[John Strongitharm, London commercial engraver. Engraver to the Prince of Wales.] Coloured Proof Engraving of the royal arms (lion and unicorn), beneath the words ‘LORD CHAMBERLAIN’S OFFICE’. With pencil instructions on the reverse.

John Strongitharm (c.1758-c.1839), London commercial engraver, Engraver to the Prince of Wales [The Lord Chamberlain’s Office]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Early nineteenth century. John Strongitharm, 1 Waterloo Place, London.]

Strongitharm’s entry on the British Museum website is the main source of information about him. In 1841 ‘John Strongitharm’ is listed in the Royal Calendar among the ‘Queen’s Tradesmen’, ‘In the Department of the Lord Chamberlain’, as ‘Seal Engraver’. The present item is an well-executed and carefully hand-coloured steel engraving of the royal arms (lion and unicorn), topped by a banner with ‘LORD CHAMBERLAIN’S OFFICE’. Engraved in small letters beneath the image: ‘Strongitharm, Waterloo Place’. Printed on a somewhat-aged and lightly worn piece of thickish laid paper, 11.5 x 6.5.

[German and English Victorian wood engraving.] Album containing 'Geo. F. Tabram's Specimens of Wood Engraving 1842-8', including grotesque figures and chivalric scenes, with an original drawing and two German specimens loosely inserted.

[German and English Victorian wood engraving.] George Frederick Tabram (1825-1891) of Gloucestershire
Publication details: 
[German and English engravings, collected in Gloucestershire, between 1842 and 1848.]

An attractive collection of 76 engravings, laid down over 34pp, on the first seventeen brown-paper leaves of a 22.5 x 29 cm landscape album. Also laid down, on the rear pastedown, is a nice original drawing (by Tabram himself?) of two girls, one in a bonnet and the other (her daughter or sister?) with ringlets. Loosely inserted are two German engravings, each laid down on a piece of coloured paper and each with caption on reverse.

[ Sir Robert Abbott Hadfield, discoverer of manganese steel and inventor of silicon steel. ] Six Typed Letters Signed (all 'R A Hadfield') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, including a reference to his achievements.

Sir Robert Abbott Hadfield (1858-1940), English metallurgist and steel magnate, discoverer of manganese steel and inventor of silicon steel [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of 22 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. [ London ] Between 30 March 1915 and 24 January 1916.

Each of the six letters is 1p, 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. With the Society's stamps and annotations. On topics including the printed version of a paper given by Hadfield and the offer to the society of a paper by his friend 'Mr E. P. Reynolds of Bournemouth' (whose father 'Mr E. Reynolds […] was the mainspring of the Engineering side of Messrs Vickers, Sheffield').

[ The Compulsory Weighing and Measurement Bill, 1906. ] Eight items from the files of the London and North Western Railway, including a copy of the bill and correspondence with the Iron, Steel and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Great Britain.

The Iron, Steel and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Great Britain (J. R. Winpenny of Middlesborough, Secretary); London and North Western Railway; Compulsory Weighing and Measurement Bill, 1906
Publication details: 
Middlesborough and Crewe. 1906 and 1907.

The eight items are unbound, in fair condition, on aged paper with loss to extremities of some documents.ONE: Printed parliamentary bill: 'Compulsory Weighing and Measurement. | A Bill To provide for the Weighing and Measurement of the Material used in the process of manufacture, as well as the Product thereof, in all Iron or Steel Works, Cement Works, Lime Works, and Chalk Quarries. | Presented by Mr. Barnes, | supported by | Mr. Keir Hardie, Mr. Hodge, [and nine others] | Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 22 February 1906.

[Printed pamphlet by the 'Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited', Wales.] Description of Cardiff Works.

[Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited, Cardiff, Wales]
Publication details: 
[Cardiff:] Guest Keen Iron & Steel Company Limited. No date [circa 1950]. Printed by Stanford & Mann Ltd., Birmingham.

66pp., 8vo. With 29 illustrations in text. Stapled pamphlet on shiny art paper, in grey printed card wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn.

[Charles Dickens.] Proof before the letters on India paper of steel engraving by Robert Graves of portrait of Dickens by Daniel Maclise. From the collection of Lumb Stocks, RA.

