[Desmond Guinness, Anglo-Irish authority on Georgian architecture, son of Lord Moyne and Diana Mitford.] Autograph Note Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, agreeing to do a review.

Desmond Guinness [Desmond Walter Guinness] (1931-2020), Anglo-Irish authority on Georgian architecture, son of Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne, and Diana Mitford [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
6 December 1976; on letterhead of Leixlip Castle, Leixlip, County Kildare [Ireland].

See the entries for his mother and father in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse (Guinness spells it ‘Dossé’) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and ‘Plays and Players’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Large signature, underlined. Reads: ‘Thankyou! [sic] I should be glad to review “Lost Demesnes” and “Classic Irish Houses” by Craig (see the enclosed) if it is sent to you.’

[Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm; British Union of Fascists.] Typed Letter Signed from Hamm to Philip Dosse of Books and Bookmen, regarding a review by Mosley and Peter Liddle, with copy of Mosley letter on Boothby and Skidelsky

Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm [Edward Jeffrey Hamm] (1915-1992), Welsh fascist who succeeded him as leader of the Union Movement and edited ‘Lodestar’ [British Union of Fascists]
Publication details: 
Hamm's letter: 15 March 1979; on letterhead of the 'Sir Oswald Mosley Secretariat', 76A Rochester Row, London SW1. Copy of Mosley letter to Dosse: undated ('For June Issue' in 1975); on his letterhead, 1 Rue des Lacs, Orsay 91, France.

See Mosley’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Hamm’s papers are in the University of Birmingham. The recipient Philip Dosse (1925-1980) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.ONE: Typed Letter Signed from ‘Jeffrey Hamm’ to ‘Mr. Dossé’ (Dosse did not employ an accent). 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Begins: ‘Sir Oswald dictated this review over the telephone today on to my recording machine.

[Mary Russell Mitford, author of 'Our Village'.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the bookseller William Baynes, expressing pleasure at sending contributions for his 'intended publication'. With reference to her publisher G. B. Whittaker.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [William Baynes & Son; George Byrom Whittaker (1793-1847), London publisher]
Publication details: 
'Three Mile Cross, near Reading / June 10th. 1825.'

See her entry, and that of Whittaker, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. A corner of the letter carrying a few words of text has been torn away on opening; it is still attached, beneath a red wax seal, so that the entire document is present in two parts. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed by Mitford 'To / Messrs. Baynes & Son / 23 Paternoster Row'. Begins: 'Miss Mitford presents her Compts. to Mr.

[Nancy Mitford, novelist] Autograph Postcard Signed N M to Le Comte Antonini [presumably Giacomo Antonini ( 18 September 1901 ? 1983 ), Italian literary critic and secret agent .

Nancy Mitford, novelist
Publication details: 
[Embossed] 7 Rue Monsieur VII | Suffren 7665, postmark '14-5 | 1952'.

Postcard, 13.5 x 8.5cm, good conditiuon. Text: You asked me to let you know when any English writers are here - Anthony Powell & his wife are at the Hotel d'Angleterre, [word not deciphered] Jacob. | I'm too busy with my party etc to organize anything at the moment, but I'm sure you would enjoy a chat with him & so would he. If not [word undeciphered] do ring him up [de ma part?]. See you I hope on Wednesday & Madame Antonini - it will be the world & his wife!

[‘You need not fear my giving you any but cottage fare’: Mary Russell Mitford, author of ‘Our Village’.] Autograph Letter Signed, to Rev. Hugh Pearson, arranging a visit by him and Lady Henley.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [Hugh Pearson (1817-1882), Vicar of Sonning and a Canon at Windsor]
Publication details: 
‘Tuesday’. [Envelope dated in another hand 21 October 1851.]

An characteristic letter by the author of 'Our Village', written in the year of her move from Three Mile Cross, Berkshire, to nearby Swallowfield, itself eight miles from Pearson's home in Sonning. See the entries on Mitford and Pearson in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium which has been unfolded with the fore-edge of the second leaf attached to a nineteenth-century stub. In good condition, lightly aged.

[John Mitford, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed, giving permission to print verses, and discussing an individual ('Lang') who was 'very unfit for the British Museum'.

John Mitford (1781-1859), cleric and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine [The British Museum, London]
Publication details: 
1 April 1847. No place.

See Mitford's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 32mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete on somewhat grubby and worn paper. The recipient (‘My dear Sir’) is not named, and the letter is signed ‘JMitford’. Closely written, with the result that a few word are difficult to decipher, unfortunately including the name of the subject. It reads: ‘My dear Sir / I can see no objection to you printing the lines that I return, as I presume they are but little known. / I think [Lang?] was a very good sort of Man, as well as a very [clear?] [shrewd?] one . .

[Lord Weidenfeld (George Weidenfeld), publisher.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, discussing his partner Nigel Nicolson, and a review by Diana Mosley of a biography he has published of her sister Unity Mitford.

Lord Weidenfeld [George Weidenfeld, Baron Weidenfeld] (1919-2016), publisher [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’; Weidenfeld and Nicolson; Nigel Nicolson (1917-2004)]
Publication details: 
18 November 1976. On his letterhead, 11 St John’s Hill, London SW11.

