[Marian McPartland, jazz pianist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Les Tompkins of Jazz magazine ‘Crescendo’, announcing a collaboration with ‘charming’ Benny Goodman, with news of other jazz greats, including Quincy Jones.

Marian McPartland [Margaret Marian McPartland, née Turner] (1918-2013), Anglo-American jazz pianist and composer, wife of trumpeter Jimmy McPartland [Les Tomkins; Benny Goodman; Quincy Jones]
Publication details: 
29 September [1963]; 41 Webster Street, Merrick, New York.

A good letter, full of content. 2pp, 8vo. Air mail letter with New York postmark, 30 September 1963. Signed ‘Marian’ and addressed to ‘Mr. Les Tompkins / 96, St Helier Ave / Morden / Surrey’. Writing after the publication of an interview with her by Tompkins in ‘Crescendo’, she begins: ‘Dear Les. Thank you, & Tony also, for the copies of Crescendo - Boy! I was verbose, wasn’t I! I got a kick out of the record review, & thought everyone was very complimentary. Wish Steve Race had been there! He always insists you can tell a female player (and of course I think that is a lot of you-know-what)’.

[Les Nottle, ‘Magical Clown’ and Punch and Judy man.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Les’) advising bookseller Andrew Block, as ‘Secretary, Magic Circle Examinations & Certificate’, that he has elected to the Inner Magic Circle.

Les Nottle, ‘Magical Clown’ and Punch and Judy man [The Magic Circle, London; Andrew Block, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
No date (early 1982); on letterhead of ‘The Magic Circle’ (motto: ‘Indocius Privata Locum’), London.

The obituary of the recipient Andrew Block (1892-1987) in ‘The Private Library’ was subtitled ‘the doyen of booksellers’; his business was established in 1911. 1p, 4to. In poor condition, aged and worn. Folded three times.

[Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton], Count Hamilton, Jacobite memoirist.] Autograph Certificate, Signed 'Anth: Hamilton' and with his seal in red wax, to get his English servant 'Antoin Joinar' [Anthony Joiner or Joyner?] into Les Invalides.

Anthony Hamilton [Antoine Hamilton] (c.1644-1719), Count Hamilton in the French nobility, Irish Jacobite courtier in France, author of the celebrated 'Memoirs of the Count de Grammont'
Publication details: 
2 February 1676.

1p, 8vo. On bifolium endorsed in two hands on reverse of second leaf, one reading: 'Papier d'antoine Joignar anglois recu Le 29e. Fever. 1676'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with stub from mount adhering. Beneath Hamilton's signature at the foot of the document is a fair impression of his seal in red wax. The document reads: 'Nous le Sieur d'Hamilton Capn.

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the July and August 1966 numbers of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud” – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore featuring on the cover. The second part was published in the following number, August 1966, pp.18-19 and 25. Four items, all in good condition, with light aging. ONE: Carbon typescript of first part of interview, with title (replaced on publication): 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore | A Les Tomkins Interview'.

[Duke Ellington interviewed in 1964.] Typescript of Les Tomkins 'Crescendo' interview 'That's where the tailoring comes in', with 'The Duke presents a bouquet to our audiences' and 'Duke Ellington's [unpublished] comments on Crescendo'.

Duke Ellington [Edward Kennedy Ellington] (1899-1974), jazz musician, composer, band leader and pianist; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the April 1964 number of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview – retitled 'Duke looks back – and forward | in an interview with Les Tompkins' – features on pp.6-7 of the April 1964 number of 'Crescendo'. (Sammy Davis Jr features on the cover, with the announcement 'NOT A WORD ABOUT THE BEATLES!') Three items, the typescript of the interview and two accompanying pieces (one not used). All three in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Carbon typescript, titled 'That's where the tailoring comes in | Duke Ellington talks to Les Tomkins'. 6pp, 4to. On six leaves, stapled together at a corner.

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the July and August 1966 numbers of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud”' – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore featuring on the cover. The second part was published in the following number, August 1966, pp.18-19 and 25. Four items, all in good condition, with light aging.

[Constantin François, Comte de Volney.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Volney'), in English, to the publisher Sir Richard Phillips, discussing plans for a new London edition of his 'Ruins of Empires', previously translated by Thomas Jefferson.

Comte de Volney [Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney] (1757-1820), radical French politician [Sir Richard Phillips (1767-1840), author and publisher; Thomas Jefferson; Joel Barlow]
Publication details: 
Paris. 3 August 1818.

Volney's 'Ruines' (1791) was extremely influential, particularly in the United States. In 1796 Volney met Thomas Jefferson at Monticello to discuss Jefferson's plan to translate the book into English. Jefferson had completed the greater part of his translation by the time he mounted his 1800 bid for the presidency, at which point he handed over the project to Joel Barlow, who translated the last four chapters and, at Jefferson's request, put his name to the whole translation, which was published in 1801.

