Signed Letter ('C. Bradlaugh'), in a secretary's hand, by the freethinker and Liberal Member of Parliament Charles Bradlaugh, to Frank Harris, editor of the Fortnightly Review.

Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891), Liberal Member of Parliament for Northampton, freethinker and founder of the National Secular Society [Frank Harris (1856-1931), editor of the Fortnightly Review]
Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891), Liberal Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
8 January 1891; on letterhead of 20 Circus Road, St John's Wood, London.
Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891), Liberal Member of Parliament

12mo, 1 p. Fifteen lines. Text clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged paper. The valediction ('Yours sincerely | C. Bradlaugh') in Bradlaugh's hand, the rest in a secretary's. Addressed to 'F. Harris Esq'. Docketed by Harris: '18 or 20th of Feb. or March. Length unlimited: but more valuable short.' Bradlaugh is working on the article, but 'must not send it' before the report is presented to parliament, which Lord Derby assures him 'will be within fourteen days of the Reopening of the House'. He asks about length and deadline.

Printed handbill, headed 'We invite the electors of Oxford University to vote for Professor GILBERT MURRAY who would, we believe, make an ideal Burgess for the University.' [With Autograph Signature and initials of economist William Henry Beveridge.]

[Professor Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classicist; William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963), Baron Beveridge, Scottish economist]
William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963
Publication details: 
William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963

Folio, 2 pp. Text, printed in a small hand, clear and complete, on first leaf of a bifolium, the second being blank. Good, on aged paper. Tipped in, by means of strip along inner margin on reverse of second leaf, to grey card backing, carrying biographical details regarding Beveridge. Signature 'W H Beveridge' following last line of printed text on reverse of first leaf, with initials 'Most cordially | W H B.' in top left-hand corner of first page.

Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon.

George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, British Liberal politician
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers

On a square of paper, circa 10 x 11.5 cm. Aged and lightly-creased. Evidently a reply to a request for an autograph. Bold signature, with the whole reading 'Your's faithfully | Clarendon'. Docketed with a few biographical details on reverse.

Striking original large coloured Conservative Party anti-Free Trade election poster, captioned 'Watchman, What Of The Night?', showing Uncle Sam, a Chinaman and a Russian removing 'British Capital' from a factory while the watchman John Bull sleeps.

[Conservative Party; Liberal Party; Free Trade; British General Election, 1910; political caricature]
Coloured Conservative Party anti-Free Trade election poster
Publication details: 
[1910?] Numbered 109. 'Published by The National Union of Conservative & Constitutional Associations, St. Stephens Chambers, Westminster, S.W. & Printed by David Allen & Sons Ld. 180 Fleet St. E.C.'
Coloured Conservative Party anti-Free Trade election poster

Lithograph. Landscape, 51 x 76 cm. In fair condition and worthy of framing, although aged and with a few small holes. John Bull, in a watchman's hut with a flag on his knees, dozes before the fire of Free Trade, while Uncle Sam and a jolly Chinaman remove a stretcher bearing a heavy load of 'BRITISH CAPITAL' from the factory gates of 'BRITISH INDUSTRIES', closely followed by a Soviet with a swag bag. Presumably produced in the build-up to the British General Election of 1910.

Album of correspondence and newspaper cuttings., including material relating to ecclesiastical matters, Liberal politics and Bedfordshire.

Reverend Paul Williams Wyatt (c.1855-1935), Vicar of St Leonard's, Bedford, and Chaplain of the Chapel Royal, Savoy, antiquary and author [William Ewart Gladstone; Liberal politics; Bedfordshire]
Publication details: 

See obituary, Times, 31 December 1935. Son of geologist James Wyatt. Educated at Christ Church, Oxford. Books include 'Hardrada, and Other Poems' (1878). Most items in the album laid down on around forty leaves of an 8vo ledger, but much matter loosely inserted. Ledger internally sound and clean, in worn, sturdy boards, with spine lacking. Contents in good condition, clear and complete. Cuttings browning slightly.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jos: Thackwell') to Hayter.

