[Sir Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph.] Typescript, with Autograph additions, of essay written in support of apartheid following a visit to South Africa in 1971, with particular reference to the economy, ending with 'White Man's Burdens'.

Sir Colin Coote [Sir Colin Reith Coote] (1893-1979), editor of the Daily Telegraph and Liberal politician [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; South Africa and apartheid]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but circa 1971.

An interesting document on the South African situation at the beginning of the 1970s, written in support of apartheid by a leading British journalist. See Coote’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. There is no indication where, if anywhere, the present item was published.

[‘Nothing good can come out of Printing House Square’: Sir Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph.] Autograph Manuscript, signed ‘Colin R. Coote’, of review of ‘The Reigning Error’ by William Rees-Mogg, editor of The Times.

Sir Colin Coote [Sir Colin Reith Coote] (1893-1979), editor of the Daily Telegraph and Liberal politician [Philip Dosse (1925-80), publisher, ‘Books and Bookmen’; William Rees-Mogg, editor, The Times]
Publication details: 
Not dated, but published in the London magazine ‘Books and Bookmen’ in 1974.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. Rees-Mogg’s book was published in 1974, and the present item appeared in ‘Books and Bookmen’ in the same year. A late draft, neatly written out on 5pp, small 4to, with each page on separate leaf. Signed at end ‘Colin R. Coote’.

[British India; Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome, civil engineer; Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff; William Martin Wood, editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review.] Five galley proofs of articles by Wood, on Indian topics.

[British India; the Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome; Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff; William Martin Wood (1828-1907), editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review]
Publication details: 
One item from ‘Allen’s Indian Mail’, [28 March 1887]. Three items marked as from the periodical ‘India’, [1902], 1903 and 1906. Another ‘Reprinted from “INDIA,” August 16, 1901.’

Five galley-proofs of articles written during the high-point of the Raj by leading Victorian journalist in India W. Martin Wood (editor of the Times of India, founder and editor of the Bombay Review). Ephemeral items, creased and worn, but with text clear and entire. ONE: Headed ‘ALLEN’S INDIAN MAIL / THE LATE MR. EDWARD BROOME, C.E. / Mr. M. Martin Wood writes to us as follows: -’. Sixty-two lines in small print follow, beginning: ‘Some little time back your “Domestic Occurrences” contained the name of Mr.

[British India; Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome, civil engineer; William Martin Wood, editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review.] Five galley proofs of articles by Wood, on Indian topics.

[British India; the Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome; William Martin Wood (1828-1907), editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review]
Publication details: 
One item from ‘Allen’s Indian Mail’, [28 March 1887]. The other ‘Reprinted from “INDIA,” August 16, 1901.’

Two galley-proofs of articles by leading Victorian journalist in India W. Martin Wood (editor of the Times of India, founder and editor of the Bombay Review). Ephemeral items, creased and worn, but with text clear and entire. ONE: Headed ‘ALLEN’S INDIAN MAIL / THE LATE MR. EDWARD BROOME, C.E. / Mr. M. Martin Wood writes to us as follows: -’. Sixty-two lines in small print follow, beginning: ‘Some little time back your “Domestic Occurrences” contained the name of Mr. Edward Broome, Civil Engineer, as having died at Southport, something under 60 years of age.

[Griller String Quartet.] Autograph Signatures of the four members (Sidney Griller, Jack O’Brien, Philip Burton, Colin Hampton), for an autograph collector.

Griller String Quartet [Sidney Griller (1911-1993), violinist; Jack O’Brien, violinist; Philip Burton, viola player; Colin Hampton, violoncello player], [University of California at Berkeley]
Publication details: 
22 October 1934. No place.

The present autographs were taken within a few years of the quartet’s formation in 1931. Accompanying the item is an 11 x 9 cm newspaper cutting of a photograph of the youthful members of ‘THE FAMOUS GRILLER QUARTET - often heard over the wireless - which created a very favourable impression last night at the first concert for the season of the Aberdeen Chamber Music Club.’ The autographs are on one side of a 16 x 11 cm leaf with rounded edges, extracted from an autograph album. The signatures are one above the other, with Sidney Griller’s large and bold.

[The man who sang ‘The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo’: music hall artiste Charles Coborn [Colin Whitton McCallum].]

Charles Coborn [Colin Whitton McCallum] (1852-1945), British music hall artiste who sang the achieved great success with songs ‘Two Lovely Black Eyes’ and ‘The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo'
Publication details: 
26 January 1931. On his letterhead, 7 Glenshaw Mansions, 68 Brixton Road, London.

Attractive item, suitable for framing. In good condition, lightly aged, with 1cm closed tear to one edge. Printed on shiny paper. Folded three times. The note, with good firm signature, reads: ‘Louis B. Frewer Esq / Dear Sir / Autograph enclosed with much pleasure. To-day is the 49th. anniversary of my wedding. / Yours faithfully / Charles Coborn’. The letterhead has Coborn’s name printed in large type, and describes him as ‘Comedian, Vocalist, Story-teller, etc. and Walker’.

