from the late nineteenth century onwards. They range from 'Abbott (T. K.) Catalogue of Fifteenth-Century Books in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin 1905' to 'Wright (C. T. Hagberg) Catalogue of the London Library, St. James's Square 1903'.

[ Printed item. ] One Hundred Years of Book Auctions 1807-1907 Being a Brief Record of the Firm of Hodgson and Co. (commonly known as "Hodgsons").

[ Hodgson & Co. [ 'Hodgsons' ], London book auctioneers; Chiswick Press, Charles Whittingham, Chancery Lane ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed at the Chiswick Press for Private Circulation. [ Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. 1907.

27pp., small 4to. In vellum-paper wraps with decorative cover printed in red and brown. With six plates: two collotypes (portraits of Edmund Hodgson and Henry Hill Hodgson) and four black and white photographs: 'Exterior of Premises, 115, Chancery Lane', 'The Auction Room', 'Compiling a Catalogue (First Floor Room)' and 'Unpacking a Library (Basement)'. Title-page in red and black. In fair condition, internally good, on aged and worn paper, lacking free endpapers. A characteristically-tasteful production by the Chiswick Press. Now scarce.

[ G. A. Beale, spelling reformer. ] Two Typed Letters (one signed 'G. A. Beale', the other incomplete) to Philip Howard of The Times, on his system of spelling reform. With his booklet 'Items: The First Book Printed in Advanced English Orthography'.

G. A. Beale [ George Alexander Beale ], proprietor of the Cadenza Press, and inventor of the 'Advanced English Orthography' [ Philip Howard (1933-2014), journalist at The Times ]
Publication details: 
Booklet ('Items . Publication Number . E35 | Printed & Published by Gilbert Beale at his Cadenza Press | 19 Wellington Road, London W5', and consisting of 'About 100 copies'. The two letters from the same address. All three items dating from 1989.

The three items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Booklet: [2] + iv + 29 + [2]pp., 8vo. With fold-out table at front. Nicely printed in green paper wraps with white label printed in red and black. According to the colophon 'The type is 14 point Monotype Bembo 270 augmented by 7 newly designd characters engraved by Ludlow Ltd Hertford | About 100 copies impressed on Archive Text paper in September 1989'.

[ Printed booklet ] On Coloured Books for Children. By Charles Welsh, Author of "A Bookseller of the Last Century," etc. Chapman to the Sette. Read before the Sette at Willis's Rooms, on Friday, May 6th, 1887, with a Catalogue of the Books Exhibited.

Charles Welsh [ The Sette of Odd Volumes, London bibliographical club ]
Publication details: 
[ The Sette of Odd Volumes. ] Imprynted by Bror C. W. H. Wyman, Typographer to ye Sette, at hys Printing-hovse in Great Qveene Street, over against Lincoln's Inne Fields, within ye Parish of Saynt Giles in ye Fields. London, [ 1887 ].

47 + [1] + [11]pp., 16mo. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in worn grey printed boards with wear to spine.On cover: 'Privated Printed Opuscula issued to the Members of the Sette of Odd Volumes. | No. XIII. | Coloured Books for Children.' No. 167 of a limited edition of 255 copies, signed by 'Charles Welsh', and with recipient's name erased. Hand-coloured frontispiece. Pp.27-47 carry 'A Catalogue of the Coloured Books for Children; Past and Present.' The last eleven pages contain a 'Bibliography of Odd Volumes' and 'List of Members'. Five copies on COPAC.

[ Printed economic pamphlet. ] Half-past Twelve. Dinner Hour Studies for the Odd Half-hours.

George W. Gough, Sometimes Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford [ George Woolley Gough (1869-1943), historian and economist ]
Publication details: 
Privately printed by 'Sells Ltd., 168, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.'. [ 1919. ]

[6] + 77 + [1]pp. With frontispiece photograph of Draft. Stapled. In orange printed wraps. Compliments stamp of the Yorkshire Evening news on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Two-page introductory note on Gough states that 'His first close interest in the study of economics was aroused when an old shoemaker - of the class now largely driven out by modern machinery - advised him to read Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations." [...] Mr.

[Pamphlet] The Mosher Books. A List of Books in Belles Lettres issued in Choice and Limited Editions MDCCCXCI | MDCCCCVIII

[Thomas Mosher, Private Press Publisher]
Publication details: 
Printed for Thomas B. Mosher and published by him at XLV Exchange Street, Portland Maine MDCCCCVIII.

71 [1]pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, foxed, back wrap chipped, final page faintly foxed, contenst mainly good.


[ General Sir Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grey'), on behalf of Prince Albert, to unnamed individual, regarding gifts of a photograph of Folkestone Harbour, and a book on Malta.

General Sir Charles Grey (1804-1870), Private Secretary to Albert, Prince of Wales, and Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 20 February 1858.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking him for 'the Photograph of Folkestone harbour, & the volumes you have sent on the subjects of Malta, & the Order of St. John. [by Major-General Whitworth Porter (1827-1892) of the Royal Engineers]'. Prince Albert had intended to buy the book, but will take pleasure in accepting the copy the recipient of the letter has 'had so handsomely bound'.

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