[G?n?ral Fleury [General Baron Hubert Rohault de Fleury], French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars.] Autograph Note Signed, accepting an invitation from ?Madame la Bne: de Seebach?.

G?n?ral Fleury [General Baron Hubert Rohault de Fleury] (1779-1866), French soldier who distinguished himself in the Napoleonic Wars, and later superintended the fortification of Lyon
Publication details: 
?Paris. 2 Mai 1856.?

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Not to be confused with Fleury (1815-1884), whose handwriting is markedly different. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Neatly folded twice. Reads: ?Le G?n?ral Fleury se rendra avec le plus grand plaisir a l?invitation que Madame la Bne: de Seebach lui a fait l?honneur de lui adresser. / Paris. 2 Mai 1856.? The recipient is presumably the mother of the Alsatian artist Baron Lothar von Seebach (1853-1930).

[San Juan Island, Washington State.] Printed paper: 'Correspondence respecting the Island of San Juan. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1860.'

San Juan Island, Washington State; Lord John Russell; Lord Lyons; General Lewis Cass; Captain Pickett; Captain Bazalgette; Assistant-General Pleasonton
Publication details: 
'Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1860.' and 'London: Printed by Harrison and Sons.'

The correspondence concerns the need to prevent a 'collision between the American and British authorities on the island' (the American General Harney is quoted as saying that 'he is satisfied that any attempt of the British Commander to ignore this right of the territory will be followed by deplorable results out of his power to control'). [2] + 4 + [1]pp, foolscap 8vo. Stabbed as issued. On discoloured and worn paper, with slight chipping at head of first leaf. Last page (back cover) printed crosswise in the customary fashion (for folding into a packet).

[Dr Pierre Magnin, French physician.] Inscribed copy of his printed thesis, 'De l'Action de la Quinine sur les Fibres Musculaires Lisses. Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier le 13 août 1873.'

Pierre Magnin, 'Né a Laboisse (Ain) Docteur en Médecine | ancien Interne des Hopitaux de Lyon' [Frantz Glénard (1848-1920)]
Publication details: 
Montpellier: Imprimerie L. Cristin et Ce., rue Vieille Intendance, 5. 1875.

66 + [3] + [1] pp., 4to. The item has been disbound from a volume, and the title leaf is longer than the rest, in order to retain the ownership inscription in the top left-hand corner of the title-page, which carries a signed presentation inscription from Magnin to his colleague Frantz Glénard. The title leaf is creased and has a long vertical closed tear near the spine, which has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Pp.53/54 and 61/62 have had text trimmed away by the binder.

Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York in 1866.

H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss
Publication details: 
H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York. 1866.
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss

7.5 x 15 cm. With green overprint. In poor condition: worn and with one small hole, and faded manuscript signature and endorsement.

[Printed.] Wholesale Price List (5th Edition.) [...] Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China. [Containing 'about 200 illustrations' of 'English and Oriental China' figurines.] [With letter.]

Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China [trade catalogues; porcelain figurines]
Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Joseph Lyons & Co., Weavers Hall, 22 Basinghall Street, London, E.C.
Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers

Catalogue: 8vo, 32 pp. Stapled. In remains of original plain red wraps. All illustrations clear and complete. In poor condition: on aged, worn paper, with several leaves and the wraps as separate leaves. Slight loss at head of first leaf. The covering letter (4to, 1 p, undated, on worn and aged paper) is a printed advertisement, on the firm's letterhead ('Established 1877'), with ten small illustrations of figurines in the margins. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels, wife of Ben Lyon, to 'Ruby', the variety entertainer Rubye Mae Colleano, mother of the film actor Bonar Colleano.

Bebe Daniels [Phyllis Virginia Daniels] (1901-1971), Hollywood actress, and star of the British radio series 'Life With The Lyons' [Rubye Mae Colleano; Ben Lyon (1901-1979)]
Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels
Publication details: 
Letter One: 24 October [1943]; Queen's Hotel, Leeds. Letter Two: 2 April [no year]; 18 Southwick Street, London.
Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels

Both items on 'Bebe' letterheads, and both with signature 'Bebe' incorporating a drawing of a stick figure with hat. Letter One: 12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With addressed envelope. She is sorry they missed one another 'at the station, especially after all the trouble you went through to get there'. Gives news of show: 'Boy, it will be good to get back to town again. | I have enjoyed the tour but as you know travelling nowadays isn't what it used to be, by a long shot.' Letter Two: 8vo, 1 p. 21 lines.

Apparently-unpublished manuscript poem, in French, entitled 'Aux Amis de Pierre Dupont'.

J. Dupuis [Pierre Dupont (1821-1870), French poet and song writer]
Publication details: 
Dated 'Lyon 7 Avril 1877 | [signed] J. Dupuis'.

On one side of a piece of laid paper roughly 27 x 21 cm. Text clear and entire on aged and lightly creased paper. Chipped, with slight loss and closed tears, to extremities. Thirty-lines in Alexandrine couplets, beginning 'L'Ame du chansonnier (si l'ame est immortelle) | Doit tressaillir pieuse à votre amour fidèle.' and ending 'Gravons sur sa mémoire un souvenir profond: | Son nom n'est pas de ceux que les siècles refont.' The date and signature are in the right-hand margin, towards the bottom right-hand corner.

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