[Manchester Literary Club, founded 1862.] Three items of printed ephemera: menus for the ‘Christmas Supper’ in 1927 and 1929 (each with photograph of ‘J. Windsor Burgess as Father Christmas’); invitation to ‘Complimentary Supper' to Prof. F. E. Weiss

Manchester Literary Club, founded 1862 [J. Windsor Burgess; Prof. F. E. Weiss; J. H. Brocklehurst; A. C. Wilson; Grand Hotel, Manchester]
Publication details: 
Events held at the Grand Hotel, Manchester. The ‘christmas suppers’ in 1927 and 1929; the ‘complimentary supper’ in 1928.

Three scarce items, with no other copies traced. All three carry the Club’s badge. The 1929 menu is in good condition; the other two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The two ‘Christmas Supper’ menus are uniform in layout. Each is printed on an 8vo piece of white card, with the same photograph of ‘J. Windsor Burgess as Father Christmas’ on one side and the menu on the other. (The menus differ and are dated.) Each menu is wrapped in a grey-paper 8vo bifolium, printed on all four sides. The Menu for 19 December 1927 states on the cover: ‘J. H. Brocklehurst, Esq.

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