Sir Joseph Thackwell (1781-1859), English army officer [Sir William Goodenough Hayter (1792-1878), Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
2 February 1855; 16 Montague Square, London [United Services Club].

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Written while Hayter was Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury under Palmerston. Thanking him for his letter, and informing him that he will be communicating Hayton's 'kindness' to William Ryan, who, he is sure, 'will gladly accept the appointment'.

Autograph Signature ('Clarendon')

Thomas Villiers (1709-1786), 1st Earl of Clarendon, British Whig politician and diplomat
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of laid paper, 1 x 3.5 cm. Fair, on aged paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed in a nineteenth-century hand '1776'.

The Democrat. A Weekly Journal for Men and Women. [first issue]

William Saunders (1823-1895), newspaper publisher and editor and British Liberal politician [William George; Hackney]
Publication details: 
No. 1. Saturday, November 15, 1884. [Printed and Published for the Proprietors by J. C. DURANT, Clement's House, Clements Inn Passage, London, W.C.

Broadsheet, 8 pp. A single sheet, folded twice and unopened. No stapling. Text clear and complete, on aged and spotted paper (not high-acidity newsprint), with wear and chipping to extremities. Articles include 'The American Elections' by Henry George; ''The Crofter Revolt', and 'The "Pall Mall Gazette" Panic'. Also 'Metropolitan Constituencies No. I. - Hackney'. Scarce: no copy at the British Library (Colindale) and the only run on COPAC at the University of London.

Autograph Card Signed ('Julia AE Roundell') to 'Miss Wilson'.

Mrs. Charles Roundell' [Julia Anne Elizabeth Tollemache Roundell] (1846-1931), English novelist
Publication details: 
7 October 1896; on letterhead of Dorfold Hall, Nantwich.

On both sides of card, 9 x 11.5 cm. 16 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged card. Gives dates when they will be in Curzon Street. 'I do hope that we shall find you better. My little red book [possibly a pamphlet printed for private circulation, containing recollections of Gladstone] seems to satisfy everybody, which is an immense pleasure to me'. The book and photograph have delighted 'Agnes Jones' sister', and she has 'letters from Mr Gladstone & Mr Rathbone, & a leader - not a mere review - in the Manchester Guardian'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Stratford Canning.

George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, Liberal politician [Stratford Canning (1786-1880), 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe]
Publication details: 
10 January 1858; The Grove.

12mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Docketed by Stratford Canning on the reverse of the second leaf. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of stub from mount adhering to one edge. He 'cannot resist' staying there the next day, 'as Lady C. & I hope to bring our Daughter up to London on Tuesday', a day on which, if convenient, he will be 'most happy' to see Stratford Canning at the Foreign Office.

Autograph Letter Signed by Wood to unnamed recipient, recalling the Manchester treason trial of Thomas Walker and five others, 1794.

Ottiwell Wood, radical Manchester fustian manufacturer [Thomas Walker (1749-1817), Manchester radical; Treason Trial of 1794; Luddites; Luddism]
Publication details: 
8 January 1844; Edge hill.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Wood begins by recalling 'the savage bigotry and infuriate hostility of the Manchestr. Tories at the time you mention towards the liberals'. He does not think an attempt was made to put the Oath of Allegiance to those on the recipient's list. 'The lives of 6-8 men of high Character and standing in the Town were placed in jeopardy by the perjury of two Villains and they were tried at Lancaster for either Treason or Sedition. I think for the former.

Autograph Signature, removed from letter.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 2.5 x 7.5 cm. Mounted on piece of 7.5 x 13 cm card. In fair condition, with both card and paper aged and slightly discoloured. Good firm underlined signature ('W E Gladstone'). The card carries the following caption, in a contemporary hand: 'Autograph of | The Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., | Premier Minister and | Chancellor of the Exchequer.'

