[Sir Aston Webb, RA, Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Autograph Letter Signed Aston Webb .

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), President of the Royal Academy and Royal Institute of British Architects, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
8 October 1922. On letterhead of 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small and slightly rusted staple holes to one corner. Folded once. Addressed to ‘My dear [Gern?] King / A. G. B. I’ (i.e. the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Aston Webb / Presd. A G B I -’. He is writing at the request of ‘the Council’, ‘to express to you on their behalf & my own our sincere regret at your resignation from our Council’.

[Dreadnought designer: Sir Philip Watts, naval architect.] Offprint with presentation inscription by author: ‘Ships of the British Navy on August 4, 1914, and some matters of interest in connection with their production.’ With four fold-out plates.

Sir Philip Watts (1846-1926), British naval architect who designed the revolutionary battleship HMS Dreadnought, and several Elswick cruisers [Institution of Naval Architects, London]
Publication details: 
Read at the Spring Meeting of the Sixtieth Session of the Institution of Naval Architects, April 9, 1919’. London. [Printed by Unwin Brothers, Limited, Woking and London.]

This offprint is scarce. The only copy on WorldCat at the Caird Library of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. See Watt's entry in the Oxford DNB, which underlines his pre-eminence: 'At the battle of Jutland (31 May 1916) twenty-nine of the thirty-four British battleships and battle cruisers engaged were of Watts's design.' The item is an offprint from the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, vol. 61 (1919). 65 + [1]pp, 4to. Side-stapled, with no covers.

[The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London.] Three items of club ephemera: publicity booklet, application form and notice. With Typed Letter Signd from club secretary David Mallett, regarding theatre historian Maqueen-Pope’s desire to become a member.

The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London; David Mallett, Secretary [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Anna Zinkeisen (1901-1976), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
Mallett’s letter dated 4 October 1955; on letterhead of The Refectory Club, 10 Tilney Street, Park Lane, W1 [London]. The other three items undated, but slighty earlier in date.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Interesting London ephemera: the plans for the Refectory Club were clearly ambitious, but there is little to be gleaned about it, and it is unclear whether it even opened. Zinkeisen and her sister Dora are the subject of a 2022 monograph by Philip Kelleway, Emma Roodhouse and Nicola Evans. The four items in good condition, lightly aged, but with rust staining from a paperclip. Folded for postage. ONE: Typed Letter to MP, signed ‘D Mallett’ (but with ‘For Secretary’ typed beneath this). 1p, 4to.

[ Edward Falkener, architect and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow-architect William Tite

Edward Falkener (1814-1896, pseud. 'E. F. O. Thurcastle'), architect and author [ Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect and Member of Parliament; Sir John Soane's Museum ]
Publication details: 
10 Carlisle Parade, Hastings. 5 January 1861.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. On two occasions, despite the urgings of his friends, he has declined to apply for 'the Curatorship at Sir John Soanes', but he has since 'thought my friends might be right, and that the appointment would afford means of study and relaxation'. He has been 'over worked lately', and is 'suffering from boils and nervous headaches, which came on the very day I had intended to leave for Paris and Berlin'.

[Royalty Cinema, Windermere.] Typed and manuscript 'Bill of Quantities for Excavating, Drainage, Walling, Slating etc', in building 'New Public Hall - Kinema etc - in Lake Road - Windermere for the Directors'. By architects Walker, Carter, & Walker.

Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Royalty Cinema, Lake Road, Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria]
Publication details: 
Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. December 1925.

[1] + 10pp., crown 8vo. Held together with a metal stud, and placed in a brown card folder, with typed title on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Professionally presented, with the text typed out in columns and the sums and running totals written out in manuscript. An estimate, with costings for a large number of itemised elements, ranging from 'temporary lavatory accommodation for the workmen for all trades' to 'the removal of trees or shrubs as required, and grub up the roots - The timber will belong to the Contractor - and he must here allow for same'.

