[Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia and Chief Secretary for Ireland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles R. Broughton, authorizing a charge on refunded Land Tax as retired Foreign Ministers.agent.

Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens (1753-1839], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia, Chief Secretary for Ireland, for whom Mount St Helens is named [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
?Grafton Street [London] / 2 May 1810?.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tears along the five creases from the folding of the item into a packet. Docketed on the reverse of the leaf: ?May 2d 1810 / Lord St Helens / Authy to charge Agency at the rate of 1 P Ct on Monies recovered on accot of Land Tax refunded to Foreign Ministers &cr.? Signed St Helens.

[Catherine Hayes [Mrs W. Avery Bushnell], soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘C Hayes Bushnell’), recommending to ‘Mrs. Hicks’ the selection of patterns to be had at furniture-makers Jackson & Graham. With her calling card.

Catherine Hayes [Mrs W. Avery Bushnell] (1825-1861), soprano [Jackson & Graham, London furniture makers]
Publication details: 
‘13 Westbourne Park West / Saturday’. [no date]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. LETTER: 3pp, 12mo. Thirty-one lines. Bifolium. In fair condition, with slight staining at foot of first leaf, and traces of glue from mount on blank reverse of second leaf. In an elongated and somewhat opaque hand. Begins: ‘My dear Mrs. Hicks / I was exceedingly sorry to hear that Mr. Hicks had met with an accident on the day you left.’ What follows is hard to decipher, until she writes ‘I have much pleasure in forwarding to you the address of Jackson & Graham. It is No. 35-36 Oxford St.’ She praises ‘the selection he has of patterns’.

[Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia and Chief Secretary for Ireland.] Autograph Letter Signed from St Petersburgh to General Bentham, introducing 'Mr. Vaxel', who is coming to study in England..

Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens (1753-1839], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia, Chief Secretary for Ireland, for whom Mount St Helens is named [General Bentham]
Publication details: 
'St. Petersburgh 26th. Jany. 1802.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. For the context see Irina and Dmitri Gouzevitch, ‘Travelling interchanges between the Russian Empire and Western Europe / The Travels of Engineers during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century’, in Simões, Carneiro and Diogo eds, ‘Travels of Learning / A Geography of Science in Europe’ (Boston, 2003). 1p, 8vo. Nineteen lines of closely-written text. On aged and worn paper. The item has been torn away from a mount, resulting in damage to the two outer corners, with the area immediately to the right of the signature ‘St Helens’ lacking.

[Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia and Chief Secretary for Ireland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles R. Broughton, authorizing a charge on refunded Land Tax as retired Foreign Ministers.agent.

Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens (1753-1839], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia, Chief Secretary for Ireland, for whom Mount St Helens is named [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
‘Grafton Street [London] / 2 May 1810’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tears along the five creases from the folding of the item into a packet. Docketed on the reverse of the leaf: ‘May 2d 1810 / Lord St Helens / Authy to charge Agency at the rate of 1 P Ct on Monies recovered on accot of Land Tax refunded to Foreign Ministers &cr.’ Signed St Helens.

[‘Britain's first recorded broadcast comedian’.] Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed from Helena Millais to W. Macqueen-Pope, with printed press release for her show ‘Songs and Laughter’.

Helena Millais [stage name of Helena Catherine Marriott] (1886-1970), Britain's first recorded broadcast comedian, actress and writer.
Publication details: 
TLS: 8 August 1957. ALS: 14 August 1959. Both from 5 Riverview Gardens, Barnes, SW13 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) On 20 October 1922 Millais broadcast on 2LO radio, becoming the first comedian on what was later to become the BBC. In a performance on 21 November 1922 she became the third entertainer to appear on the week-old BBC. All three items in good condition, lightly aged, though the autograph letter has pin holes to a corner, and the typed letter rust from a paperclip. Both letters signed ‘Helena Millais’. ONE: TLS. 3pp, 12mo. Having met him ‘at various C.A.A. evenings, she asks him for advice about several books.

