[ Grafton Galleries; Art Exhibitions ] Memorandum of Agreement between the Undersigned Parties [re. letting of Grafton Galleries.

[ Grafton Galleries ] V. Benoist of Piccadilly, on behalf of the proprietors of the Grafton Galleries, Montague Morris and V. Fodor
Publication details: 
[London], 30 Sept. 1908.

Document, typed, three pages, sm. fol., good condition. A "Mr. Benoist" of 36 Piccadilly (where he provided luxury food: CUISINE, CHARCUTERIE ET COMESTIBLES "FRANCAISES, on behalf of the proprietors of the Grafton Galleries, facilitates the letting of the Galleries to "Messrs Montague Morris and V. Fodor of 12 Talbot House St Martin's Lane". The document is signed by Benoist as Director of the Galleries, and by "Montague & Fodor". Clause as follows: 1. & 2. agreement that "picture and Fine Art Exhibitions" allowed from 20 Oct. 1908 to 25 Dec.1908; 3.

Autograph Manuscript and two Typescripts of an article by the publisher F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] entitled ''West One', on the foundation and history of Grafton Street in London.

F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] (1878-1936), English publisher and writer [Grafton Street, London; Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Grafton (1683-1757)]
Publication details: 
[London; 1920s?]

The three items are all in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight marking from rusty paperclips. Manuscript: 13pp., 4to. On 13 leaves, paginated 1-13. With a few emendations and corrections. The two typescripts, both well typed, have different layouts to one another. First (smaller) Typescript: 9pp., 4to. Second (larger) Typescript: Carbon copy. 9pp., 4to. The article begins: '"The iniquity of oblivion blindly scattereth her poppy . . .

[Printed pamphlet.] An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.

'A Bird at Bromsgrove' [pseudonym of John Crane of Bromsgrove] [Grafton & Reddell, printers, Birmingham]
 An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.
Publication details: 
The Seventh Edition, with Additions. Birmingham: Printed by Grafton & Reddell; for the Author. 1801.
 An Address to Bachelors. By a Bird at Bromsgrove.

36pp., 18mo. With frontispiece (preceding half-title) of 'I. CRANE / BROMSGROVE', showing a crane and a carriage lamp, within a circular border reading 'To make the Watch go faster turn the Regulator to the right & Slower the Contrary'. Side stitched in original pink printed wraps. In fair condition, in worn and lightly-stained wraps. Nicely printed on wove paper with 'LLOYD 1795' watermark. Poem titled 'Introduction' on p.5, followed by the title poem on pp.7-36. No copy of this attractive edtion on either COPAC or WorldCat, nor of any other printed by Grafton & Reddell.

Collection of thirteen Autograph Letters Signed, addressed to Robinson by various individuals, mostly relating to the publication of Robinson's song 'Gently Down the Stream'.

Walter W. Robinson, English composer; Theodore Distin (1823-93), English singer; F. C. Wood, 'Lithographical Music Copyist'; the Original Lilian Minstrels; Grafton Hall
Publication details: 
London; 1871-1878.

The collection is in good condition, with each letter entirely legible. Two items particularly aged, and one with a couple of closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Each item bears evidence of the fact that the collection was previously held together with a pin. An interesting sidelight into the musical culture of Victorian London. COPAC only locates one copy (at Cambridge) of Robinson's piece, published by W. Sprague of Westminster in [1874], copied by F. C. Wood, 'words by permission of Messrs. Hopwood & Crew'. All items 12mo.

Typed message (to departing employee?), on printed letterhead, with thirty-eight signatures (of work-colleagues?).

Medici Society [Cobden-Sanderson]
Medici Society
Publication details: 
Without date; on the company's Grafton Street letterhead.
Medici Society

Company founded in 1908 by Philip Lee Warner and Eustace Gurney, 'to bring artists' work to the appreciation of a wider public'. One page, quarto. Folded twice. Good, but slightly foxed and lightly creased. The typed message reads ' "The best of Prophets of the future is the Past" | With the best of wishes for future success.' The signatures are arranged in four columns. The inclusion of 'Cobden-Sanderson' is unexplained.

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