[Harrow School in Georgian times.] Anonymous Manuscript Notebook, containing lists of boys' names under various headings ('Monitors', 'Upper VI' and so on), compiled under headmastership of George Butler.

Harrow School in Georgian Times [George Butler (1774-1853), headmaster from 1805 to 1829, and later Dean of Peterborough]
Publication details: 
Circa 1818. Harrow School, Middlesex.

This item is a nice artefact of one of England?s foremost public schools. The great rival of Eton, Harrow numbers among its alumni seven prime ministers, including Churchill. This notebook comprises lists of boys and their positions and classes in a particular term. The paper stock, watermark and handwriting all indicate that its composition is contemporaneous with the schooling of those named. It is the work of one person, almost certainly one of the school?s masters, and its loose and hurried nature indicate that it was intended for personal use, or as an aid in future writing.

[ Richard Oastler, factory reformer. ] Autograph Letter Signed to his daughter Maria, wishing her a happy new year from the Fleet Prison, and describing the meal he has eaten there.

Richard Oastler (1789-1861), abolitionist, factory reformer ('The Factory King') and Tory radical
Publication details: 
'The Queen's Prison [i.e. the Fleet Prison ] | Jany. 1. 1843.'

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to corners caused by removal from album. For the context of the letter, see Oastler's entry in the Oxford DNB, which explains that he was nearing the end of a three and a half year sentence at the Fleet Prison, for 'debts accumulated during his stewardship at Fixby', the charge being a 'Pretext', his 'campaign against the new poor law' having proved 'incendiary'. The letter begins: 'Maria! | This comes from thy own Papa, to wish thee a Happy new Year.

[ Pamphlet. ] Why Men Strike or, Strikes and how to get rid of them. A Lecture by Dr. Edward McGlynn.

Dr. Edward McGlynn [ The Anti-Poverty Society, New York ]
Publication details: 
London: William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. [ Circa 1889. ]

14 + [2] pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Delivered under the auspices of the Anti-Poverty Society at the Cooper Institute, New York, on Sunday, March 3, 1889, for the benefit of the Street-Car Drivers and Conductors out of employment through the late strike.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC in Oxford.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Facts about the Unemployed. An Appeal and a Warning. By One of the Middle Class.

'One of the Middle Class' [ 'H. H. C.' ]
Publication details: 
London: The Modern Press, 13, Paternoster Row, E.C. and W. L. Rosenberg, 261, East Tenth Street, New York City. 1886.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed in type at the end 'H. H. C.' At foot of reverse of title: 'The Writer will be glad to hear from anyone who agrees with his conclusions.' Scarce.

[ Poor Rates in Devon, 1819. ] Handbill 'Poor Rates' notice by H. Roberts, Governor, Hospital of Poor's Portion, Plymouth, regarding the examination of 'the Receipts of the Collectors'.

H. Roberts, Governor, Hospital of Poor's Portion, Plymouth [ Poor Rates in Devon ]
Publication details: 
'Hospital of Poor's Portion, 23rd August, 1819.' [ 'WILLIAMS, PRINTER AND BOOKSELLER, OLD-TOWN, PLYMOUTH.' ]

Printed on one side of a 31.5 x 19.5 cm piece of Britannia laid paper. A fragile piece of ephemera, aged and with heavy wear to extremities. The text is complete, except for loss to the first letter ('P') of the first word ('Poor') on the top line. Text reads: 'Poor Rates. | THE GUARDIANS who were appointed a Committee to examine the Receipts of the Collectors, having compared a great number of Receipts with the Original Rate Book, have the satisfaction to inform the Inhabitants that they are fully satisfied with Messrs.

[University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People.] Two printed items, including 'Report of the University of London Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Higher Education of Working People on the Work of the Four Years 1909-1913'.

[University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People]
Publication details: 
[University of London.] July 1911 and February 1914.

Both items with shelfmarks, stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. ONE: 'University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People | Report of the University of London Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Higher Education of Working People on the Work of the Four Years 1909-1913'. February 1914. 23 + [1]pp., 4to. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The only copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and King's College London. TWO: 'University of London.

[Leeds Circulating Library.] Printed Leeds Circulating Library label, stating time allowed and forfeit. [With ownership signature of John Smalpage, draper.]

[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire; John Smalpage, draper]
Publication details: 
[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire.] The label is dated in manuscript 16 September 1808.

The label is printed on one side of a crudely-cut 6 x 8 cm piece of laid paper. In fair condition, aged. The item reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'LEEDS | Circulating Library. | Entered [16 Sept] 180[8] | Allowed for reading the first Year, Weeks [2] Days [-] | - After the first year, Weeks [2] | Forfeiture per Day for keeping it beyond the Time, d. [2]'. At the head in manuscript is the number '1006', crossed out, and '671'.

[Pamphlet.] The Education of the Workers' Children. Being the substance of an Address to the London Trades Council on 13th June, 1907.

A. A. Thomas, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, Standing Counsel to the National Union of Teachers
Publication details: 
'Printed by request.' Second edition. Published by the National Union of Teachers at their Offices, Bolton House, 67 & 71 Russell Square, London W1. [1907.]

8pp., 12mo. Stitched. With stamps, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at the Bishopsgate Institute.

['Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh.] Three items relating to the project, two in manuscript (long circular letter, and accounts with 'Remarks') and printed prospectus.

'Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; Charles Gardner, Secretary to the Committee; D. McLaren and William Johnston]
Publication details: 
Printed prospectus dated Edinburgh, 14 July 1847. Circular letter from Committee Rooms, Cranston's Temperance Coffee House, High St, Edinburgh; 1 August 1844. Accounts at 12 August 1844.

Surprisingly little appears to have been written about the public baths at 12 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; with no references to it on the Scottish Archives Network. There is however an informative reference to the subject in Francis H. Groome's 'Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland' (1884): 'Good public baths, of various kinds and various extent, for the upper and the middle classes, are in several parts both of the city and its environs. Public baths for the working classes were long a desideratum, though earnestly desired by many of the working classes themselves.

Unpublished early nineteenth-century manuscript poem, titled 'The Cockney Quack Doctor', satirising the London working clases and medical profession around the time of Dickens's 'Pickwick Papers'.

[Anonymous nineteenth-century manuscript poem, satirising the London working classes and the medical profession; Charles Dickens; Pickwick Papers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1830s?]

1p., 8vo. Aged and worn, having previously been folded into a tight packet, and laid down on a paper backing. Headed with the title, and neatly written in two columns. The poem consists of 60 lines arranged in six stanzas. The first and last stanzas indicate the tone.

Typed Letter Signed to [Mary] Scharlieb, 149 Harley Street.

Leonard Darwin
Publication details: 
24 September 1919; on letterhead of the Professional Classes War Relief Council (Incorporated).

Soldier, policitician, economist, eugenicist (1850-1943) and son of Charles Darwin. The recipient Dame Mary Scharlieb (1845-1931) was an early woman doctor. Two pages, quarto. Good, but on slightly discoloured and lightly creased paper, with staple stains to both top left-hand corners. An interesting letter concerning the efforts of Scharlieb's Committee to 'establish a Home where the wives of professional men could be certain to obtain excellent treatment at moderate fees'.

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Alfred Sydney Wigan
Publication details: 
13 October 1869, Little Campden House, Campden Hill, with monogram letterhead.

English actor (1814-1878). 2 pp, 8vo, neatly mounted. "James Brown has referred me to you for a character as a general in-door servant - I should be much obliged if you would let me know your experience of his abilities, and of his character for honesty & diligence and sobriety -"

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