[‘Kate Carney’, stage name of music hall artiste Catherine Mary Shea, ‘The Coster Comedienne’.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope for the ‘nice write up’, and asking for help in finding an editor for her memoirs.

‘Kate Carney’ [stage name of Catherine Mary Shea, née Pattinson] (1869-1950), English music hall artiste, known as ‘The Cockney Queen’ and ‘Coster Comedienne' [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
14 March 1949; 60 Christchurch Road, Streatham Hill, SW2 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). 2pp, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded three times for postage. She asks him to send ‘3 or 4 more copies’ of his ‘nice write up in the “Sunday Chronicle” March 13th.’, as she would like to send ‘a copy to Australia, Canada & America, as there is some talk about my going to America in the near future’. She has ‘tried all over Streatham and Brixton and it seems impossible to get a copy anywhere’, and will be happy to pay the cost.

[Catherine, Duchess of Cleveland, mother of the Prime Minister Lord Rosebery.] Autograph Signature (‘C Clevd.’) to Typed Note urging ‘Dear Jim’ to visit her.

Duchess of Cleveland [Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett; née Stanhope; also Lady Dalmeny, Lady Harry Vane] (1819-1901), aristocrat, historian, genealogist, mother of Earl of Rosebery, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
‘May 24 Wednesday [no year]’; on letterhead of Osterley Park, Southall.

On one side of 19 x 9 cm slip of paper with Osterley Park letterhead with her crested monogram in gold and black. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Somewhat shaky and curiously-antiquated signature. Typed note in capitals. One word and a few minor corrections to text in autograph. Reads: ‘May 24 Wednesday / My dear Jim / I am here at the receipt of custom - will you come & when? Come to dine & sleep - or stay.

[Catherine Gladstone, wife of Liberal prime minister William Ewart Gladstone.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Cath Gladstone’), asking the editor of a newspaper to publish something of hers.

Catherine Gladstone [née Glynne] (1812-1900), wife of Liberal prime minister William Ewart Gladstone
Publication details: 
‘Downing St. / Saturday.’ On cancelled letterhead of 21 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, where she is described as a ‘philanthropist’. 2pp, 12mo. With mourning border. A 4cm triangle of paper has torn away from the bottom of the letter, far below Mrs Gladstone’s slightly-smudged signature, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and folded twice. Reads: ‘Downing St. / Saturday / Dear Sir. / You have often encourage me to appeal to you upon matters of charity. it will be very kind if you will give the enclosed [a] place in your Paper. / Yours truly / Cath Gladstone’.

[George Hogarth, music journalist and father-in-law of Charles Dickens.] Manuscript volume, labelled 'No 1 DECEMBER 1837 1838', containing lists of music performed by a band (for Queen Victoria?) on 172 dates, some at Windsor Castle and London.

[George Hogarth (1783-1870), Scottish music journalist, father-in-law of Charles Dickens; Queen Victoria; Windsor Castle]
Publication details: 
Windsor and London, 4 December 1837 to 5 October 1838. Binder's ticket of 'W. Creswick, Paper Maker, 5, John Street, Oxford Street' on front pastedown.

172pp., 16mo (10 x 6.5 cm.). In original green leather quarter-binding, with marbled endpapers and label on front cover: 'No 1 | DECEMBER | 1837 | 1838'. Aged and worn, with the contents of the volume detached from the binding, and the signatures loose through breaking of the stitching. In pencil beneath the binder's ticket on the front pastedown: 'Hogarth | 10 Powis Place', with this address continuing at the foot of the first page: 'Gt Ormond St'.

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready, to homeopathist Dr F. F. H. Quin.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C F Macready') inviting Quin to dinner, with signed postscript requesting 'Powders' for her 'Nose & Legs'.

Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873) [Dr. Frederick Foster Hervey Quin (1799-1878), homeopathic doctor]
Publication details: 
'5 Clarence Terrace [London] | Wedy. Morg.' [No date, on paper with watermarked year 1837.]

2pp, 16mo. Bifolium, with the letter on the recto of the first leaf, and a long postscript on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged, folded twice. A friend of Charles Dickens and his circle, and physician to Queen Victoria's uncle Prince Leopold, Quin founded the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1849. The letter invites Quin to 'dine with us on Tuesday the 23rd. Inst at a quarter before seven o' clock'. The pith is in the two postscripts: 'P.S.

