Autograph Letter Signed ('N. Hale jr.') from the newspaper editor Nathan Hale junior to the Springfield attorney Henry Vose.

Nathan Hale junior (1784-1863), American journalist and editor, associated with the Weekly Messenger, the Boston Daily Advertiser, the North American Review and the Christian Examiner [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
23 Court Street, Boston; 7 September 1841.

1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of the second addressed by Hale to 'Henry Vose jr. Esq | Counsellor at Law | Springfield | Mass', and carrying Hale's red wax seal, broken into two parts, and a red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Hale writes that he is enclosing 'the sum with which you were so kind as to accommodate me last week - I don't know how I should have "got along" without it'. 'I have no news for you to-day, as our steamer has not yet arrived, and I dare not venture uponn the vast perturbed sea of our politics'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. G. Holland') from the American author Josiah Gilbert Howard ('Timothy Titcomb'), editor of the Springfield Republican, to 'Mr Vose' [Henry Vose]. With a copy of M. Eaton's 1879 portrait of Holland.

Josiah Gilbert Holland ['Timothy Titcomb'] (1819-1881), American novelist, poet and editor of the Springfield Republican [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
Republican Office, Springfield, Massachusetts; 21 April [1857].

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He asks 'what good reason was there for indefinitely postponing the Republican Convention. It seems like a queer move up this way, and my neighbor of the Hampshire Gazette is pitching in'. He regrets that Vose is 'going away' and is 'not going to see the libel case through'. From the papers of Henry Vose. The portrait of Holland (extracted from The Magazine of Poetry, 1890) is in good condition, neatly presented and lightly attached to a paper mount.

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