[H. H. Asquith, Liberal Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature to Printed Circular regarding 'the University Settlements' [in London's East End and elsewhere] as a solution for 'social problems'.

H. H. Asquith [Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister [University Settlements; Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel; Oxford House, Bethnal Green]
H. H. Asquith
Publication details: 
Printed Circular dated 'October, 1911.' No place.
H. H. Asquith

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘settlement’ movement was the result of growing unease among the educated classes regarding the condition of the poor. The two most celebrated settlements, both still active, are Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel and Oxford House in Bethnal Green. From the papers of Sir William David Ross (1877-1971), Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. The present printed circular is 1p, 12mo. Printed on wove watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Asquith’s signature is genuine. Reads: ‘October, 1911.

[Charles Gore, theologian and Bishop of Oxford.] Autograph Card Signed to Sir W. D. Ross, Oxford Vice-Chancellor, with reference to ‘the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer’.

Charles Gore (1853-1932), theologian, Bishop of Oxford (previously Worcester and Birmingham) and chaplain to Queen Victoria and King Edward VII [Sir W. D. Ross (1877-1971), Oxford Vice-Chancellor]
Publication details: 
‘6 Margaret St / W. [London] Septr. 26. 19.’ [1919]

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard, with stamp printed in red. In fair condition, discoloured and worn. Addressed by Gore to ‘W. D. Ross Esq / 6 Charlbery Road / Oxford’. Begins: ‘Will you forgive a p. c.? I have no secretary & am rather overwhelmed with applications. You may not know that I did the thing you suggest at the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer. But besides this I must respectfully say that I cannot undertake any more work than I have already on hand up to next Easter. Forgive me. I have the best will. / Charles Gore’.

[West Indian Slave Trade; rum; sugar.] Eighteen manuscript documents (most from Lewis Simond & Co, New York Merchants) regarding slave trader and Jamaican plantation owner William Atherton and his Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish.

West Indian Slave Trade: William Atherton (Wikipedia) (1742-1803), slave trader & owner of Jamaican sugar plantations, including the Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish [Lewis Simond, NY merchants]
Publication details: 
One item from 1777, from Bounty Hall Estate, Jamaica; three items from London, 1800 and 1801; fourteen items from New York [Lewis Simond & Co.], 1803 and 1804.

All 18 items are in very good condition, with slight signs of age and wear. Items One and Eighteen are letters (Eighteen being a ‘triplicate’), the other sixteen items are accounts, with items Five to Eighteen relating to the firm of the New York merchant Lewis Simond. Items Seven, Nine and Twelve are copies (i.e. written out afresh but containing the same text) of Items Six, Eight and Eleven. ONE: Henry Hough (overseer of the Bounty Hall estate, Jamaica) to ‘William Fairclough / Green Park’: Autograph Letter Signed.

[Gretna Green and ‘runaway marriages’.] Autograph Signature of ‘R B Mackinnon. / Last Blacksmith / “Priest” / Gretna Green’.

Gretna Green and ‘runaway marriages’; R. B. Mackinnon (fl. 1941), blacksmith, last of the ‘anvil priests’
Publication details: 
2 September 1941. Gretna Green [Scotland].

The author of the present item is the last in a line that stretched for around two hundred years. After the passing in 1754 of Lord Hardwicke’s Marriage Act, which prevented minors from marrying without their parents’ consent, English couples would take advantage of laxer Scottish laws. As one of the nearest parishes to England, Gretna Green became the destination of choice, and the marriage was usually conducted before two witnesses by a village blacksmith, who became known as an ‘anvil priest’.

[‘I have never felt more like chucking my hand in’: Jack Warner, English actor.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), regarding a bad bout of the flu, with signed publicity photograph in the part of Dixon of Dock Green.

Jack Warner [Horace John Waters] (1895-1981), English actor who played PC George Dixon in film ‘The Blue Lamp’ and TV series ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
19 November 1957. 9 Courtfield Mews, Courtfield Road, SW5 [London]. On his letterhead.