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready.] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr. Kenneth', telling him to direct letters to her husband to the Theatre Royal, Birmingham.

Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873)
Publication details: 
'Pinner Wood. | Saturday 17th. Octr.' [no year, but 1820s]

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to one edge, folded several times. 'Mrs. Macready' in a contemporary hand at the head of the page. Written in a neat hand the letter reads: 'Mrs. Macready presents her compliments to Mr. Kenneth, - any Letters directed to Mr. Macready Theatre Royal Birmingham will find Mr. Macready until Saturday Morng. 24th Inst.'

[ Catherine Gaskin, Irish-Australian author of romantic fiction. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Catherine Gaskin Cornberg') to 'Miss Cord [sic]' [ i.e. Eileen M. Cond ], discussing her former publisher William Hope Collins and his family.

Catherine Gaskin [ Catherine Gaskin Cornberg ] (1929-2009), best-selling Irish-Australian novelist in the field of romantic fiction [ William Hope Collins (1903-1967), Glasgow publisher ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Ballymacahara, Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. 14 June 1970.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. She begins by agreeing to inscribe Cond's bookplate, before continuing: 'Ye, I did know Hope Collins – not particularly well, since he was based in Glasgow, and I lived in New York and the West Indies from 1955 to 1967 and so our visits to London rarely co-incided.' She remembers Collins as 'a most kindly and courteous man', and he is 'greatly missed.

[ Printed Victorian children's book with hand-coloured plates and two stories named on title-page. ] Prince Arthur; or, The Four Trials | A Fairy Tale. By Catherine Mary Stirling. Tales by the Flowers. By Caroline B. Templer.

Catherine Mary Stirling; Caroline B. Templer [ James Hogg & Sons, London publisher; Camden Press, London printers ]
Publication details: 
London: James Hogg & Sons. [ Camden Press, London ] [ 1861. ]

124 + [4] pp., 12mo. Four hand-coloured plates including frontispiece. A four-page publisher's advertisement at rear, for 'A New and Attractive Series of Juvenile Books'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. In worn brown-cloth binding with decorative design featuring titles in gilt on cover; split hinge at rear. Stirling's story continues to p.50, and is followed by Templer's collection of 27 'improving' poems, from 'The Invitation' and 'The Holly Tree's Tale - Christmas' to 'Heartsease - Thoughts of Peace' and 'The Misseltoe - A Missionary Tale'.

[ Catherine Stepney, Lady Stepney, 'Silver Fork' novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Stepney'), inviting 'Mr Westmacot' [ Sir Richard Westmacott or his son ] to a reunion. With engraved portrait of her by A. E. Chalon.

Catherine Stepney, Lady Stepney [ born Catherine Pollok; also Catherine Manners ] (1778-1845), 'Silver Fork' novelist [ A. E. Chalon [ Alfred Edward Chalon ] (1780-1860), artist and engraver ]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Friday Night'. [ No date or place. ] Engraving: 'London. Published by Henry Colburn. Decr. 1837.'

The letter is 1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, with light signs of age, placed in a windowpane mount in the remains of a leaf from an album. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr Westmacot [no doubt the sculptor Sir Richard Westmacott or his son] - I have a little reunion - on Monday evening 1st Feby - pray come - I am desired by <?> to present you to her especially - that she may invite you to her next Fete'. The engraving is on a 21.5 x 13.5 cm piece of paper. Similarly-mounted as the letter, above it on the same leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Catherine Marsh, Victorian philanthropist and author. ] Autograph Signature on part of letter.

Catherine Marsh (1818-1912), Christian missionary amongst 'navvies' and author
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 7 x 11 cm. piece of paper cut from end of letter. In fair condition, on aged paper. Good firm signature. Reads 'Yours most | sincerely | Catherine Marsh'. Writing on reverse, in large hand, reads: 'hear of Mrs Walter Fry's sad accident -'.

