[G. Lieben, Hon.Sec.; The Women Shoppers' League [U.K.]; Cinema; PTA] Autograph Letter Signed Gartrude Lieben (late of Sydenham C.S.S. to [Chetwynd] Palmer campaigning to prevent children seeing films intended only for adults.

Gartrude Lieben, Hon. Sec. The Women Shoppers' League
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] The Women Shoppers' League, | President MRS. PHILIP GUEDALLA | Hon. Sec. MISS G LIEBEN [...]], 4 Marcxh 1936.

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. I remember that once, when at a P.T.A. meeting we passed a resolution - I think it was about the need for stricter supervision to prevent children going to Cinemas shopwing films intended only for adults, to make this protest more effective you undertook to circularise other P.T.A.'s. | Now we are very anxious to get into touch with as many such associations as possible. I applied to the Secretary of the London Regional Home School Council & asked if they could furnish me with a list. They replied that it was impossible as the number was too great.

[Sylvia Pankhurst; printed periodical; Suffragettes] The Woman's Dreadnought.

Ed. Sylvia Pankhurst
Publication details: 
Published by the East London Federation of the Suffragettes. Vol. II, No.8, May 8th, 1915

One issue only. Four pages, paginated [241]-244, aged, edges sl. chipped, small closed tear, text clear and complete, folded in two. See image.

[Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League: Frances J. Balfour, Hon. Sec. of Sheffield & District Branch.] Autograph Letter Signed (possible spoof) to ‘Mr. Sayers’ [A. H. Sayers], requesting contribution so branch can become ‘influential & successful’.

Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League; Frances J. Balfour, Hon. Sec. of the Sheffield & District Branch [Rev. A. H. Sayers of Monmouth]
Publication details: 
Dated ‘Sheffield & District Branch / Arcadia / March 31st. 09’. On letterhead of Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League, Caxton House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London, S.W.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Considering the tone of the letter, the similarity between the signatories name and that of the prominent suffragist Lady Frances Balfour (1858-1931), and the fact that there is no record of a Sheffield branch of the WNASL, nor of a place in Warrington called ‘Arcadia’, nor of any Balfours living there, one must strongly suspect that this letter is a spoof, perhaps written by in some such scenario as a pro-suffrage child of a member of the WNASL, having got hold of one of the organisations blank letterheads. Or perhaps not.

[Charles Arthur Mercier, forensic psychiatrist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to psychiatrist Bedford Pierce, regarding: the 'spook business', Sir Victor Horsley and 'forcible feeding', punctuation, the 'hopeless' case of 'Jackson'.

Charles Arthur Mercier (1851-1919), pioneer in the field of forensic psychiatry and debunker of spiritualism, President of Medico-Psychological Association [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), psychiatrist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of The Flower House, Southend, Catford, S.E. [London]. 23 July 1906 and 28 December 1909.

Both letters are signed 'Chas. Mercier'. ONE 23 July 1906. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the blank second leaf. The letter, which is written in a playful tone, begins: 'My dear Bedford Pearce [sic] | Blamed if I do? I am not so ignorant of the Canonical Books as to confuse Prov: 26. 4 with 26. 5. Your offence, which cries aloud to heaven, is the omission of a comma! A quotation should follow the original verbatim et literatim [sic] et punctuatim, and a stop is an integral part of the text.

[ Thomas Robinson Ferens, industrialist and politician. ] Five letters (3 ALsS and 2 TLsS, all five 'Thos. R. Ferens') to 'Colonel Milburn' [ Lieut-Col. Charles Henry Milburn ], arranging a meeting with Secretary of State for War Richard Haldane. ]

Thomas R. Ferens [ Thomas Robinson Ferens ] (1847-1930), philanthropist, industrialist (Reckitt and Sons) and MP for Hull East [ Lieut.-Col. Charles Henry Milburn (1860-1948); Suffragettes ]
Publication details: 
All five from 1907 (1 May, 2 and 25 September, 26 November and 11 December) . On letterheads of: the House of Commons (1); the Derwentwater Hotel, Keswick (2); Wilton House, Hull (2).

The five letters total 8pp. The first three letters are in autograph and the last two typed. The first has two punch holes to the first leaf, the collection is otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The correspondence relates to the arranging of a meeting between Milburn and the Secretary of State for War Richard Haldane (1856-1928, later 1st Viscount Haldane), apparently with regard to a complaint by Milburn which has lead to him considering resigning from the position of Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the 2nd East Riding Yorks Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers)'.

Manuscript anonymous contemporary ribald spoof titled 'Mrs. Pankhursts Address to the Suffragettes'. [With two small photographs (one of Emmeline Pankhurst and the other of Sylvia Pankhurst?).]

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), British political activist and leader of the suffragette movement [female suffrage; Victorian humour; sexuality; social history]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [England, 1890s?]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, folded twice. Written in a late Victorian or Edwardian hand. The 'Address' is an interesting survival: the sort of ribald saloon-bar joke through which male opponents of the movement sought to tame it through ridicule. Similar examples survive, attributed to Lady Astor speaking in parliament, but this version clearly predates these. Here is a transcript of what is a concentrated dose of double-entendre: 'Mrs.

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours ever [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.75".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 1".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.5".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours ever [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.75".

Signature only.

Frederick Pethick-Lawrence.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Suffragist. End of letter, "Yours sincerely [typed] F W Pethick-Lawrence [autograph]", c.3.5 x 0.5".

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