See the entries for Warner and Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Such was the popularity of Warner’s portrayal of George Dixon, that the Queen told him it had become part of ‘the British way of life’, and he was carried to his grave by six real officers from Paddington Green Police Station. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, lightly aged. Signature ‘Jack.’ and salutation to ‘My dear Popie’ in Warner’s hand; the rest typed. Letterhead with his name. He is sending ‘the long promised photos’, delayed because he ‘had to get some new prints of the “pipe” one.

[Notable Quakers in Georgian England.] Autograph Album of Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, with 120 contributors including Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur.

Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, Gloucestershire [Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur; Quakers; Society of Friends]
Publication details: 
[Alstone Green, Gloucestershire.] Between 1800 and 1862 (mainly between 1820 and 1847).

Apart from one contribution dating from 1800, three from the 1850s and two from the 1860s, all manuscript contributions date from between 1820 and 1847. 237pp., 4to, with eight items loosely inserted (including four coloured botanical drawings on card) and three-page partial index of contributors. In contemporary black leather binding, with embossed pattern and gilt border on front board, marbled endpapers, and all edges gilt. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, in rebacked binding, worn at spine, with new label.

[Isaac Roberts, Welsh geologist and astronomer.] Autograph Note Signed, a presentation inscription of a book to the mathematician and geologist A. H. Green.

Isaac Roberts (1829-1904), Welsh geologist and astronomer, pioneer of astrophotography of nebulae, winner of Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal [Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), mathematician]
Publication details: 
June 1894; on letterhead of Starfield, Crowborough, Sussex.

1p, 12mo. On aged and creased leaf, folded once and with traces of mount on the blank reverse. Reads: 'Presented to Prof. Alexr. H. Green M.A. F.R.S. With the compliments of the author | Isaac Roberts | June 1894'. The work presented was presumably the first (1893) volume of Roberts' pioneering 'Selection of Photographs of Stars, Star-Clusters and Nebulae', the second appearing in 1899. The two volumes contained 125 reproductions of photographs which he had exhibited at the Royal Astronomical Society. See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[George Whitley, surgeon.] Autograph syllabus of lectures (by J. H. Green of St Thomas's Hospital?), 'Observations' by anatomist Edward Grainger, extracts from 'Pharmacopoeia Nosocomii Regalis Sancti Thomae. Londinensis' and 'Guy's Pharmacopoeia'.

George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire [Joseph Henry Green (1791-1863), surgeon and lecturer at St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London; Edward Grainger (1797-1824), teacher of anatomy]
Publication details: 
St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London: 1819 and thereabouts. Halton, Cheshire: 1820.

Two items in the hand of George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire (not to be confused with his namesake the epidemiologist George Whitley (1816-1881), for whose career see Fraser Brockington, 'Public Health in the Nineteenth Century', 1965). The two items are accompanied by the front board of a volume, with the following ownership inscription and note on the pastedown: 'George Whitley, Surgeon, | St. Thomas' Hospital. | London. | Novr. 22. 1819. | NB. See in this Book a Copy of a Letter to Lady Cunliffe pr. Mr. [?] Surgeon, about an Ulcerated Leg of her House Keeper, Mrs.

[John Colbatch: anonymous pamphlet on Trinity College, Cambridge.] A Vindication of the Lord Bishop of Ely's Visitatorial Jurisdiction over Trinity-College In General and over the Master thereof in Particular.

[John Colbatch (1664-1748)] Trinity College, Cambridge; Thomas Green (1658-1738), Bishop of Ely
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. Cooper, the Corner of Ivy-Lane, next Pater-Noster-Row. MDCCXXXII. [1732]

44pp, 4to. In poor condition, worn and stained, in damaged remains of vellum-paper wraps. Library stamp carelessly cut away from blank part of title, causing closed cut to second leaf. Six copies on JISC LHD (COPAC); now uncommon. The date of publication is mistakenly given in Colbatch's entry in the Oxford DNB as 1729.

[Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Austen Chamberlain.') to his neighbour 'Mr Kynnersley', declining to part with 'a piece of the meadow', suggesting that his tenant acquire an allotment instead.

Austen Chamberlain [Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain] (1863-1937), Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer [Thomas Clement Sneyd Kynnersley (1803-1892) of Moor Green, Moseley, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
6 November 1889. On letterhead of Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. The letter, which deals with domestic matters, but has some interest considering the writer's father's views on land reform, is written a year after Chamberlain's return from his studies in Germany, where he had been alarmed by the rise in Prussian militarism, and with him on the verge of his entry into politics in the footsteps of his father Joseph Chamberlain. (He was also the older half-brother of the future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.) It begins: 'Dear Mr.

[Maltman's Green, Gerrards Cross, girls school.]

Maltman's Green, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire girls school, founded in 1918 [Miss Beatrice Elizabeth Chambers, head mistress]
Publication details: 
Maltman's Green, Gerrards Cross. No date [1920s?].

Advertising booklet for the school, printed in black on three sides of a 20.5 x 23 cm bifolium of cream wove paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged and spotted paper, with one fold and slight nicking to edges. The item is undated, but must date before Chambers' retirement in 1944. The cover has a distinct modernist feel, with an 8.5 x 20 cm stylised illustration of a village green with old-fashioned houses, presumably including the school buildings, and at bottom right the words 'MALTMAN'S GREEN | GERRARD'S CROSS' in large sans serif capitals.

[Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan'), in English, to Lady Green, regarding her gift of a hunting dog, with an Autograph Note Signed to Lady Green from his brother 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'.

Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan, husband of Emily Keene (1849-1949), Shareefa of Wazan [his brother Muley Ahmed; Tangier, Morocco]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Tangier. Muley Ali's dated 18 July 1893. Muley Ahmed's 23 January 1895.

The two letters in good condition, both laid down on pieces of card cut from an album.`ONE: ALS from 'Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan' to Lady Green. 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Dear Lady Green | Thank you for the dog you were so kind as to send me. I find he is very good for hunting rabbits, a sport I am devoted to, It is most kind of you to promise to take care of him while I am away.' TWO: ANS from 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'. 1p., 12mo. In purple ink. 'Dear Lady Green | I will arrange the affair you mentioned in your letter of yesterday. With compliments | Your's sincerely'.

[Sir Joseph Prestwich writes to his successor in the Chair of Geology at Oxford, Alexander Henry Green.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Prestwich') to 'Professor Green', regarding the plates of his book 'Geology'.

Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896), geologist [Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), Prestwich's successor as Oxford Professor of Geology]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Darent-Hulme, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. 1 May 1889.

The previous year Green had succeeded Prestwich in the Chair of Geology at Oxford. In the same year the second volume of Prestwich's 'Geology' was published for the University by the Clarendon Press, the first volume having appeared in 1886. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. The subject of the letter is 'the plates of “Geology”', with Prestwich writing that his 'only object is to make the book useful in as many ways as possible.

[Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; LIst ] Manuscript 'Account of Sales of the Estate of Wm. Fisher dec[ease]d.' by Green A. Fisher

Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; Estate of William Fisher (died 1835); Green A. Fisher
Publication details: 
The State of Alabama, Wilcox County. 21 December 1835.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed with the date of the sale 'December 4th 1835'. At end: 'The State of Alabama | Wilcox County | Came into open Court Green A. Fisher one of the Executors of the last will & testament of William Fisher decd. who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that the forgoing is a correct account of the sales of said decedents Estate so far as the same have come to his hands | Sworn to & Subscribed in Open Court this 21st Decr. 1835'. Received, with illegible signature, on same date.

[Francis Ralph Gray, first High Mistress of St Paul's School.] Autograph Signature ('Frances R. Gray' to an eight-line transcription 'From the St Paul's Girls' School Song', inscribed to Margery Clerk.

