
[John Scott Russell, engineer and shipbuilder who built Brunel?s ?Great Eastern?.] Autograph Letter Signed to an invalid, responding to a request [for an autograph].

John Scott Russell (1808-1882), Scottish civil engineer, naval architect and shipbuilder who built the Great Eastern of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Publication details: 
10 August 1878; Sydenham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank second leaf of the bifolium. Folded once. The recipient (?Dear Sir?) is not named. Signed ?J. Scott. Russell?. Apparently responding to a request for an autograph from an invalid, he begins by stating that he is ?sorry to hear? of the recipient?s ?prolonged suffering?, but that he is ?glad to learn that you occupy your inforced in [sic] thinking more about others than about yourself?. He ends by expressing pleasure in complying with the recipient?s request.

[South Eastern and Chatham Railway; re Petrol-Electric Motor Rail Coaches] 110 items from the papers of C. W. Eborall, all but one relating to his work as a senior inspector with the South Eastern and Chatham Railway.

An English Railway Company on the eve of the Great War: C. W. Eborall and the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, 1911-1915
Publication details: 

N.B. abebooks don't show a full description. Please either check my website or enquire. 110 items from the papers of C. W. Eborall, all but one relating to his work as a senior inspector with the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, and with 104 of the items dating from between 1911 and 1915. Almost all of the material relates to three reports compiled by CWE as 'special work' for the SECR general manager F. H.

[Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš], Latvian-American poet and translator.] Collection of English language poetry typescripts, most apparently unpublished, including ‘A Working’ (8pp, in 20 sections) and ‘Aphrodite Weaning’.

Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš] (1964-2022), Latvian-American poet and translator
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1990 and 1992. From Latvia (Riga, Vilnius), Germany (Berlin), and US (Boston, Cambridge, Cruger Island, Glasco Turnpike Saugerties New York).

Peteris Cedrins possessed an interesting dual heritage: born in the US to exiles from communism, he grew up in Chicago, was educated at Bard College (NYS), and settled in Latvia on the fall of the Soviet Union. He published in English and Lavian in the US, UK and Latvia. See the appreciative obituary by Jeffrey Sommers, posted on the ‘Counterpunch’ website on 11 August 2022: ‘Memoriam: Latvia’s Peteris Cedrins, Last of the National Poets’.

[Battle of Normandy, 1944.] 'Secret' British Army pamphlet titled 'OPERATION “OVERLORD” - 1944 | Report by AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND', describing 'the part played by Eastern Command in the preparations for and launching of the operation'.

[Operation Overlord (Battle of Normandy), 1944] 'AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND' [i.e. Lieut.-Col. Colin Thornton-Kernsley (1903-1977)]
Publication details: 
[Operation Overlord, Eastern Command, 1944] On final page: 'D 53664-1 175 D/d E.C.2144 11/44 70'. '11/44' signifies the date of the pamphlet, November 1944, and '70' the number of copies printed.

Sir Colin Thornton-Kernsley is identified as author from the first of the pamphlet's seven appendices ('Eastern Command | List of officers principally concerned with plans for the mounting of Overlord'), where he is described as: 'Chairman: AQMG(Ops) Lt. Col. C. N. Thornton Kernsley MP-RA'.

[Sir James Anderson, captain of SS Great Eastern.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. C. Parkinson of the Daily News, on his return from laying first transatlantic cable, complaining of 'amateur advisers'. With East Indian Railway, Special Tourist Ticket

Sir James Anderson (1824-93), captain of SS Great Eastern during the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866 [Joseph Charles Parkinson; Isambard Kingdom Brunel]
Publication details: 
Anderson's letter: '”Great Eastern” | Augst. 24th. 1865'.

Four items from the papers of Joseph Charles Parkinson (1833-1908), journalist, civil servant and social reformer, contributor to the Daily News, All the Year Round, Temple Bar, and associate of Dickens and Wilkie Collins. The material relates to Parkinson's book 'The Ocean Telegraph to India: A Narrative and a Diary' (1870). The four items are laid down on a leaf removed from an album, with typed explanatory notes at the head of both pages. ONE: ALS (signed 'James Anderson') from Anderson to Parkinson, 24 August 1865. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[ Colonel Percy H. H. Massy of British Military Intelligence. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. H. H. Massy') to 'Cochrane' discussing the botanical interests of Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, with reference to the botanist W. Siebe, and his own post.

