[1st Duke of Westminster [Henry Lupus Grosvenor, as Marquis of Westminster.] Secretarial Hand, Signed in Autograph, granting his assent to a Major of the 1st Lancashire Engineer Volunteers, for the regiment to join ‘The New Brighton Parade’.

1st Duke of Westminster [Hugh Lupus Grosvenor] (1825-1899) [Viscount Belgrave, 1831-45; Earl Grosvenor, 1845-69; Marquess of Westminster, 1869-74], landowner, politician and racehorse owner
Publication details: 
‘Motcombe House, / Shaftesbury, / Sept 5th. 1867.’

The founder of the greatest of London’s ‘Great Estates’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on light-grey paper, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount adhering to edges. Folded three times for postage. Good firm signature ‘Westminster’, and with the name of the recipient neatly cut away: ‘Major <...> / 1st Lancashire Eng[ee]r. Vol[un]t[ee]rs.

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