[Windermere Police Station.] Typed and manuscript 'Bills of Quantities for Scheme' and 'Bill of Quantities for a New Police Station at Windermere for the Westmoreland Standing Joint Committee' by Walker, Carter & Walker.

Walker, Carter & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Windermere Police Station; W. L. Dolman, architect]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Dolman, F.R.I.B.A., Windermere. May 1925. TWO: Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. June 1926.

Each document with a substantial number of typed itemised entries, with each item costed in manuscript, and manuscript totals. ONE: Headed 'WINDEREMERE POLICE STATION. | Bills of Quantities for Scheme | Submitted by W. L. Dolman F.R.I.B.A. Winderemere. | May 1925. | Excavator, Drainlayer, Waller & Slater.' 5pp., crown 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rust-spotting from staple. Entries range from '24" wall next Lake Road of Langdale Rag Stone with selected stones for facing in mortar & including footings' to 'In stone walls girth of Main Quoins included.

[Sir John Soane.] Typescript of unpublished monograph titled 'The Life, Works and Influence of Sir John Soane, R.A., F.S.A., &c. An Essay by "Excelsior" [A. E. Bullock?].'

'Excelsior' [Sir John Soane (1753-1837), English architect, Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy] [Albert Edward Bullock, ARIBA?; Royal Institute of British Architects, London]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 25 May 1905.

48pp., folio. Each page on the recto of a leaf, and all 48 leaves held together by a brass stud. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Authorship or ownership inscription on title page: 'A. E. Bullock | 43 Chancery Lane | W. C.', with autograph note: 'An Essay written originally for a prize, I believe.

Two sets of printed 'Plans of the New Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, W.C.2.' by Adams, Holden & Pearson.

[Charles Henry Holden (1875-1960), English architect; Adams, Holden & Pearson, London architects; The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, WC2.]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, c.1926.]

The two plans are both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper: each printed in black ink on one side only of a piece of white paper, and both folded twice. The first is landscape, 28 x 40.5cm, and carries the 'FIRST FLOOR PLAN' on the left, and 'GROUND FLOOR PLAN' on the right. The second is portrait, 40.5 x 29.5cm. It has two 'TYPICAL WARD PLANS' (third and fourth floors) above two 'SECTIONS A.B. & C.D. OF ELEVATIONS'. The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital was established on High Holborn in 1816.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Syd Smirke') from the architect Sydney Smirke, advising 'Mr. Lloyd' [William Watkiss Lloyd?] not 'to be made instrumental in dunning', in a case involving Saunders & Co. and 'Sir Robert' [his brother Sir Robert Smirke?].

Sydney Smirke (1798-1877), English architect, younger brother of Sir Robert Smirke (1780-1867) [William Watkiss Lloyd (1813-1893), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Grosenor St [London]. 5 March [1859].

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor water staining and a couple of spike holes. An intriguing communication, beginning: 'I would not, if I were you, allow myself to be so worried.' Smirke feels that, as 'Mess: Saunders & Co have not been backward in representing themselves as Principals in the matter', and as they 'are as largely as - or more largely, interested' than Lloyd himself 'in obtaining a payment, they had better themselves address Sir Robert'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. J. Newton') from the miniature painter Sir William John Newton to James Lakyn, regarding damage to his house in Argyle Street caused by building works.

Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Queen Victoria [Richard Westmacott (1799-1872); Burrell & Valpy, architects]
Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Qu
Publication details: 
19 October 1864; 6 Argyle Street, London.
Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Qu

12mo, 3 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. 'Mr Westmacott [the sculptor Richard Westmacott the younger?]' has called on him, and he has 'shown him the settlement all down my Wall - I told him that you had seen it but did not contemplate any immediate danger - he said that Mr Valpy [Henry Valpy (fl.1851-1885) of the architects Burrell & Valpy] was out of town'. Westmacott will write to Valpy, as he thinks there ought to be 'a conference with' Lakyn, who 'should be requested to make a report'.