Col. P. H. H. Massy [ Colonel Percy Hugh Hamon Massy ] (1857-1939), traveller, sportsman and British Military Intelligence officer in the Balkans [ Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Vice Consulate, Varna. 14 October 1903.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although he finds it strange that Cochrane should have had no reply from 'the professor', he points out that he sometimes goes travelling for weeks. He gives the address of 'Monsieur le Docteur W. Siebe' at the German Consulate in Mersine, before continuing: 'Strange to say I have another letter to forward to him from a friend of mine, and Prince Ferdinand, with whom I was talking here a few days ago, knows Dr. Siebe also and gets many bulbs from him and looks on him as a wonderful botanist.

Printed map, titled 'Indian and Eastern Engineer. | Key Plan, showing the disposition of the Ships of H.M. Fleet, assembled at Spithead on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Review, 26th June, 1897.' With 'Tabular Statement' on reverse.

[Royal Navy Diamond Jubilee Review, Spithead, 1897; The Indian and Eastern Engineer, monthly magazine]
Publication details: 
'Indian and Eastern Engineer', Calcutta. 1897.

Printed in black on both sides of a 36 x 53 cm piece of wove paper with watermark of 'W F & Co'. In very good condition, lightly-aged and folded three times. The 'Key Plan' is on one side, showing the disposition of the fleet on a map of the Portsmouth area, with a note of 'Foreign Men of War', 'British Battle Ships and Cruisers', '3rd Class Cruisers Gun Vessels and Torpedo Gunboats', 'Special Merchant Vessels', 'Destoryers & Gunboats' and 'Torpedo Boats'.

[Henry Clifford, telegraph engineer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (one 'H. C.' and the other 'H. Clifford'), written in a playful style to his daughter 'Elsie'. One of the letters partly in verse form, with caricatures.

Henry Clifford (1821-1905), telegraph engineer on Atlantic cable expeditions, who designed machinery used on the Great Eastern [Sir Charles Tilston Bright (1832-1888), telegraph engineer]
Publication details: 
One letter addressed from 1 Lansdowne Place, Blackheath; 6 April 1892. The without place or date.

Clifford was introduced to the laying of Atlantic telegraph cables by Sir Charles Bright, whose wife was his cousin. He served as an engineer on all the Atlantic cable expeditions from 1857 to 1866, designing the paying-out machinery used on the Great Eastern in 1865 and 1866. He worked at Greenwich as chief engineer for the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company until his retirement in 1894. ONE: From Blackheath; 6 April 1892. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Signed 'H. Clifford.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Samuel Smiles, railway administrator and author of 'Self-Help'.] Autograph notebook, containing information relating to his work as Secretary of the South Eastern Railway, including memorandums, tables and transcripts of letters.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), railway administrator, biographer and author of the influential book 'Self-Help' (1859) [South Eastern Railway; Victorian steam engines; nineteenth-century locomotives]
Publication details: 
Smiles's ownership inscription on fly-leaf: 'S Smiles, South Eastern Railway | 1854.' Entries dating from between 1854 and 1886.

According to Smiles's entry in the Oxford DNB, he was 'prominent in the negotiations for the amalgamation of the Leeds and Thirsk Railway [by which he was employed] with the North Eastern, which was effected in 1854 and abolished his own office. Thereupon he left Leeds for London on being appointed secretary to the South Eastern Railway (11 November). He held the post for twelve years, in the course of which he successfully arranged for the extension of the line from Charing Cross to Cannon Street (1858–9).

Typed Letter Signed ('Fitzroy Maclean') from Sir Fitzroy Maclean, thanking the London bookseller R. E. B. Sawyer for giving his opinion of his botanical drawings.

Sir Fitzroy Maclean (1911-1996), Scottish soldier and author best-known for 'Eastern Approaches' [R. E. B. Sawyer of the London booksellers Charles J. Sawyer & Co]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Strachur House, Argyll [Scotland]. 25 April 1978.

1p., 12mo. On light-blue paper. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He thanks Sawyer for his letter and enclosure, found on his return and read 'with the greatest interest'. 'It was extremely kind of you to come and look at my botanical drawings and I am most grateful for the information you have been able to give me. It was marvellous to be able to have the opinion of a real expert.'

Circular letter, in a secretarial hand, on behalf of the Committee of the Eastern Question Association, London, signed and completed by A. R. Dryhurst, and addressed by him to Thomas Redfern, regarding the publication of speeches by W. E. Gladstone.

Alfred Robert ('Roy') Dryhurst (1859-1949), Secretary, The Eastern Question Association, King Street, Westminster [Thomas Redfern; William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Eastern Question Association (Appointed by the National Conference), Committee Rooms, 27 and 28, Canada Building, King Street, Westminster. 26 May 1877.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'A R. Dryhurst'. The document begins: 'I am desired by the Committee to inform you that they have resolved to print the speeches revised by himself, which Mr. Gladstone delivered at the beginning and end of the debate on the Eastern Question.' The terms are then given, 'With the view of securing for them, the widest possible circulation'.