Fragment of Autograph Letter to Palmer, with signature ('W E Gladstone') on frank.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister [Roundell Palmer (1812-1895), Earl of Selborne]
Publication details: 

Part of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector, roughly 5.5 x 10.5 cm. The recto carries the franked address, trimmed close, reading 'London July twenty 1835. | Roundell Palmer Esq | Mixbury | Birmingham [corrected in another hand to 'Magdalen Colle | Oxford'], signed in bottom left-hand corner 'W E Gladstone'.

Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') on frank, addressed to Guillemard at 11 Downing Street.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister [Sir Laurence Nunns Guillemard (1862-1951)]
Publication details: 
Without date.

The front cover of the envelope, 9.5 x 12 cm, cut away and laid down on a ruled piece of paper cut from an autograph album. A little grubby, but good. Reads 'L N Guillemard Esq | 11 Downing St. | [signed] W E Gladstone'. Signature approximately 4.5 cm long, and underlined.

Four original sepia studio photographs of Gladstone, and one of his wife. With photographic reproduction of an optical illusion caricature.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister; his wife Catherine Gladstone [nee Glynn] (1812-1900) [Thomas Fall; Samuel Alexander Walker]
Publication details: 
None dated [but one from 1881]. The photograph of Mrs Gladstone by the London Stereoscopic Company; photographs of Gladstone by T. Fall, 9 & 10 Baker Street, London, and Samuel A. Walker, 230 Regent Street, London. [The other two unattributed.]

ITEM ONE: Photograph of Gladstone, 14 x 10 cm, by Thomas Fall (1833-1900). In very good condition, laid down on the photographer's worn printed card, 16.5 x 11 cm. Showing Gladstone seated outdoors, with his grandson on his knee. NPG x22229 (the entry for which describes it as a 'carbon cabinet card', taken on 14 September 1881). ITEM TWO: Photograph of Gladstone, 14.5 x 10 cm, by Samuel Alexander Walker (1841-1922). Laid down on the photographer's printed card ('Portraits "At Home" A new Application of Photography introduced by Samuel A. Walker'), 16.5 x 11 cm.

Typed Letter Signed ('Willoughby de Broke') and Autograph Letter Signed ('W. de B.') to Ormsby-Gore, concerning his desire to 'write a history of the Die-Hard affair'.

Richard Greville Verney, 19th Baron Willoughby de Broke (1869-1923) [William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore (1885-1964), 4th Baron Harlech; The Parliament Act, 1911]
Publication details: 
17 and 30 December 1913; both on letterhead of Compton Verney, Warwick.

Text of both letters clear and complete, on aged, grubby paper. The 'Diehards' were a group of right-wing Conservative peers who attempted unsuccessfully to thwart Liberal legislation to limit the right of veto of the House of Lords over Commons legislation. (See G. D. Phillips, 'The Diehards: Aristocratic Society and Politics in Edwardian England', Cambridge, Mass., 1979.) TYPED LETTER: 17 December 1913. 4to, 1 p. He is going to try to write the history of the affair '[b]efore things fade altogether from my memory', and asks if OG has 'any papers, or letters, or diaries'.

Financial Reform Tracts. Nos. 11 and 12. Speech of Sir Wm. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 25th July, 1848, On Colonial Expenditure and Government.

Sir William Molesworth [The Financial Reform Association, Liverpool]
Publication details: 
[Financial Reform Association, Harrington Chambers, North John-street, Liverpool, March, 1849.] Printed at the Office of the "Standard of Freedom," 335, Strand, London.

8vo: 32 pp. Pamphlet. Bound in modern marbled boards with paper label. Fair, on aged paper with top outer corner of last few leaves slightly dogeared and with reverse of last leaf a little grubby. An important speech, another edition of which exists, published by Ridgway in 1848. A reply by John Towne Danson was also published by Ridgway in 1848, going through two editions.

Divorce Problems of To-day.

E. S. P. Haynes [Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes (1877-1949); Oriana Huxley Haynes; T. H. Huxley]
Publication details: 
London: Published by The Divorce Law Reform Union, 20, Copthall Avenue, E.C. 1910.