Frances Ralph Gray (c. 1863-1935), first High Mistress of St Paul's School, 1902 to 1927
Publication details: 
5 April 1927. In envelope with printed address of St. Paul's Girls' School, Brook Green, Hammersmith, S.W. [London]

An attractive item, neatly written out by Gray on 1p., 4to. In good condition, with central horizontal fold. Headed 'From the St. Paul's Girls' School Song'. The eight transcribed lines begin: 'In Faith and Knowledge! May it prove | When here our work is done, | […]' Beneath the quotation Gray has written: 'With my love to Margery | Frances R. Gray | 3rd. April 1927'. In envelope with the address of the school printed at top left of cover, addressed at centre by Gray to 'Margery Clerk'.

[ Charles Adolphe Wurtz, French chemist, pioneer in the field of atomic theory. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ad. Wurtz') [ to Wilhelmina Maria Green ], encouraging her to translate one of his works into English.

Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817-1884), Alsatian French chemist, writer and educator, pioneer in the field of atomic theory
Publication details: 
27 rue St Guillaume, Paris. 6 January 1881.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Mademoiselle', but from the papers of The item is from the papers of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton, herself a scientist. He apologises for the late reply, which is to be attributed 'aux distractions du "Christmas" et du Tour de l'An'. His 'Traité de Chimie Biologique' has not been translated into English and it would please him to see such a translation made, with the agreement of his editor M. Manon'.

[ Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe, British chemist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. E. Thorpe') to 'Mrs. Green' [ Wilhelmina Maria Green ], offering encouragement and support for the publication of a scientific paper by her.

Sir T. E. Thorpe [ Sir Thomas Edward Thorpe ] (1845-1925), British chemist, Principal of Somerset House Laboratory, and President of the British Association and Society of Chemical Industry
Publication details: 
'Headingley [ Yorkshire ]. 20 May 1885.

The item is from the papers of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. An interesting letter, indicating a positive and encouraging response from a member of the Victorian scientific establishment to a female worker in the field. The letter begins: 'Dear Mrs. Green. | Enclosed are two notes from Dr. Armstrong relative to your paper. As I informed you I thought there was just a doubt whether the paper was exactly of a style for the Chem. Soc. Journ.

[ David Low, cartoonist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('David Low') to 'Mr. Armstrong' of the Golders Green Literary Society, decling to become a vice-president.

David Low [ Sir David Alexander Cecil Low ] (1891-1963), English cartoonist, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Rodborough Road, Golders Green, N.W.11 [ London ] 18 May 1934.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by acknowledging Armstrong's letter: 'I assure your Committee that I appreciate the honour they do me by asking me to become a Vice-President of the Golders Green Literary Society.' He has for some time felt that in the interest of his health he must 'enter no fresh engagements for a while', and therefore does not feel 'able to accept even this one, which I am sure would be pleasanter than most'. He ends by offering his 'sincere regrets'.

[ Edward Carpenter, gay Socialist poet and philosopher. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Edwd. Carpenter') to the wife of the geologist A. H. Green, suggesting locations in Wales for her to visit while recuperating.

Edward Carpenter (1844-1929), Socialist poet and freethinker, proponent of the rights of homosexuals
Publication details: 
Paris. 20 July [ 1889 ].

A plain 'Carte Postale', with the address, with three postmarks, on one side (coloured lilac), reading 'Mrs. A. H. Green | Rosa House, Church Walks | Llandudno | N. Wales | Angleterre'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with central horizontal crease. He is sorry to hear of her 'continuing illness', and hopes 'the air of Wales' will do her good. 'Dolgam is a farm-house about 2 or 3 miles below Capel Curig towards Bettws[sic]-y-Coed. I can quite recommend it. Mrs. Jones is (or was) the landlady. The air is probably not so bracing as some places as it lies in a sheltered hollow.

[ A British Prisoner of War Camp in the aftermath of the Boer War. ] Mimeographed document headed 'Camp Orders by Major M. L. Ferrar | Comm[an]d[in]g Depot Batt[alio]n | Green Point Camp | 16fh. August 1902'.