[ 'Carnival', 1946 British film. ] Autograph Signatures of director Stanley Haynes and actors Sally Gray, Michael Wilding, Stanley Holloway, Jean Kent, Catherine Lacey, Hazel Court, and two members of the crew.

Michael Wilding; Stanley Holloway; Sally Gray; Catherine Lacey; Stanley Haynes; Michael Clarke; Hazel Court, Jean Kent, Guy Green [ Twickenham Film Studios; 'Carnival', 1946 British film ]
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios ]. 1945.

On 18 x 16 cm leaf removed from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed '"Carnival" July 1945' and with the following signatures: 'Stanley Haynes (Director) | Guy Green . (Camera) | Sally Gray | Stanley Holloway (actor) | Catherine Lacey | Michael Clarke | Hazel Court. | Michael Wilding | Jean Kent | <?> (stills)'. The recipient was the daughter of a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[ Rev. Thomas Grinfield, clergyman and hymn writer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Lady Cholmley, regarding his memoirs of his friend Rev. Cornelius Neale.

Rev. Thomas Grinfield (1788-1870), Bristol clergyman and hymnwriter [ Lady Catherine Cholmley; Rev. Cornelius Neale (1789-1823) of St John's College, Cambridge, and the London Missionary Society ]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1833, the year of the publication of the pamphlet.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On heavily aged and worn paper. Begins: 'Mr Grinfield, with his kind respects to Lady Cholmley, begs permission to submit the accompanying "Memoir & Remains of Mr Neale" to her perusal, having received a few copies (of which this is the last) for private disposal; - the price being 8/6d.

[Catherine Penna, soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed to '- Wilkinson Esq', accepting an engagement at the Brighton Aquarian, on the reverse of two pages of printed 'eulogistic criticisms' of 'Miss Catherine Penna'.

Catherine Penna (d.1894), English soprano [Sir Julius Benedict; the Norwich Festival; Madame Albani]
Publication details: 
38 Marylands Road, St Peter's Park, London, W. 1 October [1881].

Letter and printed text both on a 12mo bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Letter: 2pp., 12mo. Docketed with stamp of the Brighton Aquarium. She writes that she is 'happy to accept an Engagement for a Saturday Concert at the Brighton Aquarium as Principal Soprano' and will do her best 'to meet your terms'. Printed text: 2pp., 12mo.

[Catherine Hutton, novelist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Birmingham bookseller James Belcher, discussing in moving terms her nursing of her elderly parents, her plans for a future book ('my incipient Queens') and 'Dr. Hutton's bust'.

Catherine Hutton (1756-1846), English novelist and letter-writer, daughter of the Birmingham bookseller and local historian William Hutton (1723-1815) [James Belcher, junior, Birmingham bookseller]
Publication details: 
ONE: No place; 4 December 1821. TWO: Bennett's Hill; 21 January 1827. THREE: 'Saturday Morn.'

All three items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 4 December 1821. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. The letter, which concerns her plans for a book, begins: 'My dear Sir | In consequence of your opinion, I send a prospectus for Mr. Dawes [the critic Manassah Dawes (d.1829)?], which you will have the goodness to forward at a proper opportunity. But for this opinion, I should not have had the courage to apply to him, though the refusal of two persons ought not to prevent the application to a third. Nothing in my opinion could have been more certain than the subscriptions of Mr.

[George Hogarth, music journalist and father-in-law of Charles Dickens.] Manuscript volume, labelled 'No 1 DECEMBER 1837 1838', containing lists of music performed by a band (for Queen Victoria?) on 172 dates, some at Windsor Castle and London.

[George Hogarth (1783-1870), Scottish music journalist, father-in-law of Charles Dickens; Queen Victoria; Windsor Castle]
Publication details: 
Windsor and London, 4 December 1837 to 5 October 1838. Binder's ticket of 'W. Creswick, Paper Maker, 5, John Street, Oxford Street' on front pastedown.

