[Printed pamphlet.] Saorstát Éireann. Report of the Commission on the Relief of the Sick and Destitute Poor, including the Insane Poor.

[Saorstát Éireann, Commission on the Relief of the Sick and Destitute Poor, including the Insane Poor]
Publication details: 
Baile Atha Cliath. Dublin. Foillsithe ag Oifig an rSolathair. Published by the Stationery Office. To be purchased through Messrs. Eason and Son, Litd., 40 and 41 Lr. O'Connell Street, Dublin. 1927.

163pp., crown 8vo. xiv + [1] + 163pp. Stitched. In cream printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper in worn wraps. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

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