[Scottish peer who planted millions of trees: John Murray, 4th Duke of Atholl.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Captn Ross [Rayley?] R. N.’, apparently regarding the sale and transportation of timber.

John Murray (1755-1830), 4th Duke of Atholl, Scottish peer who planted millions of trees by firing seeds from cannon
Publication details: 
‘Dunkeld [Perthshire, Scotland] Novr: 3d 1828’.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-six lines of text, signed ‘Atholl’. Text complete (except for address of recipient), on grubby and worn paper. Folded three times. The letter has been trimmed at the foot, resulting in some loss to the address of the recipient, which appears to read ‘Captn Ross R. N. / 160 New Bond Street’. This is presumably the ‘Rayley, [sic] Captain, R.N. 160, Bond-street’, who in 1832 was listed among the proprietors of shares in London University. The Duke’s handwriting is execrable.

[Lord Longford [General William Lygon Pakenham, 4th Earl of Longford]. Autograph Signature, as Under-Secretary of State for War, to document in secretarial hand, regarding the Army Chaplains' Bill.

Lord Longford [General William Lygon Pakenham (1819-1887), 4th Earl of Longford], Anglo-Irish soldier and Conservative politician, Under-Secretary of State for War [Army Chaplain's Bill]
Lord Longford
Publication details: 
'War Office [Whitehall] 29 June 1868'. On embossed letterhead of the War Office [Whitehall].
Lord Longford

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, foolscap 8vo, on recto of first leaf of bifolium. Docketted in customary style, lengthwise on reverse of second leaf: ‘Earl of Longford / War Office 29 June 68 / Army Chaplain’s Bill’. Addressed to ‘John Graham Esq / &c &c / 3 Westminster Chambers’. Small tight signature 'Longford', good and uncrowded, on creased and worn paper. Folded into packet. The rest of the document is written hurriedly in the under-secretary’s hand.

[Sir John Bowring, fourth Governor of Hong Kong.] Playful Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Theresa Villiers, explaining how on receipt of her dinner invitation he wrote to her brother by mistake.

Sir John Bowring (1792-1872), fourth Governor of Hong Kong, traveller, writer and economist [Lady Theresa Villiers (1775-1856), wife of George Villiers (1759–1827), son of Earl of Clarendon]
Publication details: 
‘1 Queen Square West [London] / 4 April 1836’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 5pp, 16mo, on two bifoliums of gilt-edged laid paper. In very good condition, lightly aged and folded once for postage. Signed ‘John Bowring’. Written in playful, mock-heroic style. Begins: ‘Many, many days ago my dear Mrs Villiers, did I put sackcloth on my shoulders & pile ashes on my head anent a very wicked sin of omission, in which I was peccant towards you - you who I humbly trust in your great goodness will fling over me the mantle of your forgiving charity’.

[Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon.] Four letters to the London merchant bankers Thomson Hankey & Co., all relating to the Mesopotamia Estate sugar plantation in Jamaica, two signed by both the Earl and the Countess.

Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon [née Grimston and previously Foster-Barham] (1810-1874), wife of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., bankers]
Publication details: 
Two letters from the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin in 1851, one of them signed by the Earl and the Countess. The other two letters from London, 1845 and 1849.

The Countess of Clarendon had inherited the Mesopotamia Estate from her previous husband John Foster Barham (1799-1838), who had died a certified lunatic year before her marriage to the Earl. The Estate had been in the hands of the Barham family for more than a century. The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All four with notes by the recipients. ONE: Letter signed by George J. Nicholson of the London soliticitors Vizard & Leman, in secretarial hand, to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co. Lincolns Inn Fields; 7 July 1845 ('Mesopotamia Estate'). 1p., 4to.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Bayly Scott Esq.'

William Hillier Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow
Publication details: 
7 August 1905; on crested letterhead: '7, RICHMOND TERRACE, | WHITEHALL, | S.W.'

Governor of New Zealand (1853-1911). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, foxed and discoloured, and with traces of archival tape adhering to second leaf. 'I am entirely at one with you in thinking that there is no reason in cottage building why one should sacrifice appearance and picturesqueness to mere cheapness. I went very carefully over your cottage, and [...] I thought it the most practical of all those that were exhibited, and it was for that reason that I wrote for what I thought was a treatise upon the subject.

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