[Louis Peisse [Jean Louis Hippolyte Peisse] of the Ecole Impériale des Beaux-arts in Paris, French author.] Autograph Letter Signed, putting detailed questions regarding a proposal that he translate the lectures of Sir William Hamilton into French.

Louis Peisse [Jean Louis Hippolyte Peisse] (1803-1880), of the Ecole Impériale des Beaux-arts in Paris, medical author, translator of Sir William Hamilton (1788-1856), Scottish metaphysician
Publication details: 
‘Paris. 20 avril 1858’. [‘Louis Peisse, conservateur de l’ecole impériale des Beaux-arts. 2. Rue Boursault.’]

Peisse had already published his translation of ‘Fragments de Philosophie de M. William Hamilton’ (Paris, 1840), and had followed this with one from Dugald Stewart (1842-5). 2pp, 12mo. Forty-one lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Folded once. Signed ‘L. Peisse / Louis Peisse, conservateur de l’ecole impériale des Beaux-arts. 2. Rue Boursault.’ The British recipient (one of Hamilton’s executors?) is not named (in a postscript Peisse apologises for being unable to decipher his details, or those of his co-editors).

[ Inscribed offprint. ] On the Position of the Centre of Gravity in Man, as determining the Mechanical Relations of the Two Sides of the Body towards each other. By Andrew Buchanan, M.D.

Andrew Buchanan, M.D. [ Andrew Buchanan (1798-1882), Scottish physician, Professor at the University of Glasgow ]
Publication details: 
'Read before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, April 25, 1877.' Place and date of offprint not stated.

24pp., 8vo. Disbound. In good condition, with light signs of age. Inscribed at head of first page: 'With kind regards.' 11 figures in text. Published in 'Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow', vol. 10 (1875-1877).

[ Printed lecture. ] Zetemata Dianoetika. Or A View of the Intellectual Powers of Man: with Observations on their Cultivation, adapted to the Present State of this Country.

[ Thomas Martin of Allerton ] [ The Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
'Read in the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 20th November, 1818.' Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by G. F. Harris's Widow and Brothers; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Co. London. 1821.

64pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly and worn paper, in worn contemporary half calf binding with front cover detached. The cover carries the gilt stamp of the Society of Writers to the Signet, and the front pastedown carries a shelfmark label. There is no other evidence of library provenance. Thomas is not named on the title-page, but he is the author of the dedication to Samuel Shore of Meersbrook, Derbyshire. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and only four on COPAC.

[Offprint.] Fallacies concerning the deaf, and the Influence of these Fallacies in preventing the Amelioration of their Condition. [...] With remarks by Dr. E. M. Gallaudet and Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard.

Alexander Graham Bell; Dr. E. M. Gallaudet; Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard [The Philosophical Society of Washington; The American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb]
Publication details: 
An Address delivered before the Philosophical Society of Washington, October 27, 1883. Reprinted from the American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb for January, 1884. Washington D.C. Gibson Brothers, Printers. 1884.

39pp., 8vo. Front cover of printed wraps present, with 'With the Author's Compliments' printed in top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with shelfmarks, label and stamp of the Science & Art Department of the Education Library. In tasteful modern quarter-bound boards of light and dark grey paper, with white printed label on front.

[Pamphlet.] Travel as a Factor in Education. (Presidential Address, delivered before the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society on October 6th, 1902, and re-printed from the Transactions of the Society, Vol. VII., Part III., January, 1903.)

Rev. J. H. Molesworth [Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society]
Publication details: 
Leicester: Thornley and Waddington, Victoria Press, Bowling Green Street. [1903.]

15pp., 12mo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps. With stamps, shelfmark and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Observations made at the Philosophical Society of London in 1815] Autograph Letter Signed "Thos Tucker" to Thos Winkworth (from address panel)

Thomas Tucker, council member of the Philosophical Society of London in Coleridge's day.
Publication details: 
115 Chancery Lane, [London], 23 Sept. 1815 [the auctioneers, Hodgson's later occupied these premises, but perhaps the addres indicates Tucker was a lawyer]

Three pages, 4to, fold marks, some chipping and closed tears, mainly discreetly repaired, but text complete and clear. He is responding to Winkworth's request for "an outline of the observations I had the honour to address to the PSL [Philosophical Society of London] on thursday last but fear [...]" Points made as follows. "Ist All philosophers agree that man is characterized as an improveable being [...] 2nd THere is no science that is not capabale of additions no Art that [...] 3rd.

