[The Ranyard Mission: district nursing in London.] Printed pamphlet: 'The District Nurses of the Biblewomen & Nurses Mission. 2, Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C. Report, 1894.' [With 'Notes' of eight medical cases.]

Ranyard Mission [Biblewomen & Nurses Mission, founded by Ellen Henrietta Ranyard as London Bible and Domestic Female Mission]; her neice Emily Selfe Leonard; Mercers Company; London district nursing
Publication details: 
[The Biblewomen & Nurses Mission [Ranyard Mission], 2 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C., London. 1894.] Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C.

The Biblewomen & Nurses Mission was founded as the London Bible and Domestic Female Mission in 1857, with the aim of bringing religious education to the poor. See the account of the founder Ellen Henrietta Ranyard (1810-1879) in the Oxford DNB. In 1868, Ranyard expanded the organisation to include the nursing of the sick poor in their own homes, in response to what the 'Biblewomen' saw of the sick, and three years later the Mission began to receive support from the Mercers Company. After Ranyard's death she was succeeded as Hon.

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