[A Dickens Fellowship dinner in wartime London.] Autograph Signatures of James Agate, Walter Dexter, Humphrey House and Lewis B. Frewer to menu for dinner celebrating the ‘130th Anniversary of the Birthday of Charles Dickens’.

James Agate (1877-1947), diarist and theatre critic; Walter Dexter; Humphrey House, Louis B. Frewer, Superintendent of Rhodes House Library, Oxford; Dickens Fellowship
Publication details: 
‘Holborn Restaurant [London] 7th February 1942’.
SKU: 23980

It seems extraordinary that they were able to pull this off during wartime restrictions, and Dickens would have relished the shabby-genteelness of it. The menu is shakily printed in a faded blue on a 10 x 16.5 cm piece of cream card, with rounded edges. At foot: ‘Holborn Restaurant 7th February 1942’. The menu is headed: ‘THE DICKENS FELLOWSHIP / 130th Anniversary of the / Birthday of Charles Dickens / Chairman: WALTER DEXTER, Vice-President / Speakers: HUMPHREY HOUSE, JAMES AGATE’. The description of the fare follows in silk-purse style: ‘Hors-d’Œuvre / - / Potage Garbure / Poisson poché Boistelle / Choux de Bruxelles / Pommes Vapeur / - / Bombe glacée Fraisette / Gaufrettes / - / Café’. The four signatures are as follows. At top right: ‘Louis B. Frewer’. In right-hand margin: ‘Humphrey House.’ And in left hand margin: ‘James Agate.’ and ‘Walter Dexter’. See image.