
Five mounted publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities: showing the interior of restaurant cars in the first and third class compartments, the first class smoking saloon, the kitchen, and an exterior shot of the cars.

[Great Eastern Railway; British railways]
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1910?].
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities

The five photographs are all in sepia and 15 x 20 cm. Each is mounted, with a 17.5 x 22.5 white backing, on a piece of grey 25 x 30 cm card. Each is neatly captioned in black copperplate, with red underlining. The photographs are all in good condition, on discoloured and worn mounts. The items were clearly produced for display by the company, as they all have pinholes in their mounts. The captions read: 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Cars.' [exterior shot]; 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car - Kitchen', 'G.E. Rly. Restaurant Car Third Class Compartment', 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car.

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