An interesting letter, containing an assessment by a leading publisher of what he sees as the unusual position he considers his profession occupies within the business world. See his entry, and that of his partner Nigel Nicolson, in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present item is 2pp, 12mo.

[Harold Acton, aesthete, BYT] Autograph Note Signed 'Harold Acton' to a Mr Higgins [John Higgins of 'The Times'] concerning proofs.

Harold Acton [Sir Harold Mario Mitchell Acton (1904 – 1994), writer, scholar, and aesthete].
Publication details: 
Villa La Pietra, Florence, 15 August 1975.

One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. Herewith I enclose the proofs you kindly sent with many thanks. All is at a standstill here for Ferragosto [underlined] but I hope this will reach you safely by express post.

[John Mitford, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Mitford') to a family member, regarding Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, his gardening activities at Hardwick House, and the preparation of his Gentleman's Magazine obituary.

John Mitford (1781-1859), cleric and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855), 8th Baronet of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
22 February 1855. Benhall [Benhall Vicarage, near Saxmundham, Suffolk.].

See Mitford's entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing he had been retired for five years from the editorship of the Gentleman's Magazine, a post he had held for seventeen years. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice. Forty-four lines in a close hand.

[Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, first Baron Redesdale.] Autograph humourous 'verses on the Battle of the Sunflower on "The Batsford Nondescript"', in the form of a dialogue between botanists A. H. Wolley-Dod and Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer.

Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, first Baron Redesdale (1837-1916), diplomatist and author, grandfather of the celebrated Mitford sisters [Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod; Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Batsford Park, Moreton-in-Marsh. Dated in another hand 28 September 1896.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip from stub adhering to edge of second leaf. The page is headed 'Private & Confidential', and the poem is preceded by the following note: 'I must send you the verses on the Battle of the Sunflower on "The Batsford Nondescript". A twenty-four line poem, in six four-line stanzas, on the theme of a disagreement over the naming of a specimen, between the botanist Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod (1861-1948) and the director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843-1928).

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Diana Mosley') from Lady Diana Mosley [Diana Mitford] to the architectural historian Peter Reid, regarding the family home (Rolleston Hall, Burton-on-Trent) of her husband Sir Oswald Mosley.

Lady Diana Mosley [Diana Mitford; née Freeman-Mitford] (1910-2003), wife of the leader of the British Union of Fascists Sir Oswald Mosley, one of the Mitford sisters [Peter Reid]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of Temple de la Gloire, Orsay, Essonne. 16 May 1972 and 13 August 1984.

Both letters good, on lightly-aged paper. The second letter in envelope addressed by Mosley to 'Peter Reid Esq | 68 New Cavendish Street | London W1 M 7 LD [sic] | Angleterre'. Letter One (2pp., 12mo): She begins: 'My husband asked me to answer your letter. I think we have got photographs of Rolleston, but all such things are stored in Ireland, where we used to have a house. When I go through them (which one day I must) I will send you what I find.

Autograph Note Signed ('J M').

John Mitford (1781-1851), clergyman, antiquary and editor of The Gentleman's Magazine [Sir Frederic Madden]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

12mo: 1 p. Dimensions of leaf 11 x 9 cm. Twelve lines of text, headed 'P. 320'. In poor condition: grubby and aged. Laid down on piece of grey paper removed from autograph book. 2 cm closed tear in bottom left-hand corner affecting a couple of words of text. Difficult hand. Criticising a note, giving references to three works. Ends 'I don't see any use in printing this letter - but Sir F. Madden will tell you better. | JM -'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Mitford') to his cousin Margaret.

J. Mitford [Walter Horsley (b.1855), illustrator]
Publication details: 
2 June 1885; on embossed Post Office letterhead.

Two pages, 12mo. Good. Horsley has 'promised to do the illustration as soon as he possibly can'. Mitford has 'told him the sort of thing which was needed, and he seemed to take it in quite clearly, and I also impressed upon him that the time is short for the completion of the book.' Hopes he will see her at 65 Prince's Square.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mitford') to unnamed male correspondent.

Rev. John Mitford (1781-1859), editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and several volumes of poetry
Publication details: 
Date not stated; Benhall, <?>.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Difficult hand. He is sending 'one number of the Magazine which was mislaid', together with 'a book of the . The is very cold & , the <?>, to have a late Spring.'

Part of an autograph letter to "Mrs Sterndale".

Barbara Hofland.
Publication details: 
Kensington, Pembroke Square, date indecipherable (September).

Novelist. The two surviving pages, 4to, from a lengthy letter which has already been crudely repaired but which has an additional tear which does not, however, lead to textual loss. "I was very much rejoiced at the sight of your truly welcome letter" except that it announced a death. She eulogises the departed "He was one of the few of whom you may know little yet think much . . ." She explains how she had planned to visit her within a more complicated trip but "all my plans were laid aside and certainly my pleasures annihilated by an attack of inflammation in the eyes.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to her 'Cousin'.

Barbara Hofland
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Author (1770-1844) and friend of Miss Mitford. Paper dimensions roughly three and a half inches by one inch. Slightly discoloured, creased, and with one small closed tear. Read 'Believe me dear friend, | your truly affectionate Cousin | B Hofland'.

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