In excess of 500 original engravings, from the professional collection of the draughtsman Arthur F. E. Poley, and mainly done from his detailed illustrations, for advertising and other purposes, including armorial, natural history and other topics.

Arthur F. E. Poley [Arthur Frederick Edward Poley, c. 1886-1968, English illustrator and engraver], RIBA
Arthur F. E. Poley , Designs
Publication details: 
Undated, but all English, and from the early part of the twentieth century, and mainly the 1920s.
Arthur F. E. Poley , Designs

Poley was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects Silver Medal for the 'Measured Drawings' which formed the basis of his book on St Paul's Cathedral in London, and his work is notable for its attention to detail. This collection (with very few exceptions his own work) gives a splendid indication of the nature and range of English commercial engraved illustration at the beginning of the twentieth-century. Around 150 loose 'pulls', varying in size from 18.5 x 14.5 cm to 4 x 6 cm. Including trade marks (The Cork Hat Company; Cook's World Travel Service; The Swifan; A. C.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to George Kenneth Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; two Typed Letters Signed by Menzies with manuscript reply by Denny; one initialed Autograph Note by Denny; one R.S.A. circular.

Sir Archibald Denny
Publication details: 
1917 to 1926; the first three letters on William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton, letterhead; the last ten letters on letterheads of Spencer House, Park Side, Wimbledon, S.W.19.

Scottish naval architect (1860-1936) and shipbuilder, President of the Institute of Marine Engineers. Seventeen items, various formats. In good condition though dusty and creased. Several items docketed and bearing the R.S.A. stamp. Correspondence indicates Denny's involvement in the R.S.A. matters (lecturing, serving on council, etc). LETTER ONE (30 January 1917): Asks for a dozen copies of the R.S.A. Journal. 'We have in our Works here Committees of Workmen collecting money for war charities and I am anxious to let them read Mr.

Seven Typed Letters Signed (all 'R. W. Dana', and one of the signatures cyclostyled) to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Washington Dana (1868-1956), British naval architect, assistant to Barry on the construction of Tower Bridge, London, and 'Resident Engineer for reconstruction of Kew Bridge'
Publication details: 
1911 (3 letters) and 1913 (4 letters); all on letterhead of the Institution of Naval Architects (of which Dana was the Secretary).

Six of the letters are 4to, 1 p; the other is 12mo, 1 p. All good, on lightly aged paper. All bearing the Society's stamp and most docketed. On a variety of subjects: a proposed paper by 'Herr Frahm', the use by the Institution of the Royal Society's library for a council meeting, the delivery to the Society of a 'model tank that is coming from Germany' ('the reader of the paper is sending his representative over from Germany to superintend matters'), and a 'Proposed Memorial to the late Sir William White' ('with reference to Mr. Bailey Saunders and Mr. C. R. Graves.

Autograph Letter Signed, a reference for Robert Abraham.

Edward I'Anson (1775-1853), surveyor and architect [Robert Abraham (1775-1850), architect]
Publication details: 
26 April 1825; Laurence Pountney Lane, London.

4to, 1 p, 7 lines. Text clear and entire on lightly aged and discoloured paper. Nicely connecting two notable nineteenth-century London architects. I'Anson has 'great pleasure in stating from long and intimate personal acquaintance with Mr Robert Abraham that his experience Talent and integrity qualify him to fill any office connected with his profession creditably to himself and beneficially to his patrons'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf of bifolium 'No 9 | Edwd I'Anson Esq'.

Collection of around twenty-seven Typed Letters Signed and seventeen Autograph Letters Signed, to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, and other officers of the Royal Society of Arts, together with some drafts and copies of responses.

Oswald Partridge Milne (1881-1968), English architect [The Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1936-65; Wigmore Street and Hampstead, London.

The collection is in good condition, with very occasional minor creasing, staining and loss. Majority of items quarto. Milne was a leading Fellow of the Society, a Chairman of Council in 1959-61 and Vice-President. The collection provides a valuable insight into the day-to-day workings of the Society, from the first letter discussing the R.I.B.A., and whether the Society might set up 'a somewhat similar organisation with similar prestige could be built up for industrial artists', to the last letter commending G. C. H.