Major M. L. Ferrar [ Michael Lloyd Ferrar (1876-1971) ] of the Green Howards [ Green Point Prisoner of War Camp, Cape Town South Africa; Boer War, 1902 ]
Publication details: 
Green Point Camp [ Cape Town, South Africa ]. 16 August 1902.

1p., 8vo. A mimeographed document duplicating fifty lines of handwriting (that of Ferrar himself?). Embossed government crest at top left. A scarce survival, on aged and heavily-worn paper, with closed tears and slight loss to extremities, repaired with archival tape.

Statements of account of the sales of books by 'Owen Meredith' [Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton], by the London publishers Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., and Longmans, Green & Co.

Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-1891), Viceroy of India and poet under the pseudonym Owen Meredith
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1890 and 1916. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, London, EC. June 1893 to June 1916. Messrs. Macmillan & Co., 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden [later St. Martin's Street], London. April 1890 to June 1900.

On forms printed in red and black, totalling 1p., folio; 40pp., landscape 8vo; 6pp. (of which four in landscape), 12mo. The seven accounts from Messrs. Macmillan & Co., all relating to 'The Ring of Amasis', are on seven sheets, landscape 8vo, dating from between 1889 and 1900.

[ Theresa Harriet Beney, pianist, composer and organist of Christ Church, Folkestone. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Theresa Beney') to an unnamed female recipient, making arrangements for her to accompany the singer Richard Green in a recital.

Theresa Beney [ Theresa Harriet Beney ] (b.c.1860, fl.1936), Organist of Christ Church, Folkestone, pianist and composer [ Richard Green, English baritone singer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4H, Blenheim Mansions, Marylebone Road, N.W. [ London ] 20 April 1900.

On both sides of a grey 8.5 x 11 cm. card. She writes that she forgot to tell her in her reply to her note 'that Mr. Rich. Green is an old friend of mine & sings my songs admirably. If I am accompanying he wd. probably like to know - before making his selection of songs for May 5.' She wishes to know whether she is to 'book the date at your earliest convenience'. She is leaving town for a week, 'but letters will be forwarded'. Beney disappears from view in 1936.

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club. ] Printed handbill for a 'Private Farewell Matinee' for Mr and Mrs Luther Munday, at the Green Park Club, London, with facsimile signatures of 'Stars in the firmament of Art'.

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club; Constance, Countess of Romney; the Green Park Club, London; the Old Lyric Club; Herbert Beerbohm Tree ]
Publication details: 
'at the St James' Theatre, kindly lent by Mr. George Alexander, On Friday, June 7th, 1907, at 3 p.m.'

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper slightly worn at head. The front page is headed 'H.R.H. Princess Christian and the Royal Members, are Patrons of a Private Farewell Matinee arrranged by Lady Romney on behalf of the Green Park Club for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Munday'. The names of twenty performers are listed beneath this, headed by Herbert Beerbohm Tree, with various other individuals named.

[ 'Carnival', 1946 British film. ] Autograph Signatures of director Stanley Haynes and actors Sally Gray, Michael Wilding, Stanley Holloway, Jean Kent, Catherine Lacey, Hazel Court, and two members of the crew.

Michael Wilding; Stanley Holloway; Sally Gray; Catherine Lacey; Stanley Haynes; Michael Clarke; Hazel Court, Jean Kent, Guy Green [ Twickenham Film Studios; 'Carnival', 1946 British film ]
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios ]. 1945.

On 18 x 16 cm leaf removed from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed '"Carnival" July 1945' and with the following signatures: 'Stanley Haynes (Director) | Guy Green . (Camera) | Sally Gray | Stanley Holloway (actor) | Catherine Lacey | Michael Clarke | Hazel Court. | Michael Wilding | Jean Kent | <?> (stills)'. The recipient was the daughter of a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[Notable Quakers in Georgian England.] Autograph Album of Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, with 120 contributors including Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur.

Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, Gloucestershire [Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur; Quakers; Society of Friends]
Publication details: 
[Alstone Green, Gloucestershire.] Between 1800 and 1862 (mainly between 1820 and 1847).

