[Regency royal imposter: ?Princess Olive of Cumberland?, title claimed by Olivia Serres.] Manuscript ?Copy Letter to the King from the Princess Olive?, a lengthy appeal to William IV, complaining of 'desertion and neglect', ending with a petition.

Regency royal imposter: ?Princess Olive of Cumberland?, title claimed by Olivia Serres (1772-1834) [King William IV; Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland]
Publication details: 
Petition dated from London, February 1833.

Despite a recent book by Miles Macnair supporting Serre's claims, the case for her imposture is overwhelming, as her entry in the Oxford DNB demonstrates. See also the various reports of the matter (for example Ryves v. Duke of Wellington, Law Times, 31 October 1846). 23pp., foolscap 8vo. On six loose bifoliums of laid paper with 1833 Britannia watermark of Gilling & Alllford. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded into the customary packet, and docketed on reverse of last leaf 'Copy Letter to the King from the Princess Olive'.

Signed Receipt ('<Tre?> Delongueil | 8 rue de la Concorde').

Honoré Delongueil [De Longueil], Graveur, Medailles, Bouton de Livrée, Cartes de Visite, Rue Royale Sainte Honore 6, Paris
Publication details: 
10 October 1891; Paris. On printed receipt.

On one side of piece of discoloured paper, roughly 13 x 22 cm. Delongueil's circular engraved device (3 cm diameter) in top left-hand corner. Charges for striking a medal in bronze and silver of Olivier de Serres.

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