Ten Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Everett Webb [Sir Aston Webb; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1924 to 1927; on letterheads of Sir Aston Webb & Son, '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE, | WESTMINSTER, | LONDON, S.W.1.'

Architect (1880-1939), son of Sir Aston Webb, designer of Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial, etc. All ten items very good. Five docketed and six bearing R.S.A. stamp. All ten signed 'Maurice E. Webb'. An interesting and important correspondence, mainly concerning the renovation of the R.S.A.'s Adelphi building.

Six Autograph Letters Signed, to [G. E.] Mercer[, Deputy Secretary,] and [J.] Samson[, Assistant Secretary,] of the Royal Society of Arts. Together with manuscript syllabus of a course of lectures.

Sir John Newenham Summerson
Publication details: 
1958 to 1965; the first four on letterhead of Sir John Soane's Museum, the last two on letterhead 1 Eton Villas, NW3.

Architectural historian (1904-92) and curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, 1945-84. Seven leaves, all very good, though some lightly creased and all with staple holes in top left-hand corner. The first three letters to Mercer and the last three to Samson. Three letters docketed. ITEM ONE (two pages, 12mo, 7 August 1958): He is 'much attracted' by the Society's invitation 'to give three Cantor lectures on Country Houses', 'especially as I understand the text of the lectures would be published'. There is however 'one rather grave difficulty.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Monsieur Bailly President of the Institut.

Emile Bastien-Lepage
Publication details: 
7 April 1887; 6 Rue de Phalsbourg, Paris.

French architect (1845-1938), brother of the painter Jules Bastien-Lepage. One page, 12mo. Very good, on discoloured paper. Rodin (the sculptor) has informed him that the sketch requested by the committee will be ready the next Saturday. Points out that it will be difficult to convene a meeting during the Easter holidays. Signed 'Emile Bastien-Lepage'.

Autograph Card Signed to the Royal Society of Arts.

Francis Bond
Publication details: 
1 May 1901; on embossed letterhead 'FERRIBY, | WOODSIDE GREEN, | SOUTH NORWOOD. S.E.'

English author (died 1918), and authority on church architecture. Three pages, on two 16mo cards (both embossed). Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'May I offer a lecture of architectural character for next session? I have lectured to the R.I.B.A. on "Cathedral Chronology" and on "Continental Romanesque" and to the Architectural Association the London Institution &c If you will refer to the Secretary of the last or of the other institutions, you would obtain information as to the reception of my lectures.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of letter.

Philip Hardwick, William Behnes, Thomas Bellamy and Samuel Angell
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Hardwick (1792-1870), English architect; Behnes (1791-1864), English sculptor; Angell (1800-66), English artist. On piece of paper roughly four inches square. In good condition. Reads '<...> | Philip Hardwick | Russell Square | William Behnes | Thos: Bellamy | Saml Angell'.

Typed Letter Signed to K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
2 November 1957; on letterhead '4, Quay Hill, | Lymington, | Hampshire.'

British naval architect (died 1969). One page, quarto. Folded three times. Very good, but lightly creased. Docketed in ink. Probably relating to the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, of which Giles was a leading member. 'Your views rather coincide with mine, reinforced by a more careful read through of the literature over the weekend. In particular one noticed a falling off in quality of those elected in the last year as compared to the previous.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies[, Secretary], Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Atkinson
Publication details: 
24 November 1932; on letterhead '126 WIGMORE STREET | W.I'.

British architect (1883-1952) who worked on 'the Bath Improvement Scheme, Saint Catherine's Church, Hammersmith, W., The Regent Theatre, Brighton, The Picture House, Edinburgh, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, and many private and other works' (Who's Who). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Headed 're Architectural Decoration Committee'. He assumes that 'the Agenda of a meeting of your Committee on the 30th November at 4 p.m.' has been sent to him in error, as he has written a letter declining the invitation to serve on it.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Weir French
Publication details: 
27 July 1919; on letterhead 'ARDOCH HOUSE, | BEARSDEN, | DUMBARTONSHIRE.'