172pp., 16mo (10 x 6.5 cm.). In original green leather quarter-binding, with marbled endpapers and label on front cover: 'No 1 | DECEMBER | 1837 | 1838'. Aged and worn, with the contents of the volume detached from the binding, and the signatures loose through breaking of the stitching. In pencil beneath the binder's ticket on the front pastedown: 'Hogarth | 10 Powis Place', with this address continuing at the foot of the first page: 'Gt Ormond St'.

[Printed prospectus, with photographic illustrations.] Cherwell Hall, Oxford. Training College for Women Secondary Teachers.

[Cherwell Hall, Training College for Women Secondary Teachers, Oxford; St Hilda's College, Oxford; Catherine Isabella Dodd (1860-1932), educationalist]
Publication details: 
Cherwell Hall, Oxford. Waterlow & Sons, Printers, London and Dunstable. Undated [between 1917 and 1921].

[16]pp., landscape 12mo. With nine full-page photographic views ('Cherwell Hall - South East View', 'The Gateway', 'Cherwell Hall - The South Lawn', 'Porch at Front Door', 'The Entrance Hall', 'The Library, Cherwell Hall', 'The Iris Walk', 'A View in the Grounds, Cherwell Hall, showing Magdalen Tower', 'Cherwell Hall, The Oak Room'). In cream wraps printed in green. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Can be roughly dated from the fact of the College's principal being Catherine I.

[Sir George Bramwell, Baron in the Court of Exchequer.] Autograph Certificate, on vellum, regarding an indenture shown to him by Catherine Stein, wife of Peter Stein. With a signed affidavit, also on vellum, signed by Charles Harris Hodgson.

George Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell [George William Wilshere Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell] (1808-1892), English judge [Charles Harris Hodgson]
Publication details: 
Bramwell's certificate: 28 March 1861. Hodgson's affidavit: Rolls Garden, Chancery Lane. 28 March 1861, on vellum document 'Sold by J. Sullivan, Printer and Stationer, 22, Chancery Lane.'

The two documents are on 33 x 24 cm pieces of vellum, and are pinned together. Both in very good condition. Both are printed forms, made out by the signatory. Bramwell's certificate begins (with the manuscript portions in square brackets): 'These are to Certify that on the [Twenty eighth] day of [March] in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-[one] before me the undersigned [Sir George William Wilshere Bramwell Knight one of the Barons of Her Majestys Court of Exchequer] Appeared personally [Catherine Stein] the Wife of [Peter Stein] and produced a certain Indenture marked [A]'.

[Hester Catherine Browne, Dowager Lady Sligo.] Autograph Letter in the third person soliciting the votes of 'Mr. Shewell [...] for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854'.

Hester Catherine Browne [nee de Burgh] (1800-1878), Marchioness of Sligo [Lady Sligo], wife of Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo [Shewell; Idiot Asylum]
Publication details: 
Portumna Castle, County Galway, Ireland. 12 December 1853.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'The Dowr. Lady Sligo presents her Compliments to Mr. Shewell, & begs earnestly to solicit his Votes for Henry Jennings at the Election for the Idiot Asylum in April, 1854 - | Lady Sligo can recommend Henry Jennings as a member of a very poor & industrious family -'.

[Lieutenant General Archibald Robertson of Lawers.] Manuscript 'Extract from Decree Arbitral by Adam Rolland Esq | In the Submission between Mrs. Catherine Austen or Robertson and The Trustee of Lieut General Archd. Robertson of Lawer'.

Lieutenant-General Archibald Robertson (1745-1813) of Lawers, Perthshire [Adam Rolland]
Publication details: 
[Scotland.] Made 19 December 1814; recorded 1833.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketted on reverse of second leaf, including the information that this is the second recording (the first being made at the time of the document in 1814). The extract ('Sexto') concerns the payment of an 'Annuity of Eleven hundred pounds Sterling bequeathed to he said Mrs. Catherine Robertson by the said Lieut. General Archibald Robertson'. Robertson is the subject of a portrait by George Romney, now in the Museum of Fine Art, St Petersburg, Florida.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair to Lady Deas, wife of the judge Sir George Deas.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist [Sarah, Lady Deas [born Sarah Outram], wife of Sir George Deas (1804-1887), Lord Deas, Scottish judge]
Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair
Publication details: 
'Thursday' [April 1863]; place not stated.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish novelist Catherine Sinclair