[Printed book.] Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute [Newcastle-upon-Tyne].

[North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Thomas Elliot Harrison (1808-1888), civil engineer, designer of the Jarrow and Hartlepool Docks; lending libraries]
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway
Publication details: 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by Michael Benson, No. 57, Side. 1870.
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway

12mo, 10 + 67 pp. In original purple morroco binding, with 'PRESENTED TO | T. E. HARRISON, ESQ., | VICE-PRESIDENT.' stamped on the front cover in gilt. A tight copy, in fair condition, on aged paper, with front endpapers sprung, and in a worn binding. Vignette woodcut on title-page, showing man working beside track as locomotive goes past.

Five mounted publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities: showing the interior of restaurant cars in the first and third class compartments, the first class smoking saloon, the kitchen, and an exterior shot of the cars.

[Great Eastern Railway; British railways]
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1910?].
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities

The five photographs are all in sepia and 15 x 20 cm. Each is mounted, with a 17.5 x 22.5 white backing, on a piece of grey 25 x 30 cm card. Each is neatly captioned in black copperplate, with red underlining. The photographs are all in good condition, on discoloured and worn mounts. The items were clearly produced for display by the company, as they all have pinholes in their mounts. The captions read: 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Cars.' [exterior shot]; 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car - Kitchen', 'G.E. Rly. Restaurant Car Third Class Compartment', 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car.

Printed notice from the General Manager of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee, headed 'Government Control of Railways. Free conveyance of traffic carried on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office'.

Francis H. Dent, General Manager, South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee [First World War; British Army; Royal Navy; War Office; Admiralty]
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice
Publication details: 
[London.] Dated in print 10 October 1916.
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice

Folio, 1 p. Thirty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with spike-hole at head, with 'ack[nowledge]d 3/10/16' in manuscript. Giving instructions regarding the means by which 'all consignments conveyed by Passenger or Goods Trains over controlled Companies' Lines on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office, [...] be invoiced without charges'. 'The above instructions will also apply to Traffic with Irish Ports when conveyed by Controlled Companies' Steamboats.'

Special Railway Supplement.

The Financial Times [Railway; Railways]
Publication details: 
London; 1 January 1923.

Thirty-six broadsheet pages. On aged paper, with chipping to extremities and first and last leaves detached, but with text clear and entire. Articles on 'The Four New Railways', with photographs, by Sir Herbert Walker, Felix J. C. Pole, Arthur Watson and R. L. Wedgwood. Other articles include 'Electrification - The Metropolitan's Experience' by R. H. Selbie, 'Railways - Their Position and Prospects' by Sir Sam Fry, 'Railway Rates under the New Regime' by Sir W. M. Acworth and 'Finance of British Railways' by W. J. Stevens.

Typed Letter Signed ('For the President') to 'A. Francis Stenart [sic], 79, Great King Street, Edinburgh'.

The State Office of Statistics, Czechoslovakia
Publication details: 
10 October 1922; Prague. On the Office's letterhead.

Two pages, folio. Good, but on discoloured and lightly creased paper, with remains of stub adhering to one edge of verso. In English, with illegible signature. Begins 'The State Office of Statistics appreciating fully the great importance of an exact information of the British publicity of the conditions in the Czechoslovakia has the honour to send you simultaneously her following publications.' Five items listed.

Autograph Postcard Signed to [George Kenneth] Menzies, [Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Edward Alexander Cazalet [Anglo-Russian Literary Society]
Publication details: 
"Neva", Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. | 21 Novr 1918.'

English linguist and traveller (died 1923), founder (in 1893) and president of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society. One page, 16mo. Very good. Bearing the Society's stamp. 'I thank you for your kind invitation for the 28th Inst, of which I will be pleased to avail myself, if able to go to London. Has our old friend, your predecessor, resigned the Secretaryship, & is his address the Liberal Club as before? If you and any friends care for music, I enclose a Card.' Signed 'Ed. A. Cazalet'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir James Robert George Graham [ Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the Great Eastern ]
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Place | 13. June 1857.'

Liberal statesman (1792-1861). One page, 12mo. In good condition despite slight discoloration and traces from previous mounting on reverse. Folded twice. Marked 'Private'. Reads 'I accept with much pleasure and many thanks your obliging Present of the Photograph of the Great Ship. I shall not cease to take the most lively Interest in the success of this stupendous Enterprize. [sic]' Signed 'J R G Graham'. Brunel designed the Great Eastern steamship between 1852 and 1858.

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