[Battle of Normandy, 1944.] 'Secret' British Army pamphlet titled 'OPERATION “OVERLORD” - 1944 | Report by AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND', describing 'the part played by Eastern Command in the preparations for and launching of the operation'.

[Operation Overlord (Battle of Normandy), 1944] 'AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND' [i.e. Lieut.-Col. Colin Thornton-Kernsley (1903-1977)]
Publication details: 
[Operation Overlord, Eastern Command, 1944] On final page: 'D 53664-1 175 D/d E.C.2144 11/44 70'. '11/44' signifies the date of the pamphlet, November 1944, and '70' the number of copies printed.

Sir Colin Thornton-Kernsley is identified as author from the first of the pamphlet's seven appendices ('Eastern Command | List of officers principally concerned with plans for the mounting of Overlord'), where he is described as: 'Chairman: AQMG(Ops) Lt. Col. C. N. Thornton Kernsley MP-RA'.

[Sir Samuel Hoare, Tory 'appeaser' who negotiated the Hoare-Laval Pact.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Templewood') to 'Mr Brooks [Fleet Street editor Collin Brooks], 'on public opinion and foreign policy.

Sir Samuel Hoare [Samuel John Gurney Hoare, 1st Viscount Templewood] (1880-1959), Tory Foreign Secretary who negotiated the Hoare-Laval Pact [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the House of Lords Library. 31 May [no year, but 1944 or after].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Brooks may make whatever use he wishes of Templewood's speech. He agrees generally with 'Selby as to F[oreign]. O[ffice]. reorganisation', but is at present 'conentrating my attention to the points I raised in my speech. Whether we like it or not, we must now assume that public opinion will control our foreign policy. This being so, public opinion must be better instructed than it is at present.'

[ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ] 'Specimen Issue' of printed 'Review of Economic Progress'

Colin Clark (1905-1989), Anglo-Australian economist and statistician [ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ]
Publication details: 
[ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ] Vol. I, Number I. January 1949.

5pp., 4to., with the last page a double-page fold-out on card, mainly comprising a table. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Stamp of the Leplay House Library in the top right-hand corner. 'SPECIMEN ISSUE' printed in the top left-hand corner of the first page. The full article is titled 'International Comparisons of the Purchasing Power of Money', with headings: 'Sources of Data on Prices', 'Other Sources', 'Re-Calculation of Purchasing Power of the £ in I.U., 1938', 'International Comparisions of the Purchasing Power of Money, 1946-47'.

[Colin R. Coote, Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post.] Typed Letter Signed to H. L. Matthews, defending his 'Churchill anthology', discussing 'the old man', and recounting an anecdote about him which 'cannot be publicly quoted'.

Sir Colin Reith Coote (1893-1979), Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, and Liberal politician [Herbert Lionel Matthews (1900-1977), American journalist; Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, Fleet Street, London. 24 November 1954.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Sombody', he explains, has passed on a cutting of Matthews's 'very kind review about my Churchill anthology' ('Sir Winston Churchill, a Self-Portrait; constructed from his own Sayings and Writings and framed with an Introduction', 1954). He refers to a luncheon to which he was invited by 'Mr.

Collection of material relating to the designers and typographers Banks and Miles [Colin Banks; John Miles], assembled by Montague Shaw for his monograph on the firm.

Banks and Miles, designers and typographers [Colin Banks (1932-2002); John Miles; Monty Shaw [Montague Shaw; the Post Office; British Telecom; London Underground]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1988 to 1991.

Monty Shaw's 'Banks and Miles: Thirty Years of Design Evolution' was supposedly published by Lund Humphries (London) in February 1993 but no copy can be found on the internet (one listed on WorldCat appears to be a ghost).. This collection, in a buff card folder, contains material relating to Shaw's monograph, grouped as follows: ONE.

Archive of thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed and fifty-two Typed Letters Signed, to Baker, with two Autograph Letters Signed from Campion's wife, and drafts of three of Baker letters (two autograph and one typed), exhibition catalogue, etc.

Sidney Ronald Campion (1891-1978), O.B.E., F.R.S.A., English sculptor, painter and author [Edward Cecil Baker (1902-), M.B.E., Post Office Librarian [Archivist?]]
Publication details: 
1953 to 1978. 22 Erridge Road, Merton Park, Wimbledon (until 1971); 13 Argyle Court, Argyle Road, Southport (from 1972).

The archive is in very good condition, with very slight creasing and aging, and with all items entirely legible. Most items quarto, and most of two pages or more (one running to seven pages). One letter has the head and first paragraph cut away. All but the first two items, which date from 1953 and are signed 'Sidney R Campion', are signed 'Sidney'. The bulk of the correspondence dates from the 1970s. An important archive consisting almost exclusively of long, interesting and discursive letters addressed to a close and trusted friend.

Autograph Letter Signed to his publisher and friend Alexander Macmillan.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher; Colin Hunter (1841-1904), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
1 February [no year]; on letterhead of Paston House, Paston Place, Brighton.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Inviting Macmillan to join him and 'some of the lads' in a dinner at the Reform Club, 'on the occasion of Colin Hunter's being made an Associate'.

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