12mo, 1 p. Mourning border. Twelve lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small scrap torn away from top right-hand corner. By that evening's post, they have received 'the sad intelligence that my sister in law, Lady Camilla Sinclair has died at Thurso Castle'. Her brother Sir George Sinclair and his family 'are in great grief', and she is 'under the melancholy necessity of sending an apology' for cancelling 'our engagement to you which we had anticipated with so much pleasure'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia. Signed at London, the 25th of March, 1793. Published by Authority.

[King George III; Catherine II, Empress of Russia; peace treaty of 1793]
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Edward Johnston, in Warwick-Lane. 1793.
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia

4to, 8 pp. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner. In original blue plain wraps. In double column, with the French and English texts in parallel. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

Four original sepia studio photographs of Gladstone, and one of his wife. With photographic reproduction of an optical illusion caricature.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister; his wife Catherine Gladstone [nee Glynn] (1812-1900) [Thomas Fall; Samuel Alexander Walker]
Publication details: 
None dated [but one from 1881]. The photograph of Mrs Gladstone by the London Stereoscopic Company; photographs of Gladstone by T. Fall, 9 & 10 Baker Street, London, and Samuel A. Walker, 230 Regent Street, London. [The other two unattributed.]

ITEM ONE: Photograph of Gladstone, 14 x 10 cm, by Thomas Fall (1833-1900). In very good condition, laid down on the photographer's worn printed card, 16.5 x 11 cm. Showing Gladstone seated outdoors, with his grandson on his knee. NPG x22229 (the entry for which describes it as a 'carbon cabinet card', taken on 14 September 1881). ITEM TWO: Photograph of Gladstone, 14.5 x 10 cm, by Samuel Alexander Walker (1841-1922). Laid down on the photographer's printed card ('Portraits "At Home" A new Application of Photography introduced by Samuel A. Walker'), 16.5 x 11 cm.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Wedderburn; and Autograph Note to Mr and Mrs G. Wedderburn.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
Letter, 13 February [no year or place]; Note, 23 March [no year], 133 George Street [Edinburgh].

LETTER: One page, 12mo. Good, on aged, creased paper, with trace of stub on blank verso. Crest at head. 'It will give my brother & me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation for Tuesday evening the 16th. - I dine that day with Lady Sempill which will make me later than I should wish, but I hope to reach your house soon after 10'. NOTE: One page, 12mo, good, with fraying at head and traces of mount adhering to blank verso. A formal note written in the third person. 'Miss Catherine Sinclair will be happy to have the honor of accepting Mrs. Wedderburns & Mr.

The History, Or Anecdotes, Of the Revolution in Russia, In the Year 1762. Translated from the French of M. De Rulhiere.

Claude Carloman de Rulhiere [Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia; Russian eighteenth-century history; revolution of 1762]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster-Row. 1797.

8vo: [ii] + xxiv + 178 + [ii] pp. With half-title, and final leaf containing two pages of 'New Publications printed for T. N. Longman, No. 39, Paternoster-Row.' Frontispiece, becoming detached, of 'Catherine II. Empress of Russia, Taken from an Original Bust.' Tight copy, on aged and lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained contemporary half-binding of chipped vellum spine and corners and marbled boards. Minor staining at foot of frontispiece, title and first leaf of prelims.

Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Thompson of Liverpool.

Catherine Hutton (1756-1846), English novelist and miscellaneous writer [AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING]
Publication details: 
Bennett's Hill June 1832'.

Two pages, quarto. Well preserved, on good lightly-aged paper, but with the original piece of paper (which was roughly nine inches by seven and a half wide) now neatly cut into three strips (the top and bottom of which are two and three-quarter inches high, and the middle three and a half inches high). The text is extremely neatly written and entirely legible, and the whole easily repairable with archival tape. The whole of this long, interesting letter (thirty-five lines and a two-line postscript) is given over to the current craze for autograph collecting (for which see A. N. L.

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