Autograph Letter Signed C Bemont [Charles Bemont, French scholar and autograph-collector] to unnamed correspondent [M. Kirkaldy, ref. to Madame Kirkaldy within], with Alfred Dreyfus calling card and autograph message and his own card with message

Charles Bemont, French scholar and autograph-collector [Alfred Dreyfus message on calling card]
ALS Charles Bemont, French scholar & Dreyfus calling card message
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 9 Rue du Condé, 27 Oct. 1902.
SKU: 9359

Four pages, 12mo (letter), all items in good condition. He will fulfil his promise of some autograph letters, le plus notable et vivid, which had been relegated to the country but retrieved the day before. He describes a Michelet manuscript, notes taken après la lecture d'un ouvrage de M. Dupanloup before he became bishop. He discusses Dupanloup's character and achievements at length. He continues J'ajoute une lettre . . . Saul Meyer [NOT present] et une carte de visite . . . adressée par le capitaine (ou ex-capitaine) Alfred Dreyfus, il y a un an environ, c'est à dire depuis qu'il a été remis en liberté. He then refers to Madame Kirkaldy [correspondent's wife presumably] perhaps being reminded by the autographs of the bibliothécaire français she met at the Bodley (Oxford) when she was expecting her third child. He recalls other Oxford experiences of the time (dining at Christ Church etc) and hopes for a meeting to parler de vos Normands. WITH: Calling card of Alfred Dreyfus (name printed centre) with message under printed name in Dreyfus's hand, remercie vivement Mr Bemont de som aimable proposition, mais il est inutile de faire faire un tirage a part de | [reverse of card] l'article, puisqu'il l'aura dans la Revue Historiques. Also with: Calling card of Bemont himself, with message [to M. Kirkaldy - another mention of Madame] in his hand, 22 déc. 1902. Cher Monsieur | Voici pour ajouter à votre collection d'autographs. C'est une lettre de grand peintre français, Jules Breton [NOT present] . . . [described, then promising more].