MS. Minutes of 'the meeting of the Naval and Military Bible Society, at the Kings Concert Rooms Hay Market'

[M. Montagu[e], Capt., R.N.?]
 Naval and Military Bible Society
Publication details: 
[London], May 1817
SKU: 10192

Two pages, oblong folio, folded, good condition. The writer of this manuscript reveals that Lord Gambier was in the Chair and then summarises what various people contributed to the discussion, columnising names then summary. He lists: Lord Gambier, Rev. Tho. King, Captain Pakenham R.N., Chas. Henty (Quebec), The Bishop of London, The Bishop of Gloucester, The Chaplain to the Royal Artillery- Quebec, A Lieut. of the Bengal Artillery just returned on sick leave, Revd Basil Wood, Captain Montague R.N., Major General Neville, Thos. Babington Esq., M.P., Benj. Shaw Esq., M.P., Willm. Wilberforce Esq., M.P., Rev. Geo. Clayton, Prince [Katageric?] of Germany. To exemplify contents: Tho. King said little to the purpose; The Bishop of London stated he was pressed for time and said but a few unintelligent words; The Lieut stated the great progress that was making in most parts of India in the Knowledge of the Word of God; Rev. Basil Wood attributes the better behaviour of the lower class to the distribution of the Bible, meaning fewer trials at the Old Bailie [sic]; Captain Montagu[e] R.N. Stated that it was generally acknowledged by the First officers in the British Navy that in those ships w[h]ere the Bible was most read they were in the best order, and the most ready to meet an Enemy ...; William Wilberforce his comments were truly excellent indeed. Not in the hand of the Secretary, John M. Close, but the page on to which a letter of Close's is tipped in (BL .Add. 38266 f. 212) also sports a card announcing a meeting of the Society (1817) which lists Close and Montagu, the latter becoming a candidate for minute-writer. Barely any papers have survived relating to this obviously influential Society, given its membership.