[Robert Graves (1798-1873), ARA, engraver; Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), RA, artist; Charles Dickens; Lumb Stocks (1812-1892), RA, steel engraver]
Publication details: 
[London. 1839.]

Dimensions of engraving 12 x 10cm. Paper size 24 x 16cm. Mount size 50 x 34cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with no foxing. Card mount with light spotting and wear to extremities. No engraved text whatsoever. Stocks has written in light pencil at the foot of the paper: 'Chas. Dickens | Painted by D. Maclise R.A Engd. by Robt. Graves ARA'. Surprisingly scarce.

[Charles Sanderson, Sheffield steel manufacturer.] Autograph Letter Signed from John Purdie to G. P. Nicholson of Wath, criticising Sanderson over his bankruptcy and 'the Sale of the new Steam Engine'. With receipt to Sanderson from Ralph Forster.

John Purdie, Edinburgh Merchant [G. P. Nicholson, solicitor and naturalist, Wath-upon-Dearn, Yorkshire; Charles Sanderson (1803-1873) of Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, steel manufacturer]
Publication details: 
Purdie's letter: Edinburgh; 6 August 1845. Forster's receipt: Whitehaven; 17 April 1845.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Purdie's letter: 4pp., 4to. Closely and neatly written on a bifolium, with the last page cross-written over the third. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'G. P. Nicholson Esqre. | Wath | nr Rotherham'.

[Charles Sanderson, Sheffield steel manufacturer.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Purdie of Edinburgh, discussing the state of trade, his financial affairs, and the possible liquidation of his company and sale of machinery including a steam engine.

Charles Sanderson (1803-1873) of Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, steel manufacturer, son of John Sanderson of Sanderson Brothers [John Purdie, Heriot Row, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Sheffield. 21 April 1845.

5pp., 4to. Addressed, with postmarks, to 'John Purdie Esqre | Heriot Row | Edinburgh'. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Neatly and closely written.

Ten loose uncoloured india-paper proofs of the steel engravings of illustrations (from designs by the Marchioness of Waterford) accompanying the poem 'The Babes in the Wood', published in London by Joseph Cundall.

[Joseph Cundall (1818-1895) of 12 Old Bond Street, London publisher and photographer; Louisa Anne Beresford [née Stuart], Marchioness of Waterford (1818-1891), watercolour painter and philanthropist]
Publication details: 
London: Joseph Cundall, Mdcccxlix. [1849.]

Each proof is on 29 x 23 cm paper, and each is laid down on a piece of 38 x 31.5 cm card. In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper, with wear and bumping to mount. The first engraving The Spectator for 23 December 1848 carried an advertisement by Cundall for 'ILLUSTRATED WORKS BY LADY AMATEURS', at the head of which was 'THE BABES IN THE WOOD. Illustrated with Ten Original Designs, Etched on Steel. | Colombier 8vo. price 1l. 1s.; or Coloured after the Drawings, 2l. 2s.

Twelve original Victorian views of Edinburgh, steel-engravings for T. and W. McDowall by T. G. Flowers, G. Grierson, and John Johnstone. With one engraving of Loch Ness, engraved by John Gellatly from J. Ferguson for J. Menzies.

[T. G. Flowers; John Gellatly (1803-1856); G. Grierson, John Johnstone, engravers; T. and W. McDowall and John Menzies, publishers; Victorian views of Edinburgh; Scotland; Scottish engraving]
Twelve original Victorian views of Edinburgh
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: T. and W. McDowall, 14 North Bridge; and J. Menzies, 61 Princes Street. [1840s?]
Twelve original Victorian views of Edinburgh

The twelve McDowall engravings each on separate cards of shiny art paper, each 90 x 130 cm, and all but the card with the image of the Scott Memorial (see below) in landscape. The Menzies engraving of Loch Ness, in similar style to the others on shiny art paper, but slightly larger, at 90 x 140 cm and landscape. Delicate items, in fair condition, with browning to edges, but images clear and complete. The engravings on the McDowall cards are as follows. By T. G. Flowers: Heriot's Hospital (founded 1628); and 'Assembly Hall, Heriots Hospital and Castle'. By G.