British engineer (died 1953). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Signed 'James Weir French'. 'I should be very pleased to have the opportunity of supporting the Society and I would be glad if you would make the necessary arrangements as you have so kindly offered to do'.

Two Typed Letters Signed to [G. K.] Menzies[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Clyde Young
Publication details: 
21 November 1934 and 21 June 1935, both on letterhead '6, NEW SQUARE, | LINCOLN'S INN, W.C.2.'

British architect (born circa 1872), the son of Sir William Young (1843-1900), whose most important commission, the War Office, Whitehall (1900-1906) he completed. Both items one page, octavo, and very good, though on slightly discoloured and creased paper, one piece bearing pin holes and the other paperclip marks. Both items docketed and one bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE: 'You will be interested to see the enclosed copy of Lord Iveagh's reply.

Typed Note Signed to the Royal Society of Arts.

Guy Morgan
Publication details: 
10 May 1966; on letterhead '12A, EATON SQUARE, | LONDON, S.W.1'.

Architect, town planner and foxhunter (born 1902). One page, quarto. Very good, with staple holes to top left-hand corner. Docketed in pencil. He has 'just returned from a trip in Egypt, conducted by Leonard Cotterell'. 'It occurred to me that it would be a good idea for him to give a lecture at the Royal Society'.

The Touchstone of Architecture.

Sir Reginald Blomfield
Publication details: 
Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1925.

Pages: viii + 245. No jacket. Spine somewhat grubby, but good tight copy of attractively printed book. One inch closed tear to half-title. Collection of eleven essays 'approached from the point of view of architecture', including 'State-aided Training in Art in England', 'Atavism in Art', 'The Artist and the Community', 'Christopher Wren' and 'The Bridges of London (1815-1920).

Typed Letter Signed to 'Bayly Scott Esq.'

William Hillier Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow
Publication details: 
7 August 1905; on crested letterhead: '7, RICHMOND TERRACE, | WHITEHALL, | S.W.'

Governor of New Zealand (1853-1911). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, foxed and discoloured, and with traces of archival tape adhering to second leaf. 'I am entirely at one with you in thinking that there is no reason in cottage building why one should sacrifice appearance and picturesqueness to mere cheapness. I went very carefully over your cottage, and [...] I thought it the most practical of all those that were exhibited, and it was for that reason that I wrote for what I thought was a treatise upon the subject.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Ernest George
Publication details: 
January 1881; on letterhead 'CROWN HILL, | NORWOOD. S.E.'

Architect and engraver (1839-1922). One page, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, but with evidence of previous mounting on brown paper on reverse. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. He thanks him for his 'kind care of us' ('your crippled patient gave you much trouble') and asks him to accept a copy of his 'Belgium' ('Etchings in Belgium. With descriptive letterpress', 1878), which he is sending through the '' and 'will probably arrive someday'. Signed 'Ernest George'. Docketed in ink on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Thomas Hughes

Arthur Stratton
Publication details: 
On letterhead '88, GOWER STREET, | LONDON, W.C.1.'; 6 December 1928.

Architect, teacher and antiquary (1872-1955). One page, 4to, folded twice, in very good condition. He thanks him for sending 'the drawing of your commercial buildings'. He is working from it, and will return it shortly. Those at the school appear 'satisfied with the new gymnasium'. 'Good progress is being made with the main building.'

autograph signature

Sir Giles Gilbert Scott
Publication details: 
fragment of letter, [1935]

Ecclesiastical architect. Signed 'Giles Gilbert Scott' beneath typewritten 'Yours sincerely,'. Neatly stuck beneath this is 'Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, R.A.' printed in copperplate (from the letterhead?). The fragment is about one inch by two and a half inches. Docketed in pencil 1935.

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