[Irishman in the Royal Navy, 1825.] Two documents regarding the estate of Lieut. James Peter O’Ferrall of HMS Revenge: Letters of Administration and Power of Attorney, the later signed by the father Hugh O’Ferrall MD.

[Irishman in the Royal Navy, 1825] Lieut. James Peter O’Ferrall of HMS Revenge, son of Hugh O’Ferrall, MD
rishman in the Royal Navy
Publication details: 
Letters of Administration dated 15 November 1825 ('Extracted by R: E Pownall Proctor Doctors Commons'). Power of Attorney, 21 November 1825.
rishman in the Royal Navy

Both items in fair condition, with age and wear. ONE: Letters of Administration, 15 November 1825. Printed on square of parchment, with embossed seal appended and usual tax stamps. Completed in manuscript with regard to ‘Hugh O’Ferrall the natural and lawful Father of James Peter O’Ferrall late a Lieutenant belonging to His Majesty’s Ship Revenge at Sea Bachelor deceased’, whose estate is ‘Sworn Under One Hundred Pounds.’ Signed by three deputy registrars.

[ Printed correspondence on 'East India Affairs'. ] Letters of Mr. John Hutchinson, Descriptive of the Perilous Situation of the Rajah and the Company's Settlements in the Travancore Country.'

[ John Hutchinson; East India Company; Rajah of Travancore; Lieut. Col. James Hartley; James Hutchinson; John Forbes; Bury Hutchinson ]
Publication details: 
John Mceson, Printer, St. Helen's Place, London. [ Circa 1795. ]
Upon request

2pp., folio. In a bifolium with title and printer's slug lengthwise on reverse of second leaf, the whole intended to be folded into a packet. First page headed: 'Travancore, 1790, 1794, & 1795. | Letters from Mr. John Hutchinson to the Rajah of Travancore, to Mr. Page, to the Chief of Tellicherry, to the Governor of Bombay, to Lieut. Col. James Hartley, to Mr. James Hutchinson, to Mr. John Forbes, and to Mr. Bury Hutchinson.' Transcripts of eight letters, dating from between 1786 and 1795. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Manuscript inventory of 'Select Books' of drawings by the army officer and artist Lieut-Col. Robert Batty, with part of printed auction catalogue, containing his collection of paintings, priced.

Lieut-Col. Robert Batty (1789-1848), English army officer and artist, son-in-law of John Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty.
Publication details: 
Manuscript inventory: dated June 1919. Printed auction catalogue: Christie, Manson and Woods, London, 1887.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One: Pencil inventory of 'RB | Select Books' - i.e. volumes of drawings by Richard Batty, dated June 1919. 3pp., 8vo, with separate inventory on last page headed 'Book of Engravings | In Drawing Room'. Bifolium. The first item in the list of 'Select Books' reads 'no Cover 1817 April Lyons Genoa Florence Rome (May) to 24 June'. Last entry on p.3: '1832 IV, thick 26 Decr Dawlish & 23 Jany | Coaxden [sic] Hall May 23 | Chard Torquay (July) Plymouth Falmouth | Lands End St Michaels M[oun]t 15 July 1833'.

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