Unpublished holograph poem (signed 'J. F. Hollings') by the Leicester poet and local historian James Francis Hollings, entitled 'Edgehill', regarding the English Civil War battle, 1642.

James Francis Hollings (1806-1862), poet and local historian, President of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society [Leicestershire; English Civil War; Battle of Edgehill, 1642;]
Publication details: 
Without place place or place, on paper with watermarked date 1831. [Leicester, 1830s?]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On wove paper watermarked 'R TASSELL | 1831'. 56 lines, arranged in seven eight-line stanzas. Presentable, despite wear and age, closed tears along crease lines, and traces of yellow-paper mount on blank reverse of second leaf. There is no sign that this item was ever published, which is surprising, as it is a superior effort, written with some conviction, the subject being one on which Hollings was regarded as an authority.

[Offprint.] The Wilde Lecture. V. The Mechanical Principles of Flight. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Delivered February 13th, 1900.

Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt (1842-1919), 3rd Baron Rayleigh, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics] [The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society]
Publication details: 
Manchester: 36, George Street. 26 April 1900. [Manchester Memoirs, Vol. lxiv. (1899), No. 5; Memoirs and Proceedings of The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society 1899-1900.]

26pp., 12mo. Stitched. In remains of original printed wraps. On aged paper, in chipped wraps, with several leaves loose. An important work in the history of eronautics by one of the great experimental physicists of the nineteenth century. Excessively scarce: no copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC. 'In this lecture Rayleigh discusses the method of calculating the mechanical forces on a plane presented obliquely to a current of air, so far as this can be done. At best, the calculation is very incomplete.

Abstract of Ferrier's Greek Philosophy [with notice of Ferrier's life].

B. R.' [Professor Benjamin H. Rand (1827-1883); James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with ownership inscription dated 1881.

8vo, 20pp. Stitched. Disbound. In original grey printed wraps (with 'VOL. II.' deleted in blue pencil at foot of title). Fair, on aged paper, with wear and loss to grubby wraps. Ownership inscription on front wrap: 'Henry Norman, April 26. 1881. G.18.' Signed in type 'B. R.' at foot of last page. Providing a detailed synopsis of Ferrier's teachings, with a fifteen-line 'Introductory Notice' of his life. Scarce. No copy at the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at Harvard.

Nugae Sacrae et Philosophicae by Some Members of a Common Room.

Some Members of a Common Room' [the University of Oxford; Green Philosophical Prize]
Publication details: 
Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, 1905.

12mo, 27 pp. Pamphlet stitched with red ribbon. In original wraps, with title printed in red on front cover. Title-page in red and black. Lord Rosebery's unobtrusive ownership blindstamp in top right-hand corner of title. Good tight copy, in grubby and lightly-spotted covers. Containing three jeu d'esprit: two poems ('Ruth' and 'Esther') and a spoof 'model essay', 'to assist candidates' to the Green Philosophical Prize, titled 'The Reciprocal Relations of Morals and Metaphysics'.

The Dangers and Safeguards of Ethical Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Clarendon, May 25th, 1836.

The Rev. W. Sewell [William Sewell (1804-1874)], M.A. Sub-Rector of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1837.

8vo: 66 pp. Stitched pamphlet. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Tight copy on lightly-aged and foxed paper, with light staining at foot of wraps and first and last few leaves. List of 'Publications by the same Author' on the reverse. Worn inscription at head of title, to 'The Revd Vaughan Thomas | With the Authors best comptss & regards'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Bristol, Lambeth Palace and Oxford.

Recent Earthquakes and their Investigation. [Offprint from the 'Proceedings' of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow.]

Alexander D[avid]. Ross (1883-1966).
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed for the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow by Carter & Pratt, Ltd., Canal Street. 1909.