Apart from one contribution dating from 1800, three from the 1850s and two from the 1860s, all contributions date from between 1820 and 1847. 237pp., 4to, with eight items loosely inserted (including four coloured botanical drawings on card) and three-page partial index of contributors. In contemporary black leather binding, with embossed pattern and gilt border on front board, marbled endpapers, and all edges gilt. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, in rebacked binding, worn at spine, with new label.

[Royal Army Medical Corps printed Second World War circular.] Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements.

Major K. G. A. Barlow [Kenneth Green Armitage Barlow], Royal Army Medical Corps [blood transfusion in the British Army of the Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] 'BLA | 1 June 45.'

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headed: 'Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements. Ref: 1BTU/S/108/45. | To: ALL GENERAL HOSPITALS. | CCSs. | Transfusion Officers. | Pathologists. | Officers i/c Blood Banks.' Facsimile at foot of the signature of 'KGA Barlow Major, RAMC., | A/CC., No. 1 Base Transfusion Unit.' The document is arranged under four headings: 'Blood Taking Sets'; 'Blood Storage'; 'Grouping of Donors' and 'Cross Matching'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Inscribed first edition.] Poems by A. Romney Green.

A. Romney Green [Arthur Romney Green (d.1945); C. Curtis; The Astolat Press Guildford; R. Brimley Johnson [Reginald Brimley Johnson] (1867-1932), journalist and editor]
Publication details: 
A. C. Curtis | The Astolat Press Guildford | Brimley Johnson | London Office | MDCCCCI' [1901].

vii + 96pp., 8vo. In grey cloth binding, with title printed on cover and spine. Internally good, on lightly-aged paper (with minor discoloration in three openings from pressed flowers), in worn and discoloured binding. Title-leaf printed in red and black (including publisher's device on title-page). On reverse of title: 'Seven copies of this edition on Japanese vellum and 500 on handmade only for sale printed by hand at the Astolat Press Guildford and there published November nineteen hundred & one.' Inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper: 'E. M. H. | from A. R. G. | 14 Dec.

[Printed pamphlet.] Hints by the Way: An Address by the Rev. Charles McNeil, M.A. Delivered to the Juniper Green Free Church Sabbath Morning Fellowship Association, and printed by request.

Rev. Charles McNeil, M.A. [Juniper Green Free Church Sabbath Morning Fellowship Association]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Printed by John Forsyth, Guthrie Street. 1877.

12pp., 12mo. Stitched. Disbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Taking as its text 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?' (Psalm CXIX. 9). Scarce: no copy in the British Library, on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Valentine Green, Engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('V. Green') to an unnamed male recipient, regarding the removal of two paintings, including one by William Daniell.

Valentine Green (1739-1813), English engraver and print publisher, Keeper of the British Institution, 1805-1813 [William Daniell (1769-1837), landscape and marine painter]
Publication details: 
British Gallery, Pall Mall [London]. 20 July 1807.

1p., 4to. In good conditon, on aged paper. He begins: 'As both the pictures you bought are to be taken without the frames, I can't take upon me to displace them, without either you or the Artists were present, and more especially Mr. Daniell's, which is framed in a particular way.' Consequently he will keep the paintings, till either the recipient or artists take them away, 'and give me a proper discharge for them'. He ends with his hours of attendance.

[Cardinal Manning.] Autograph copy of memorandum on 'the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith', addressed to the Home Secretary Spencer Walpole, and docketted by Nicholas Wiseman.

Henry Edward Manning [Cardinal Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster [Spencer Walpole (1806-1898), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Bayswater [London]. 14 September 1858.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. On two grey-paper bifoliums. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the last leaf: 'Dr Manning's Mem[orandu]m to Walpole on Reform[ator]ies'. The document (presumably copied by Wiseman expressly for Manning) is addressed to 'The Right Hon. Spencer Walpole M.P.', and is complete to the valediction, but unsigned. It begins: 'Sir | I beg leave to lay before you a subject of much importance affecting the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith which is under my direction.

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