8vo, 75 pp. In original green card printed wraps. Disbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, and with wear to wraps and damage to spine from disbinding. Dedicated, with no trace of irony, to Haynes' wife Oriana Huxley Haynes, T. H. Huxley's eldest granddaughter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley Buckmaster') to [F.] Meade[, Secretary, Official Press Bureau].

Stanley Owen Buckmaster, 1st Viscount Buckmaster (1861-1934), Liberal politician and Lord Chancellor [the Official Press Bureau; Great War; censorship]
Publication details: 
12 April 1915; on embossed government letterhead of the Official Press Bureau, Whitehall.

12mo, 3 pp, 26 lines. Good, with tiny pin holes at head and foot of both leaves of the bifolium, and one corner roughened by removal of mount. Buckmaster has learnt that Meade is 'contemplating leaving [his] work in this Office', and would 'greatly regret any such step' as Meade's work is 'of great assistance and is much appreciated by all of us in this room'. While Buckmaster realises that there is little opportunity for advancement, he feels that 'we all do render considerable service to the state'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wilfrid Lawson') to 'Mr. Hudson', with reference to Sunday observance.

Sir Wilfrid Lawson of Brayton (1829-1906), British Liberal politician and temperance campaigner
Publication details: 
14 March 1900; 135 Sloane Street, SW.

12mo, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, worn and a little grubby. He thanks him for having 'written so fully'. He will 'wait for a day or two ere looking far', as he is 'rather exercised in my mind on one or two parts'. 'I remember - or try to remember - this injunction - 'do nothing rashly'. He is sending 'some lines' by 'Sir John Kenaway - a sound old evangelical Tory', 'in favor of Sunday closing in Monmouthshire'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Norman') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Henry Norman (1858-1939), English journalist and Liberal politician (as editor of the Daily Chronicle) [Maurice Maeterlinck]
Publication details: 
22 March 1895; on letterhead of The Daily Chronicle, 12 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street.

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Blank second leaf of bifolium bearing traces of previous mount. He is obligedfor the 'kind invitation to meet Maeterlinck. It will give me great pleasure to lunch with you at the National Liberal Club on Tuesday at 12.30.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Watkin.') to the Rev. Edward Price.

Sir Edward Watkin [Sir Edward William Watkin] (1819-1901) of Northenden, Victorian railway entrepreneur and politician
Publication details: 
31 October 1885; Northenden.

12mo, 2 pp. On first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete. On slightly grubby, aged and lightly-creased paper. As they are '[i]n the midst of the Elections, which we shall not finally get rid of till, perhaps, the middle of December', he is 'quite unable' to do as Price wishes. 'I could not condense what ought to be condensed, without a good deal of reference & reading taking time - which is scarcest of articles with me, at the moment'. The subject of recent biographies by J. N. Greaves ('The Last of the Railway Kings', 2008) and D. J.

Autograph Signature ('Walter Runciman').

Walter Runciman (1870-1949), 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford, English Liberal politician
Publication details: 
6 March 1911. On Board of Education card.

On a piece of card roughly 9 x 11.5 cm. With embossed government crest of the Board of Education in the top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged and with small triangular areas of discoloration to two opposing corners caused by previous mounting. Good bold signature, presumably sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads '[signed] Walter Runciman. | 6 March | 1911.'

Memorial to the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, M.P., First Lord of the Treasury, on the Proposed Scottish University Commission and Increase of State Endowment of Theology in Scotland.

Executive Committee of the Scottish Disestablishment Association[, William Henderson, Chairman].
Publication details: 
3 March 1883; 10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

4to bifoliate pamphlet; four paginated pages. Neatly folded twice. Some wear along creases, and with top half of recto of first leaf grubby and with one pinhole, otherwise in good condition. Begins 'THE University Chairs of Theology in Scotland are sectarian, in the sense of being restricted to one section of the Presbyterians of Scotland - the Church Established. This restriction has been felt as a very injurious and offence part of Church Establishment in Scotland, because in all other respects the Scottish Universities are national and catholic.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould') to 'Mrs Whyte'.

Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925), English caricaturist, politician, and assistant editor of 'The Westminster Gazette'; temperance; the Liberal Publication Department]
Publication details: 
23 April 1908. On letterhead of The Westminster Gazette.

12mo: 2 pp. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Her letter has been handed to him by 'Mr Spender'. He would be 'very pleased to have the temperance cartoons circulated as post cards', and has asked 'the manager here' for a costing. 'Some of the cartoons I believe are being produced as posters by the Liberal Publication Department and by Temperance organisations.'

Liberal League Publications, No. 124. Hints on Successful Farming for Mr. Chamberlain and other Protectionist Farmers.

Liberal League Publications [Westminster Gazette; Protectionism; Joseph Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
Westminster Gazette, January 30th, 1904.' ['Published by the Liberal League, 34, Victoria St., S.W., and printed by Wightman & Co., Ltd., 43, Essex Street, Strand, W.C., and Regency Street, Westminster, S.W.']

On both sides of a piece of wove paper, dimensions 21.5 x 14 cm. On browned high-acidity paper, lightly creased and with closed tears to the margins. Text clear and complete. Begins 'One of the best and most effective statements of the farmer's case against Protection was that made by Mr. Legh, of Adlington Hall, one of the oldest Conservative landowners in Cheshire, at a Free Trade meeting at Adlington.' The headings are 'About Butter', 'About Cheese', 'About Corn', 'About Pigs' and 'About the Farmer's Bill'.

Satirical political handbill, in the form of a funeral service, entitled 'Death & Burial of the Whigs, and Resurrection of the Tories.'

T.' [English political satire; Sir Robert Peel; British General Election of 1841; Lord John Russell]
Publication details: 
No date, but produced following the General Election of 1841. 'Lowe pr. Dorrington st. Leather-lane.'

Printed in three columns of small type on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 22.5 x 18 cm. Text clear and complete on grubby, worn, creased and foxed paper.

Handbill carrying two satirical political poems, 'A New W[h]ig Song, To a Barbarous OLD Tune.' and 'The Ballad of the Burgesses, To BOBBING ADAIR. | Tune - "ROBIN ADAIR." '

[Victorian political satire; Liberal Party; John Bright; Robert Alexander Shafto Adair, MP for Cambridge 1847-1852, 1854-1857; Sir Hugh Edward Adair of Flixton Hall, MP for Ipswich 1847-74]
Publication details: 
Date, place and printer not stated. [1850s?]

Two pages, printed on the recto of the first leaf and verso of the second of a yellow wove-paper bifolium. Leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14.5 cm. Grubby and creased, but with text clear and complete. The first poem, 'A New W[h]ig Song', begins 'In our town there's a street, with a chapel and shop, | Where a gay pole once hoisted of late is let drop, | There a fam'd Barber deals with his w(h)ig as he wills, | From full bottom'd P----r to little scratch M--ls.' References to 'shot-yellow A---r [Adair]' and 'M----y, the close button'd Barber'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Webster'.

Jacob Bell (1810-1859), English pharmacist and Liberal Member of Parliament for St Albans
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; 13 Langham Place [London].

12mo: 2 pp. Sixteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with a strip from the previous mount adhering at the head of the reverse. Docketed in a contemporary hand 'Jacob Bell' and 'M. P. for St. Albans 1851.' He thanks him for taking the trouble to search 'the last document which fortunately is found much to my surprise in a store room in my own house'. He 'cannot account for the accident' and apologises once again.

Autograph Note Signed to <R. Branden Esq.?>.

Joseph Hume (1777-1855), Scottish radical politican
Publication details: 
19 June 1850; Bry[anston] Sq[uar]e.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. Text clear and entire. Difficult hand. Asks the recipient to 'allow the Bearer to see the L<?> Papers laid on the Table yesterday'. Also asks that the papers 'be printed as soon as possible as I shall mention them in the house'.

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