8vo: 14 pp. One plate and two diagrams in text. Stapled and unbound. In original grey printed wraps. Dogeared and grubby, with central vertical crease. Presentation copy. Ross is described as 'Assistant to the Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow.' He was Lecturer in Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow 1908-12, before moving to the University of Western Australia, where he was Professor of Physics and Mathematics,1912-29, and Professor of Physics, 1929-52.

Autograph Signature ('H. Martineau') on fragment of letter.

Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), English writer and journalist
Publication details: 
26 December [no year]; Ambleside.

Irregularly-shaped (like an 'L') piece of paper, cut from the head of a letter with a mourning border. Dimensions (very roughly) 4 and 3 cm high and 7 cm wide. Good, with minor traces of two tissue mounts adhering to reverse. The following written vertically across three lines of writing: 'to all your family, & I am, dear Sir, truly yours | [signed] H. Martineau'. The remains of the three lines acoss which the above is written read: '<...> dear Sir | <...> I am | <....> ur sister <...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Peter Clare, Secretary.') to unnamed male correspondent.

Peter Clare, Secretary, The Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester [John Dalton; John James Tayler; Eaton Hodgkinson; John Eddowes Bowman]
Publication details: 
18 September 1839; 'Society's Rooms George Street Manchester'.

12mo, 1 p, 10 lines. Forwarding a copy of a resolution passed by a meeting of the Society's Council on 17 September. The five line transcription of the resolution reads: 'Resolved That the following Gentlemen form the Printing Committee for the present year. Dr. Dalton [John Dalton (1766-1844), chemist], Rev. John James Tayler, Peter Clare, Eaton Hodgkinson [(1789-1861), engineer], John Davies & John Eddowes Bowman [botanist].'

Autograph Note Signed to S. C. J. Freeman-Matthews, [autograph hunter of] Cape Town, South Africa.

John Fiske (1842-1901), American philosopher and historian
Publication details: 
31 May 1900; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. 'It gives me much pleasure to add my autograph to your collection.' With a 38-line biographical cutting on Fiske.

Paper entitled 'Specific Refraction and Dispersion of Isomeric Bodies'.

John Hall Gladstone
Publication details: 
Offprint 'From the PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE for January 1881.'

English physical chemist (1827-1902), fellow of the Royal Society and father-in-law of the first Labour Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald. Seven pages, octavo (paginated 54-60). INSCRIBED at head of first page 'With J H Gladstone's kind regds.' Unbound. Stitched. Creased and with foxing at head of leaves. In grubby, creased wraps, stamped 'SOTHERAN. SACKVILLE STREET. LONDON'.

Paper entitled 'DISCUSSION: (I) Philosophy Without Science'.

Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, Sir Alfred Jules Ayer; Herbert Dingle
Publication details: 
Reprinted from PHILOSOPHY, Vol. XXIII, No. 84, January 1948.'

12 pages, octavo. Unbound. Folded once, down the centre, vertically. Good, though grubby, and with marks from paperclip. Each of the three contributes a section. PRESENTATION COPY, with slip from Samuel, on his notepaper '32, PORCHESTER TERRACE, W.2.' on which is typed 'WITH LORD SAMUEL'S COMPLIMENTS'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic Harrison
Publication details: 
14 October 1879; on letterhead '38, Westbourne Terrace, W.'

English positivist philosopher (1831-1923). Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: on discoloured paper with remains of stub still adhering along one edge, and with slight damage to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He is obliged for the 'invitation to contribute to the pages of the International Review; & I only wish that it was in my power to accept it.' He has 'a limited amount of time for literary work' and cannot at present make 'any further engagement', but may do so in the future. Signed 'Frederic Harrison'.

The fairies of "A midsummer night's dream:" a lecture, delivered before the "Loughborough Literary and Philosophical Society," November 9th, 1858.

Edmund Packe
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation."; [1858].

28 pages, 8vo. 14 leaves, the last a blank. Paginated [1-3] 4-26 [1-2]. Unbound and stitched as issued. In very good condition though grubby and with one dogeared corner. Brief mention (p.7) of John Payne Collier's discovery of 'The life of Robin Goodfellow' in the library of the Earl of Ellesmere, and of 'Mr. Halliwell'. No copy in the British Library.

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