Original steel engraving, drawn by G. F. Sargent and engraved by G. Greatbach, captioned 'City of New York'.

William Rae McPhun, Glasgow printseller and bookseller; G. F. Sargent; George Greatbach, London engraver [New York; prints; engravings; maps]
Publication details: 
[1850s?] 'W. R. McPhun & Son. Publishers, Glasgow.'

Dimensions of print 12.5 x 19.5 cm. On paper 16 x 24.5 cm. Good clean impression, with six or seven spots of foxing in the margin and a little wear in the bottom left-hand copy. Striking detailed view of the city with sailboats and steamships in the harbour, and the major buildings and layout of the streets clearly portrayed, with the environs in the distance. Scarce: there is little information to be gleaned concerning this print.

Original steel engraving, drawn by G. F. Sargent and engraved by G. Greatbach, captioned 'City of New York'.

William Rae McPhun, Glasgow printseller and bookseller; G. F. Sargent; George Greatbach, London engraver [New York; prints; engravings; maps]
Publication details: 
[1850s] 'W. R. McPhun & Son. Publishers, Glasgow.'

Dimensions of print 12.5 x 19.5 cm. On paper 16 x 24.5 cm. Good clean impression, with six or seven spots of foxing in the margin and a little wear in the bottom left-hand copy. Striking detailed view of the city with sailboats and steamships in the harbour, and the major buildings and layout of the streets clearly portrayed, with the environs in the distance. Scarce: there is little information to be gleaned concerning this print.

Steel engraving captioned 'Birds Eye View of the City and County of New-York with Environs.'

Charles Magnus (1826-1900), German-born American engraver and printseller [New York; steel engraving; maps; travel; topography]
Publication details: 
[circa 1855] 'Sold by Charles Magnus, 12 Frankfort Street, New York.'

Dimensions of print 11.5 x 19.5 cm. At the head of the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium (leaf dimensions 28 x 22.5 cm). The print itself is clear and undamaged, on aged paper. With traces of cuttings mounted onto the internal pages, and closed tear to the blank second leaf. An impressively detailed engraving, showing the bustling port and layout of the city, with church spires and prominent buildings. A copy of the item survives used as a letter home from a German girl in 1855. The copy in the New York Public Library is ascribed to 'C. Magnus, Lith. 22 N. William St.'

Engraved election certificate of 'The New York Historical Society', with engraved illustration by Simond, engraved by Durand, of 'The arrival of Henry Hudson on the 4th. Septr. 1609'.

The New York Historical Society [Louis Simond (1767-1831); Asher Brown Durand (d.1869)]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1830?]. [New York.]

Printed on one side of a piece of thick wove paper, watermarked 'G REIG', roughly 53 x 41 cm. Worn and a little spotted and grubby, with creasing and wear to extremities, but good overall, with text and design clear and entire. Handsome boldly designed certificate. Not filled in and with no manuscript additions whatsover. The illustration, an oval roughly 12 x 17 cm, shows the ship approaching white cliffs on shore, with a boat containing seven natives in the foreground.

Promotional booklet in English, with photographic illustrations: 'From Industrial Sweden. Aktiebolaget Bofors. Bofors, Sweden.

Bofors Steel Works, Gothenburg, Sweden [Bofors anti-aircraft gun; armaments; warfare; military]
Publication details: 
Gothenburg: 1923. ['Wald. Zachrissons Boktr. A.-B., Göteborg 1923'.]

4to (28.5 x 21.5 cm): 8 pp. In original buff printed wraps. Printed on shiny art paper. Text complete and clear. Lightly spotted, with central vertical fold, grubby wraps, rusted staples. Twelve photographs, ranging in size from half- to quarter-page: 'General View of the Bofors Works', 'Erecting shop', 'Fitting shop', '15 cm. Guns', 'Hardening tower', '15 cm. (6 inch.) double gun-carriage M/12', 'Rolling Mill housing, weight 33 tons', 'Runner for water turbine', 'Ore Crusher', 'Exterior of the Bofors Steel Works', 'Screw Automatics' and 'Details'.

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