[Constantin François, Comte de Volney.] Autograph Note in the third person, 'au Ministre du tresor public', presenting a copy of his 'Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis'.

Comte de Volney [Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney] (1757-1820), radical French politician and friend of Thomas Jefferson
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Replied to on 25 October 1803.]

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. On bifolium with stub from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Neatly written and reading: 'Le Senateur Volney a l'honneur d'offrir au Ministre du tresor public, comme a l'un des juges les plus competens et les plus Eclairés l'examplaire ci-joint de Son Nouveau livre Tableau du climat et du Sol des Etats-unis D'Amerique | et leprie d'agreer des tres humbles civilités.' At the head of the page the recipient has written: 'Rep. 2o Br[umair]e. 12. [i.e.

[ Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation. ] Membership card of 'Sympathiser-Member' William R. Guillet, signed by him and by T. J. Guérille, President.

Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation [ William R. Guillet; T. J. Guérille ]
Publication details: 
Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London. 4 November 1941.

On both sides of a 7.5 x 12 cm card, with curved corners. A frail survival, heavily aged and worn. The text on the recto is printed in black, with the organisation's logo to the left in blue and red. The recto also has a large red 'S' superimposed at centre, and carries the two signatures, that of Guérille certifying that Guillet has been 'enrolled as a Sympathiser-Member'. Printed on the reverse are the 'Aims of the Association': 'To continue the war at the side of the British Government and of our Allies. | To co-operate with General de Gaulle's Free French Forces.

[Five pamphlets of laws relating to education from The States of Jersey.] 'Lois sur les Ecoles Elémentaires, etc.', 'Law on Primary Instruction', and three 'Règlements' ('Teachers' (Superannuation) Act 1925', and two on 'Pupil Teacher Centre').

[The States of Jersey [Les États de Jersey; Êtats d'Jèrri]; J. T. Bigwood, Imprimeur des États; C.-P. Du Parcq, Imprimeur-Libraire]
Publication details: 
All printed in Jersey, the first (1899, 'Réimpression 1901') by C.-P. Du Parcq, Imprimeur-Libraire, 23, Halkett Place; the other four by 'J.-T. Bigwood, Imprimeur des États, 13, Broad Street: 1909, 1912, 1913 and 1929.

All five items are scarce, with no copies of any of them located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE: 'Ordre de Sa Très Excellente Majeste en Conseil En date du 14 Juillet 1899, confirment certain Acte des Etats En date du 29 Mai 1899, intitule: Loi sur les Ecoles Elementaires, etc. Enregistre le 19 Aout 1899.' [19]pp. (text paginated 565-583), 12mo. No wraps. In fair condition, aged, and with punch hole at head. With shelfmarks (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London).

Typed Letter Signed, in French, from Jacques Lerolle of Paris music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, to Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale', concerning the manuscript of 'Valse-improvisation sur le nom de Bach' by Francis Poulenc.

Jacques Lerolle, of the French music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie [Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale'; Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), French composer]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, Editeurs de Musique, Paris. 18 November 1932.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged and worn paper. He begins: 'M. POULENC vous a sans doute remis le paraître dans votre supplément et nous charge de vous demander de nous le renvoyer au plus tôt lorsque votre graveur n'en aura plus besoin.' He accepts that it is likely that the Revue will ask Poulenc to correct the proof.

Belle Fresque Napoléonienne', in the form of a broadside poster in a wallet, inscribed by de Régie to Jules Dechamps, together with twenty cuttings of newspaper and magazine articles by de Régie.

René de Vivie de Régie, 'Rédacteur à la "Revue des Études Napoléoniennes" [Napoleon Bonaparte; Professor Jules Dechamps (1888-1968), Queen Mary College]
Publication details: 
The poster dated 1925; the cuttings circa 1928-29.

The poster is printed on one side of a piece of paper approximately 110 x 75 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With its green printed wallet (21 x 28.5 cm), lightly worn and creased. Wallet covered in text, including the words 'NAPOLÉON FLORILÈGE' in large type. A curious piece of Napoleonic hagiography, with the text, consisting of a large number of unconnected effusions on his greatness ('Astre humain. Dieu terrestre'), in a variety of types and point sizes, arranged in six columns.

Small archive of official documents, newspaper cuttings, photographs and manuscript material relating to his war experiences.

Gerard Guttman [ Algeria; Les Prestataires; Foreign Labour Company; British Expeditionary Force; Pioneer Corps; the Holocaust ]
Publication details: 

An extremely interesting and moving if frail survival: items of various sizes, many discoloured, creased, frayed and stained. The first item, 'THE HISTORY OF THE PRESTATAIRES IN ALGERIA. | Dedicated by one of them to the Major, recruiter of Pioneers for the 337 Alien Coy. in Hussein Dey.' (two typewritten A4 leaves, both backed with grey card), dated 'Kenadza, 28 February 1943', explains how 'Before June 1940 there were more than 3,000 of us who did our duty in the fight against the onslaught of the Axis.

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